/* string.js - Copyright (C) 2012-2013, JP Richardson */ !(function() { "use strict"; var VERSION = '1.8.0'; var ENTITIES = {}; //****************************************************************************** // Added an initialize function which is essentially the code from the S // constructor. Now, the S constructor calls this and a new method named // setValue calls it as well. The setValue function allows constructors for // modules that extend string.js to set the initial value of an object without // knowing the internal workings of string.js. // // Also, all methods which return a new S object now call: // // return new this.constructor(s); // // instead of: // // return new S(s); // // This allows extended objects to keep their proper instanceOf and constructor. //****************************************************************************** function initialize (object, s) { if (s !== null && s !== undefined) { if (typeof s === 'string') object.s = s; else object.s = s.toString(); } else { object.s = s; //null or undefined } object.orig = s; //original object, currently only used by toCSV() and toBoolean() if (s !== null && s !== undefined) { if (object.__defineGetter__) { object.__defineGetter__('length', function() { return object.s.length; }) } else { object.length = s.length; } } else { object.length = -1; } } function S(s) { initialize(this, s); } var __nsp = String.prototype; var __sp = S.prototype = { between: function(left, right) { var s = this.s; var startPos = s.indexOf(left); var endPos = s.indexOf(right, startPos + left.length); if (endPos == -1 && right != null) return new this.constructor('') else if (endPos == -1 && right == null) return new this.constructor(s.substring(startPos + left.length)) else return new this.constructor(s.slice(startPos + left.length, endPos)); }, //# modified slightly from https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string camelize: function() { var s = this.trim().s.replace(/(\-|_|\s)+(.)?/g, function(mathc, sep, c) { return (c ? c.toUpperCase() : ''); }); return new this.constructor(s); }, capitalize: function() { return new this.constructor(this.s.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.s.substring(1).toLowerCase()); }, charAt: function(index) { return this.s.charAt(index); }, chompLeft: function(prefix) { var s = this.s; if (s.indexOf(prefix) === 0) { s = s.slice(prefix.length); return new this.constructor(s); } else { return this; } }, chompRight: function(suffix) { if (this.endsWith(suffix)) { var s = this.s; s = s.slice(0, s.length - suffix.length); return new this.constructor(s); } else { return this; } }, //#thanks Google collapseWhitespace: function() { var s = this.s.replace(/[\s\xa0]+/g, ' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); return new this.constructor(s); }, contains: function(ss) { return this.s.indexOf(ss) >= 0; }, count: function(ss) { var count = 0 , pos = this.s.indexOf(ss) while (pos >= 0) { count += 1 pos = this.s.indexOf(ss, pos + 1) } return count }, //#modified from https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string dasherize: function() { var s = this.trim().s.replace(/[_\s]+/g, '-').replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').replace(/-+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); return new this.constructor(s); }, decodeHtmlEntities: function() { //https://github.com/substack/node-ent/blob/master/index.js var s = this.s; s = s.replace(/&#(\d+);?/g, function (_, code) { return String.fromCharCode(code); }) .replace(/&#[xX]([A-Fa-f0-9]+);?/g, function (_, hex) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)); }) .replace(/&([^;\W]+;?)/g, function (m, e) { var ee = e.replace(/;$/, ''); var target = ENTITIES[e] || (e.match(/;$/) && ENTITIES[ee]); if (typeof target === 'number') { return String.fromCharCode(target); } else if (typeof target === 'string') { return target; } else { return m; } }) return new this.constructor(s); }, endsWith: function(suffix) { var l = this.s.length - suffix.length; return l >= 0 && this.s.indexOf(suffix, l) === l; }, escapeHTML: function() { //from underscore.string return new this.constructor(this.s.replace(/[&<>"']/g, function(m){ return '&' + reversedEscapeChars[m] + ';'; })); }, ensureLeft: function(prefix) { var s = this.s; if (s.indexOf(prefix) === 0) { return this; } else { return new this.constructor(prefix + s); } }, ensureRight: function(suffix) { var s = this.s; if (this.endsWith(suffix)) { return this; } else { return new this.constructor(s + suffix); } }, humanize: function() { //modified from underscore.string if (this.s === null || this.s === undefined) return new this.constructor('') var s = this.underscore().replace(/_id$/,'').replace(/_/g, ' ').trim().capitalize() return new this.constructor(s) }, isAlpha: function() { return !