SmartOS ======== Requirements ---------------- NodeBB requires the following software to be installed: * A version of Node.js at least 0.8 or greater. * Redis, version 2.6 or greater (steps to install from Joyent's package repository given below). * nginx, version 1.3.13 or greater (**only if** intending to use nginx to proxy requests to a NodeBB server). Server Access ---------------- 1. Sign in your Joyent account: ` <>`_ 2. Select: ``Create Instance`` 3. Create the newest ``smartos nodejs`` image. **Note:** The following steps have been tested with image: ``smartos nodejs 13.1.0`` 4. Wait for your instance to show `Running` then click on its name. 5. Find your ``Login`` and admin password. If the ``Credentials`` section is missing, refresh the webpage. **Example:** ``ssh root@`` ``A#Ca{c1@3`` 6. SSH into your server as the admin not root: ``ssh admin@`` **Note:** For Windows users that do not have ssh installed, here is an option: ` <>`_ Installation ---------------- 1. Install NodeBB's software dependencies: .. code:: bash $ sudo pkgin update $ sudo pkgin install scmgit nodejs build-essential ImageMagick redis If any of these failed: .. code:: bash $ pkgin search *failed-name* $ sudo pkgin install *available-name* 2. **If needed** setup a redis-server with default settings as a service (automatically starts and restarts): **Note:** These steps quickly setup a redis server but does not fine-tuned it for production. **Note:** If you ran `redis-server` manually then exit out of it now. .. code:: bash $ svcadm enable redis $ svcs *-* If `svcs` shows "/pkgsrc/redis:default" in maintenance mode then: .. code:: bash $ scvadm clear redis *-* To shut down your redis-server and keep it from restarting: .. code:: bash $ scvadm disable redis *-* To start up your redis-server and have it always running: .. code:: bash $ scvadm enable redis 3. Move to where you want to create the nodebb folder: .. code:: bash $ cd /parent/directory/of/nodebb/ 4. Clone NodeBB's repository: .. code:: bash $ git clone git:// nodebb 5. Install NodeBB's npm dependencies: .. code:: bash $ cd nodebb/ $ npm install 6. Run NodeBB's setup script: .. code:: bash $ node app --setup A. `URL of this installation` is either your public ip address from your ssh `Login` or your domain name pointing to that ip address. **Example:** `` or `` B. `Port number of your NodeBB` is the port needed to access your site: **Note:** If you do not proxy your port with something like nginx then port 80 is recommended for production. C. If you used the above steps to setup your redis-server then use the default redis settings. 7. Start NodeBB process: **Run NodeBB manually:** **Note:** This should not be used for production. .. code:: bash $ node app 8. Visit your app! **Example:** With a port of 4567: ```` or ```` **Note:** With port 80 the `:80` does not need to be entered. **Note:** If these instructions are unclear or if you run into trouble, please let us know by `filing an issue <>`_. Upgrading NodeBB ---------------- **Note:** Detailed upgrade instructions are listed in :doc:`Upgrading NodeBB <../../upgrading/index>`.