{ "chat.chatting_with": "Charla con ", "chat.placeholder": "Escribe aquí a mensaxe, pulsa intro para enviar", "chat.send": "Enviar", "chat.no_active": "Non tes charlas activas.", "chat.user_typing": "%1 está a escribir...", "chat.user_has_messaged_you": "%1 enviouche unha mensaxe.", "chat.see_all": "Ver tódalas chamadas", "chat.no-messages": "Por favor, seleccione un destinatario para ver o historial das mensaxes ", "chat.recent-chats": "Charlas Recentes", "chat.contacts": "Contactos", "chat.message-history": "Historial de mensaxes", "chat.pop-out": "Marchar do chat", "chat.maximize": "Agrandar", "chat.seven_days": "7 Días", "chat.thirty_days": "30 Días", "chat.three_months": "3 Meses", "composer.compose": "Elaborar", "composer.show_preview": "Amosar vista previa", "composer.hide_preview": "Agochar vista previa", "composer.user_said_in": "%1 dixo en %2", "composer.user_said": "%1 dixo:", "composer.discard": "Estás seguro de que queres desfacer esta publicación?", "composer.submit_and_lock": "Enviar e bloquear", "composer.toggle_dropdown": "Alternar despregable", "composer.uploading": "Subindo %1", "bootbox.ok": "De acordo", "bootbox.cancel": "Cancelar", "bootbox.confirm": "Confirmar", "cover.dragging_title": "Cover Photo Positioning", "cover.dragging_message": "Drag the cover photo to the desired position and click \"Save\"", "cover.saved": "Cover photo image and position saved" }