/[^a-z\xC0-\xFF]/.test(this.s.toLowerCase()); }, isAlphaNumeric: function() { return !/[^0-9a-z\xC0-\xFF]/.test(this.s.toLowerCase()); }, isEmpty: function() { return this.s === null || this.s === undefined ? true : /^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(this.s); }, isLower: function() { return this.isAlpha() && this.s.toLowerCase() === this.s; }, isNumeric: function() { return !/[^0-9]/.test(this.s); }, isUpper: function() { return this.isAlpha() && this.s.toUpperCase() === this.s; }, left: function(N) { if (N >= 0) { var s = this.s.substr(0, N); return new this.constructor(s); } else { return this.right(-N); } }, lines: function() { //convert windows newlines to unix newlines then convert to an Array of lines return this.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n').s.split('\n'); }, pad: function(len, ch) { //https://github.com/component/pad if (ch == null) ch = ' '; if (this.s.length >= len) return new this.constructor(this.s); len = len - this.s.length; var left = Array(Math.ceil(len / 2) + 1).join(ch); var right = Array(Math.floor(len / 2) + 1).join(ch); return new this.constructor(left + this.s + right); }, padLeft: function(len, ch) { //https://github.com/component/pad if (ch == null) ch = ' '; if (this.s.length >= len) return new this.constructor(this.s); return new this.constructor(Array(len - this.s.length + 1).join(ch) + this.s); }, padRight: function(len, ch) { //https://github.com/component/pad if (ch == null) ch = ' '; if (this.s.length >= len) return new this.constructor(this.s); return new this.constructor(this.s + Array(len - this.s.length + 1).join(ch)); }, parseCSV: function(delimiter, qualifier, escape, lineDelimiter) { //try to parse no matter what delimiter = delimiter || ','; escape = escape || '\\' if (typeof qualifier == 'undefined') qualifier = '"'; var i = 0, fieldBuffer = [], fields = [], len = this.s.length, inField = false, self = this; var ca = function(i){return self.s.charAt(i)}; if (typeof lineDelimiter !== 'undefined') var rows = []; if (!qualifier) inField = true; while (i < len) { var current = ca(i); switch (current) { case escape: //fix for issues #32 and #35 if (inField && ((escape !== qualifier) || ca(i+1) === qualifier)) { i += 1; fieldBuffer.push(ca(i)); break; } if (escape !== qualifier) break; case qualifier: inField = !inField; break; case delimiter: if (inField && qualifier) fieldBuffer.push(current); else { fields.push(fieldBuffer.join('')) fieldBuffer.length = 0; } break; case lineDelimiter: if (inField) { fieldBuffer.push(current); } else { if (rows) { fields.push(fieldBuffer.join('')) rows.push(fields); fields = []; fieldBuffer.length = 0; } } break; default: if (inField) fieldBuffer.push(current); break; } i += 1; } fields.push(fieldBuffer.join('')); if (rows) { rows.push(fields); return rows; } return fields; }, replaceAll: function(ss, r) { //var s = this.s.replace(new RegExp(ss, 'g'), r); var s = this.s.split(ss).join(r) return new this.constructor(s); }, right: function(N) { if (N >= 0) { var s = this.s.substr(this.s.length - N, N); return new this.constructor(s); } else { return this.left(-N); } }, setValue: function (s) { initialize(this, s); return this; }, slugify: function() { var sl = (new S(this.s.replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, '').toLowerCase())).dasherize().s; if (sl.charAt(0) === '-') sl = sl.substr(1); return new this.constructor(sl); }, startsWith: function(prefix) { return this.s.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0; }, stripPunctuation: function() { //return new this.constructor(this.s.replace(/[\.