"maintenance-mode": "Apkopes režīms",
"maintenance-mode.help": "Kad forums atrodas apkopes režīmā, visa piekļuve tiks novirzīta uz statisku lapu. Uz administratoriem neattiecas šī novirzīšana un viņi var piekļūt vietnei kā parasti.",
"maintenance-mode.status": "Maintenance Mode Status Code",
"maintenance-mode.message": "Apkopes paziņojums",
"headers": "Iezīmes",
"headers.allow-from": "Iestatīt ALLOW-FROM, lai atļautu NodeBB ievietot iFrame",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors": "Set Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors header to Place NodeBB in an iFrame",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors-help": "'none', 'self'(default) or list of URIs to allow.",
"headers.powered-by": "Pielāgot NodeBB sūtīto \"Powered By\" iezīmi",
"headers.acao": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"headers.acao-regex": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin regulārā izteiksme",
"headers.acao-help": "Atstāt tukšu, lai aizliegtu piekļuvi visām vietnēm",
"headers.acao-regex-help": "Ievadīt regulāro izteiksmi, lai atlasītu dinamiskās izcelsmju URL. Atstāt tukšu, lai aizliegtu piekļuvi visām vietnēm",
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"headers.coep": "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy",
"headers.coep-help": "When enabled (default), will set the header to require-corp
"headers.corp": "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy",
"hsts": "HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)",
"hsts.enabled": "Iespējots HSTS (ieteicams)",
"hsts.maxAge": "HSTS Max Age",
"hsts.subdomains": "Iekļaut apakšdomēnus HSTS iezīmē",
"hsts.preload": "Atļaut iepriekš ielādēt HSTS iezīmi",
"hsts.help": "If enabled, an HSTS header will be set for this site. You can elect to include subdomains and preloading flags in your header. If in doubt, you can leave these unchecked. More information ",
"traffic-management": "Satiksmes pārvaldīšana",
"traffic.help": "NodeBB uses a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.",
"traffic.enable": "Iespējot satiksmes pārvaldīšanu",
"traffic.event-lag": "Notikumu cilpas novilcināšanas slieksnis (milisekundēs)",
"traffic.event-lag-help": "Samazinot šo vērtību, tiek samazināti lapas ielādes gaidīšanas laiki, bet arī vairāk lietotājiem parādīsies ziņojums \"pārmērīga slodze\". (Nepieciešams restartēt)",
"traffic.lag-check-interval": "Pārbaudīšanas intervāls (milisekundēs)",
"traffic.lag-check-interval-help": "Samazinot šo vērtību, NodeBB kļūst jutīgāks pret slodzes smailēm, taču tā var arī izraisīt pārāk jutīgu pārbaudi. (Nepieciešams restartēt)",
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "Default: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",
"analytics.max-cache-help": "On high-traffic installs, the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more concurrent active users than the Max Cache value. (Restart required)",
"compression.settings": "Compression Settings",
"compression.enable": "Enable Compression",
"compression.help": "This setting enables gzip compression. For a high-traffic website in production, the best way to put compression in place is to implement it at a reverse proxy level. You can enable it here for testing purposes."