var RDB = require('./redis.js'), posts = require('./posts.js'), topics = require('./topics'), threadTools = require('./threadTools.js'), user = require('./user.js'), async = require('async'), utils = require('../public/src/utils'), plugins = require('./plugins'), reds = require('reds'), postSearch = reds.createSearch('nodebbpostsearch'), topicSearch = reds.createSearch('nodebbtopicsearch'), winston = require('winston'), meta = require('./meta.js'), Feed = require('./feed'); (function(PostTools) { PostTools.isMain = function(pid, tid, callback) { RDB.lrange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', 0, 0, function(err, pids) { if (pids[0] === pid) callback(true); else callback(false); }) } PostTools.privileges = function(pid, uid, callback) { //todo: break early if one condition is true function getThreadPrivileges(next) { posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid', function(tid) { threadTools.privileges(tid, uid, function(privileges) { next(null, privileges); }); }); } function isOwnPost(next) { posts.getPostField(pid, 'uid', function(author) { if (author && parseInt(author) > 0) { next(null, author === uid); } }); } function hasEnoughRep(next) { user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(err, reputation) { if (err) return next(null, false); next(null, reputation >= meta.config['privileges:manage_content']); }); } async.parallel([getThreadPrivileges, isOwnPost, hasEnoughRep], function(err, results) { callback({ editable: results[0].editable || (results.slice(1).indexOf(true) !== -1 ? true : false), view_deleted: results[0].view_deleted || (results.slice(1).indexOf(true) !== -1 ? true : false) }); }); } PostTools.edit = function(uid, pid, title, content) { var success = function() { posts.setPostField(pid, 'content', content); posts.setPostField(pid, 'edited',; posts.setPostField(pid, 'editor', uid); postSearch.remove(pid, function() { postSearch.index(content, pid); }); async.parallel([ function(next) { posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid', function(tid) { PostTools.isMain(pid, tid, function(isMainPost) { if (isMainPost) { topics.setTopicField(tid, 'title', title); topicSearch.remove(tid, function() { topicSearch.index(title, tid); }); } next(null, {tid:tid, isMainPost:isMainPost}); }); }); }, function(next) { PostTools.toHTML(content, next); } ], function(err, results) { console.log("TEEEST");'topic_' + results[0].tid).emit('event:post_edited', { pid: pid, title: title, isMainPost: results[0].isMainPost, content: results[1] }); }); }; PostTools.privileges(pid, uid, function(privileges) { if (privileges.editable) { plugins.fireHook('', content, function(parsedContent) { content = parsedContent; success(); }); } }); } PostTools.delete = function(uid, pid) { var success = function() { posts.setPostField(pid, 'deleted', 1); postSearch.remove(pid); posts.getPostFields(pid, ['tid', 'uid'], function(postData) { RDB.hincrby('topic:'+postData.tid, 'postcount', -1); user.decrementUserFieldBy(postData.uid, 'postcount', 1, function(err, postcount) { RDB.zadd('users:postcount', postcount, postData.uid); });'topic_' + postData.tid).emit('event:post_deleted', { pid: pid }); // Delete the thread if it is the last undeleted post threadTools.get_latest_undeleted_pid(postData.tid, function(err, pid) { if (err && err.message === 'no-undeleted-pids-found') { threadTools.delete(postData.tid, -1, function(err) { if (err) winston.error('Could not delete topic (tid: ' + postData.tid + ')', err.stack); }); } else { posts.getPostField(pid, 'timestamp', function(timestamp) { topics.updateTimestamp(postData.tid, timestamp); }); } }); Feed.updateTopic(postData.tid); }); }; PostTools.privileges(pid, uid, function(privileges) { if (privileges.editable) { success(); } }); } PostTools.restore = function(uid, pid) { var success = function() { posts.setPostField(pid, 'deleted', 0); posts.getPostFields(pid, ['tid', 'uid', 'content'], function(postData) { RDB.hincrby('topic:'+postData.tid, 'postcount', 1); user.incrementUserFieldBy(postData.uid, 'postcount', 1);'topic_' + postData.tid).emit('event:post_restored', { pid: pid }); threadTools.get_latest_undeleted_pid(postData.tid, function(err, pid) { posts.getPostField(pid, 'timestamp', function(timestamp) { topics.updateTimestamp(postData.tid, timestamp); }); }); // Restore topic if it is the only post topics.getTopicField(postData.tid, 'postcount', function(err, count) { if (count === '1') { threadTools.restore(postData.tid, uid); } }); Feed.updateTopic(postData.tid); postSearch.index(postData.content, pid); }); }; PostTools.privileges(pid, uid, function(privileges) { if (privileges.editable) { success(); } }); } PostTools.toHTML = function(raw, callback) { raw = raw || ''; plugins.fireHook('filter:post.parse', raw, function(parsed) { var cheerio = require('cheerio'); if (parsed && parsed.length > 0) { var parsedContentDOM = cheerio.load(parsed); var domain = nconf.get('url'); parsedContentDOM('a').each(function() { this.attr('rel', 'nofollow'); var href = this.attr('href'); if (href && !href.match(domain) && !utils.isRelativeUrl(href)) { this.attr('href', domain + 'outgoing?url=' + encodeURIComponent(href)); } }); callback(null, parsedContentDOM.html()); } else { callback(null, '

'); } }); } }(exports));