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]/g,"")); return new this.constructor(this.s.replace(/[^\w\s]|_/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ")); }, stripTags: function() { //from sugar.js var s = this.s, args = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments : ['']; multiArgs(args, function(tag) { s = s.replace(RegExp('<\/?' + tag + '[^<>]*>', 'gi'), ''); }); return new this.constructor(s); }, template: function(values, opening, closing) { var s = this.s var opening = opening || Export.TMPL_OPEN var closing = closing || Export.TMPL_CLOSE var open = opening.replace(/[-[\]()*\s]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\$/g, '\\$') var close = closing.replace(/[-[\]()*\s]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\$/g, '\\$') var r = new RegExp(open + '(.+?)' + close, 'g') //, r = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g var matches = s.match(r) || []; matches.forEach(function(match) { var key = match.substring(opening.length, match.length - closing.length);//chop {{ and }} if (typeof values[key] != 'undefined') s = s.replace(match, values[key]); }); return new this.constructor(s); }, times: function(n) { return new this.constructor(new Array(n + 1).join(this.s)); }, toBoolean: function() { if (typeof this.orig === 'string') { var s = this.s.toLowerCase(); return s === 'true' || s === 'yes' || s === 'on' || s === '1'; } else return this.orig === true || this.orig === 1; }, toFloat: function(precision) { var num = parseFloat(this.s) if (precision) return parseFloat(num.toFixed(precision)) else return num }, toInt: function() { //thanks Google // If the string starts with '0x' or '-0x', parse as hex. return /^\s*-?0x/i.test(this.s) ? parseInt(this.s, 16) : parseInt(this.s, 10) }, trim: function() { var s; if (typeof __nsp.trim === 'undefined') s = this.s.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, '') else s = this.s.trim() return new this.constructor(s); }, trimLeft: function() { var s; if (__nsp.trimLeft) s = this.s.trimLeft(); else s = this.s.replace(/(^\s*)/g, ''); return new this.constructor(s); }, trimRight: function() { var s; if (__nsp.trimRight) s = this.s.trimRight(); else s = this.s.replace(/\s+$/, ''); return new this.constructor(s); }, truncate: function(length, pruneStr) { //from underscore.string, author: github.com/rwz var str = this.s; length = ~~length; pruneStr = pruneStr || '...'; if (str.length <= length) return new this.constructor(str); var tmpl = function(c){ return c.toUpperCase() !== c.toLowerCase() ? 'A' : ' '; }, template = str.slice(0, length+1).replace(/.(?=\W*\w*$)/g, tmpl); // 'Hello, world' -> 'HellAA AAAAA' if (template.slice(template.length-2).match(/\w\w/)) template = template.replace(/\s*\S+$/, ''); else template = new S(template.slice(0, template.length-1)).trimRight().s; return (template+pruneStr).length > str.length ? new S(str) : new S(str.slice(0, template.length)+pruneStr); }, toCSV: function() { var delim = ',', qualifier = '"', escape = '\\', encloseNumbers = true, keys = false; var dataArray = []; function hasVal(it) { return it !== null && it !== ''; } if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object') { delim = arguments[0].delimiter || delim; delim = arguments[0].separator || delim; qualifier = arguments[0].qualifier || qualifier; encloseNumbers = !!arguments[0].encloseNumbers; escape = arguments[0].escape || escape; keys = !!arguments[0].keys; } else if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string') { delim = arguments[0]; } if (typeof arguments[1] === 'string') qualifier = arguments[1]; if (arguments[1] === null) qualifier = null; if (this.orig instanceof Array) dataArray = this.orig; else { //object for (var key in this.orig) if (this.orig.hasOwnProperty(key)) if (keys) dataArray.push(key); else dataArray.push(this.orig[key]); } var rep = escape + qualifier; var buildString = []; for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; ++i) { var shouldQualify = hasVal(qualifier) if (typeof dataArray[i] == 'number') shouldQualify &= encloseNumbers; if (shouldQualify) buildString.push(qualifier); if (dataArray[i] !== null && dataArray[i] !