{ "test-email.subject": "測試郵件", "password-reset-requested": "已申請密碼重設!", "welcome-to": "歡迎來到 %1", "invite": "來自%1的邀請", "greeting_no_name": "您好", "greeting_with_name": "%1,您好", "email.verify-your-email.subject": "請驗證你的電子信箱", "email.verify.text1": "You've requested that we change or confirm your email address", "email.verify.text2": "For security purposes, we only change or confirm the email address on file once its ownership has been confirmed via email. If you did not request this, no action is required on your part.", "email.verify.text3": "Once you confirm this email address, we will replace your current email address with this one (%1).", "welcome.text1": "感謝您註冊 %1 帳戶!", "welcome.text2": "在您驗證您綁定的郵件地址之後,您的帳戶才能啟用。", "welcome.text3": "管理員批准了您的註冊申請,現在您可以登入您的帳戶了。", "welcome.cta": "點擊這裡確認您的電子郵件地址", "invitation.text1": "%1 邀請您加入 %2", "invitation.text2": "您的邀請將在 %1 天後過期。", "invitation.cta": "點擊這裡新建帳戶", "reset.text1": "很可能是您忘記了密碼,我們收到了重設您帳戶密碼的申請。 如果您沒有申請密碼重設,請忽略這封郵件。", "reset.text2": "如需繼續重設密碼,請點擊下面的連結:", "reset.cta": "點擊這裡重設您的密碼", "reset.notify.subject": "更改密碼成功", "reset.notify.text1": "您在 %1 上的密碼已經成功修改。", "reset.notify.text2": "如果您沒有授權此操作,請立即聯繫管理員。", "digest.latest_topics": "來自 %1 的最新主題", "digest.top-topics": "Top topics from %1", "digest.popular-topics": "Popular topics from %1", "digest.cta": "點擊這裡訪問 %1", "digest.unsub.info": "根據您的訂閱設定,為您發送此摘要。", "digest.day": "天", "digest.week": "周", "digest.month": "月", "digest.subject": "%1 的摘要", "digest.title.day": "您的每日摘要", "digest.title.week": "您的每週摘要", "digest.title.month": "您的每月摘要", "notif.chat.subject": "收到來自 %1 的新聊天訊息", "notif.chat.cta": "點擊這裡繼續聊天", "notif.chat.unsub.info": "根據您的訂閱設定,為您發送此聊天提醒。", "notif.post.unsub.info": "根據您的訂閱設定,為您發送此回覆提醒。", "notif.post.unsub.one-click": "或者通過點擊來取消訂閱郵件", "notif.cta": "點擊這裡前往論壇", "notif.cta-new-reply": "查看貼文", "notif.cta-new-chat": "查看聊天", "notif.test.short": "測試通知", "notif.test.long": "這是一個測試的通知郵件。", "test.text1": "這是一封測試郵件,用來驗證 NodeBB 的郵件設定是否正確。", "unsub.cta": "點擊這裡修改這些設定", "unsubscribe": "退訂", "unsub.success": "您將不再收到來自%1郵寄名單的郵件", "banned.subject": "您在 %1 的帳戶已被停權", "banned.text1": "您在 %2 的帳戶 %1 已被停權。", "banned.text2": "本次停權將在 %1 結束。", "banned.text3": "這是您被停權的原因:", "closing": "謝謝!" }