define(function() { var Notifications = {}; Notifications.prepareDOM = function() { var notifContainer = $('.notifications'), notifTrigger = notifContainer.children('a'), notifList = $('#notif-list'), notifIcon = $('.notifications a i'); notifTrigger.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!notifContainer.hasClass('open')) { socket.emit('notifications.get', null, function(err, data) { var numRead =, numUnread = data.unread.length, x; notifList.html(''); if (!err && ( + data.unread.length) > 0) { for (x = 0; x < numUnread; x++) { notifList.append($('
  • ' + utils.relativeTime(data.unread[x].datetime, true) + '' + data.unread[x].text + '
  • ')); } for (x = 0; x < numRead; x++) { notifList.append($('
  • ' + utils.relativeTime([x].datetime, true) + '' +[x].text + '
  • ')); } } else { notifList.append($('
  • You have no notifications
  • ')); } notifList.append($('')); updateNotifCount(data.unread.length); socket.emit('modules.notifications.mark_all_read', null, function(err) { if (!err) { updateNotifCount(0); } }); }); } }); var updateNotifCount = function(count) { if (count > 0) { notifIcon.removeClass('fa-bell-o').addClass('fa-bell'); } else { notifIcon.removeClass('fa-bell').addClass('fa-bell-o'); } notifIcon.toggleClass('unread-count', count > 0); notifIcon.attr('data-content', count > 20 ? '20+' : count); Tinycon.setBubble(count); localStorage.setItem('notifications:count', count); }; socket.emit('notifications.getCount', function(err, count) { if (!err) { updateNotifCount(count); } else { updateNotifCount(0); } }); socket.on('event:new_notification', function() { app.alert({ alert_id: 'new_notif', title: 'New notification', message: 'You have unread notifications.', type: 'warning', timeout: 2000 }); app.refreshTitle(); if (ajaxify.currentPage === 'notifications') { ajaxify.refresh(); } var savedCount = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('notifications:count'), 10) || 0; updateNotifCount(savedCount + 1); }); socket.on('event:notifications.updateCount', function(count) { updateNotifCount(count); }); }; return Notifications; });