== undefined) { var d = new S(dataArray[i]).replaceAll(qualifier, rep).s; buildString.push(d); } else buildString.push('') if (shouldQualify) buildString.push(qualifier); if (delim) buildString.push(delim); } //chop last delim //console.log(buildString.length) buildString.length = buildString.length - 1; return new this.constructor(buildString.join('')); }, toString: function() { return this.s; }, //#modified from https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string underscore: function() { var s = this.trim().s.replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z]+)/g, '$1_$2').replace(/[-\s]+/g, '_').toLowerCase(); if ((new S(this.s.charAt(0))).isUpper()) { s = '_' + s; } return new this.constructor(s); }, unescapeHTML: function() { //from underscore.string return new this.constructor(this.s.replace(/\&([^;]+);/g, function(entity, entityCode){ var match; if (entityCode in escapeChars) { return escapeChars[entityCode]; } else if (match = entityCode.match(/^#x([\da-fA-F]+)$/)) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(match[1], 16)); } else if (match = entityCode.match(/^#(\d+)$/)) { return String.fromCharCode(~~match[1]); } else { return entity; } })); }, valueOf: function() { return this.s.valueOf(); } } var methodsAdded = []; function extendPrototype() { for (var name in __sp) { (function(name){ var func = __sp[name]; if (!__nsp.hasOwnProperty(name)) { methodsAdded.push(name); __nsp[name] = function() { String.prototype.s = this; return func.apply(this, arguments); } } })(name); } } function restorePrototype() { for (var i = 0; i < methodsAdded.length; ++i) delete String.prototype[methodsAdded[i]]; methodsAdded.length = 0; } /************************************* /* Attach Native JavaScript String Properties /*************************************/ var nativeProperties = getNativeStringProperties(); for (var name in nativeProperties) { (function(name) { var stringProp = __nsp[name]; if (typeof stringProp == 'function') { //console.log(stringProp) if (!__sp[name]) { if (nativeProperties[name] === 'string') { __sp[name] = function() { //console.log(name) return new this.constructor(stringProp.apply(this, arguments)); } } else { __sp[name] = stringProp; } } } })(name); } /************************************* /* Function Aliases /*************************************/ __sp.repeat = __sp.times; __sp.include = __sp.contains; __sp.toInteger = __sp.toInt; __sp.toBool = __sp.toBoolean; __sp.decodeHTMLEntities = __sp.decodeHtmlEntities //ensure consistent casing scheme of 'HTML' //****************************************************************************** // Set the constructor. Without this, string.js objects are instances of // Object instead of S. //****************************************************************************** __sp.constructor = S; /************************************* /* Private Functions /*************************************/ function getNativeStringProperties() { var names = getNativeStringPropertyNames(); var retObj = {}; for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { var name = names[i]; var func = __nsp[name]; try { var type = typeof func.apply('teststring', []); retObj[name] = type; } catch (e) {} } return retObj; } function getNativeStringPropertyNames() { var results = []; if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames) { results = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(__nsp); results.splice(results.indexOf('valueOf'), 1); results.splice(results.indexOf('toString'), 1); return results; } else { //meant for legacy cruft, this could probably be made more efficient var stringNames = {}; var objectNames = []; for (var name in String.prototype) stringNames[name] = name; for (var name in Object.prototype) delete stringNames[name]; //stringNames['toString'] = 'toString'; //this was deleted with the rest of the object names for (var name in stringNames) { results.push(name); } return results; } } function Export(str) { return new S(str); }; //attach exports to StringJSWrapper Export.extendPrototype = extendPrototype; Export.restorePrototype = restorePrototype; Export.VERSION = VERSION; Export.TMPL_OPEN = '{{'; Export.TMPL_CLOSE = '}}'; Export.ENTITIES = ENTITIES; /************************************* /* Exports /*************************************/ if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = Export; } else { if(typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define('src/modules/string', [], function() { return Export; }); } else { window.S = Export; } } /************************************* /* 3rd Party Private Functions /*************************************/ //from sugar.js function multiArgs(args, fn) { var result = [], i; for(i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { result.push(args[i]); if(fn) fn.call(args, args[i], i); } return result; } //from underscore.string var escapeChars = { lt: '<', gt: '>', quot: '"', apos: "'", amp: '&' }; //from underscore.string var reversedEscapeChars = {}; for(var key in escapeChars){ reversedEscapeChars[escapeChars[key]] = key; } ENTITIES = { "amp" : "&", "gt" : ">", "lt" : "<", "quot" : "\"", "apos" : "'", "AElig" : 198, "Aacute" : 193, "Acirc" : 194, "Agrave" : 192, "Aring" : 197, "Atilde" : 195, "Auml" : 196, "Ccedil" : 199, "ETH" : 208, "Eacute" : 201, "Ecirc" : 202, "Egrave" : 200, "Euml" : 203, "Iacute" : 205, "Icirc" : 206, "Igrave" : 204, "Iuml" : 207, "Ntilde" : 209, "Oacute" : 211, "Ocirc" : 212, "Ograve" : 210, "Oslash" : 216, "Otilde" : 213, "Ouml" : 214, "THORN" : 222, "Uacute" : 218, "Ucirc" : 219, "Ugrave" : 217, "Uuml" : 220, "Yacute" : 221, "aacute" : 225, "acirc" : 226, "aelig" : 230, "agrave" : 224, "aring" : 229, "atilde" : 227, "auml" : 228, "ccedil" : 231, "eacute" : 233, "ecirc" : 234, "egrave" : 232, "eth" : 240, "euml" : 235, "iacute" : 237, "icirc" : 238, "igrave" : 236, "iuml" : 239, "ntilde" : 241, "oacute" : 243, "ocirc" : 244, "ograve" : 242, "oslash" : 248, "otilde" : 245, "ouml" : 246, "szlig" : 223, "thorn" : 254, "uacute" : 250, "ucirc" : 251, "ugrave" : 249, "uuml" : 252, "yacute" : 253, "yuml" : 255, "copy" : 169, "reg" : 174, "nbsp" : 160, "iexcl" : 161, "cent" : 162, "pound" : 163, "curren" : 164, "yen" : 165, "brvbar" : 166, "sect" : 167, "uml" : 168, "ordf" : 170, "laquo" : 171, "not" : 172, "shy" : 173, "macr" : 175, "deg" : 176, "plusmn" : 177, "sup1" : 185, "sup2" : 178, "sup3" : 179, "acute" : 180, "micro" : 181, "para" : 182, "middot" : 183, "cedil" : 184, "ordm" : 186, "raquo" : 187, "frac14" : 188, "frac12" : 189, "frac34" : 190, "iquest" : 191, "times" : 215, "divide" : 247, "OElig;" : 338, "oelig;" : 339, "Scaron;" : 352, "scaron;" : 353, "Yuml;" : 376, "fnof;" : 402, "circ;" : 710, "tilde;" : 732, "Alpha;" : 913, "Beta;" : 914, "Gamma;" : 915, "Delta;" : 916, "Epsilon;" : 917, "Zeta;" : 918, "Eta;" : 919, "Theta;" : 920, "Iota;" : 921, "Kappa;" : 922, "Lambda;" : 923, "Mu;" : 924, "Nu;" : 925, "Xi;" : 926, "Omicron;" : 927, "Pi;" : 928, "Rho;" : 929, "Sigma;" : 931, "Tau;" : 932, "Upsilon;" : 933, "Phi;" : 934, "Chi;" : 935, "Psi;" : 936, "Omega;" : 937, "alpha;" : 945, "beta;" : 946, "gamma;" : 947, "delta;" : 948, "epsilon;" : 949, "zeta;" : 950, "eta;" : 951, "theta;" : 952, "iota;" : 953, "kappa;" : 954, "lambda;" : 955, "mu;" : 956, "nu;" : 957, "xi;" : 958, "omicron;" : 959, "pi;" : 960, "rho;" : 961, "sigmaf;" : 962, "sigma;" : 963, "tau;" : 964, "upsilon;" : 965, "phi;" : 966, "chi;" : 967, "psi;" : 968, "omega;" : 969, "thetasym;" : 977, "upsih;" : 978, "piv;" : 982, "ensp;" : 8194, "emsp;" : 8195, "thinsp;" : 8201, "zwnj;" : 8204, "zwj;" : 8205, "lrm;" : 8206, "rlm;" : 8207, "ndash;" : 8211, "mdash;" : 8212, "lsquo;" : 8216, "rsquo;" : 8217, "sbquo;" : 8218, "ldquo;" : 8220, "rdquo;" : 8221, "bdquo;" : 8222, "dagger;" : 8224, "Dagger;" : 8225, "bull;" : 8226, "hellip;" : 8230, "permil;" : 8240, "prime;" : 8242, "Prime;" : 8243, "lsaquo;" : 8249, "rsaquo;" : 8250, "oline;" : 8254, "frasl;" : 8260, "euro;" : 8364, "image;" : 8465, "weierp;" : 8472, "real;" : 8476, "trade;" : 8482, "alefsym;" : 8501, "larr;" : 8592, "uarr;" : 8593, "rarr;" : 8594, "darr;" : 8595, "harr;" : 8596, "crarr;" : 8629, "lArr;" : 8656, "uArr;" : 8657, "rArr;" : 8658, "dArr;" : 8659, "hArr;" : 8660, "forall;" : 8704, "part;" : 8706, "exist;" : 8707, "empty;" : 8709, "nabla;" : 8711, "isin;" : 8712, "notin;" : 8713, "ni;" : 8715, "prod;" : 8719, "sum;" : 8721, "minus;" : 8722, "lowast;" : 8727, "radic;" : 8730, "prop;" : 8733, "infin;" : 8734, "ang;" : 8736, "and;" : 8743, "or;" : 8744, "cap;" : 8745, "cup;" : 8746, "int;" : 8747, "there4;" : 8756, "sim;" : 8764, "cong;" : 8773, "asymp;" : 8776, "ne;" : 8800, "equiv;" : 8801, "le;" : 8804, "ge;" : 8805, "sub;" : 8834, "sup;" : 8835, "nsub;" : 8836, "sube;" : 8838, "supe;" : 8839, "oplus;" : 8853, "otimes;" : 8855, "perp;" : 8869, "sdot;" : 8901, "lceil;" : 8968, "rceil;" : 8969, "lfloor;" : 8970, "rfloor;" : 8971, "lang;" : 9001, "rang;" : 9002, "loz;" : 9674, "spades;" : 9824, "clubs;" : 9827, "hearts;" : 9829, "diams;" : 9830 } }).call(this);