'use strict'; /*global require*/ var assert = require('assert'); var translator = require('../public/src/modules/translator.js'); describe('Translator', function(){ describe('.translate()', function(){ it('should handle basic translations', function(done) { translator.translate('[[global:home]]', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, 'Home'); done(); }); }); it('should handle language keys in regular text', function(done) { translator.translate('Let\'s go [[global:home]]', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, 'Let\'s go Home'); done(); }); }); it('should accept a language parameter and adjust accordingly', function(done) { translator.translate('[[global:home]]', 'de', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, 'Übersicht'); done(); }); }); it('should handle language keys in regular text with another language specified', function(done) { translator.translate('[[global:home]] test', 'de', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, 'Übersicht test'); done(); }); }); it('should handle language keys with parameters', function(done) { translator.translate('[[global:pagination.out_of, 1, 5]]', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, '1 out of 5'); done(); }); }); it('should handle language keys inside language keys', function(done) { translator.translate('[[notifications:outgoing_link_message, [[global:guest]]]]', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, 'You are now leaving Guest'); done(); }); }); it('should handle language keys inside language keys with multiple parameters', function(done) { translator.translate('[[notifications:user_posted_to, [[global:guest]], My Topic]]', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, 'Guest has posted a reply to: My Topic'); done(); }); }); it('should handle language keys inside language keys with all parameters as language keys', function(done) { translator.translate('[[notifications:user_posted_to, [[global:guest]], [[global:guest]]]]', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, 'Guest has posted a reply to: Guest'); done(); }); }); it('should properly handle parameters that contain square brackets', function(done) { translator.translate('[[global:pagination.out_of, [guest], [[global:home]]]]', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, '[guest] out of Home'); done(); }); }); it('should properly handle parameters that contain parentheses', function(done) { translator.translate('[[global:pagination.out_of, (foobar), [[global:home]]]]', function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, '(foobar) out of Home'); done(); }); }); it('should not translate language key parameters with HTML in them', function(done) { var key = '[[global:403.login, test]]'; translator.translate(key, function(translated) { assert.strictEqual(translated, 'Perhaps you should try logging in?'); done(); }); }); }); });