'use strict'; var nconf = require('nconf'), fs = require('fs'), url = require('url'), path = require('path'), fork = require('child_process').fork, async = require('async'), logrotate = require('logrotate-stream'), file = require('./src/file'), pkg = require('./package.json'); nconf.argv().env().file({ file: path.join(__dirname, '/config.json') }); var pidFilePath = __dirname + '/pidfile', output = logrotate({ file: __dirname + '/logs/output.log', size: '1m', keep: 3, compress: true }), silent = nconf.get('silent') === 'false' ? false : nconf.get('silent') !== false, numProcs, workers = [], Loader = { timesStarted: 0, js: { target: {} }, css: { cache: undefined, acpCache: undefined }, templatesCompiled: false }; Loader.init = function (callback) { if (silent) { console.log = function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); output.write(args.join(' ') + '\n'); }; } process.on('SIGHUP', Loader.restart); process.on('SIGUSR2', Loader.reload); process.on('SIGTERM', Loader.stop); callback(); }; Loader.displayStartupMessages = function (callback) { console.log(''); console.log('NodeBB v' + pkg.version + ' Copyright (C) 2013-2014 NodeBB Inc.'); console.log('This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.'); console.log('This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.'); console.log('For the full license, please visit: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html'); console.log(''); callback(); }; Loader.addWorkerEvents = function (worker) { worker.on('exit', function (code, signal) { if (code !== 0) { if (Loader.timesStarted < numProcs * 3) { Loader.timesStarted++; if (Loader.crashTimer) { clearTimeout(Loader.crashTimer); } Loader.crashTimer = setTimeout(function () { Loader.timesStarted = 0; }, 10000); } else { console.log(numProcs * 3 + ' restarts in 10 seconds, most likely an error on startup. Halting.'); process.exit(); } } console.log('[cluster] Child Process (' + worker.pid + ') has exited (code: ' + code + ', signal: ' + signal + ')'); if (!(worker.suicide || code === 0)) { console.log('[cluster] Spinning up another process...'); forkWorker(worker.index, worker.isPrimary, true); } }); worker.on('message', function (message) { if (message && typeof message === 'object' && message.action) { switch (message.action) { case 'ready': if (Loader.js.target['nodebb.min.js'] && Loader.js.target['acp.min.js'] && !worker.isPrimary) { worker.send({ action: 'js-propagate', data: Loader.js.target }); } if (Loader.css.cache && !worker.isPrimary) { worker.send({ action: 'css-propagate', cache: Loader.css.cache, acpCache: Loader.css.acpCache }); } if (Loader.templatesCompiled && !worker.isPrimary) { worker.send({ action: 'templates:compiled' }); } break; case 'restart': console.log('[cluster] Restarting...'); Loader.restart(); break; case 'reload': console.log('[cluster] Reloading...'); Loader.reload(); break; case 'js-propagate': Loader.js.target = message.data; Loader.notifyWorkers({ action: 'js-propagate', data: message.data }, worker.pid); break; case 'css-propagate': Loader.css.cache = message.cache; Loader.css.acpCache = message.acpCache; Loader.notifyWorkers({ action: 'css-propagate', cache: message.cache, acpCache: message.acpCache }, worker.pid); break; case 'templates:compiled': Loader.templatesCompiled = true; Loader.notifyWorkers({ action: 'templates:compiled', }, worker.pid); break; } } }); }; Loader.start = function (callback) { numProcs = getPorts().length; console.log('Clustering enabled: Spinning up ' + numProcs + ' process(es).\n'); for (var x = 0; x < numProcs; ++x) { forkWorker(x, x === 0, false); } if (callback) { callback(); } }; function forkWorker(index, isPrimary, isRestart) { var ports = getPorts(); var args = []; if(!ports[index]) { return console.log('[cluster] invalid port for worker : ' + index + ' ports: ' + ports.length); } process.env.isPrimary = isPrimary; process.env.isCluster = ports.length > 1 ? true : false; process.env.port = ports[index]; // If primary node restarts, there's no need to mark it primary any longer (isPrimary used on startup only) if (isPrimary && isRestart) { args.push('--from-file', 'js,clientLess,acpLess,tpl'); } var worker = fork('app.js', args, { silent: silent, env: process.env }); worker.index = index; worker.isPrimary = isPrimary; workers[index] = worker; Loader.addWorkerEvents(worker); if (silent) { var output = logrotate({ file: __dirname + '/logs/output.log', size: '1m', keep: 3, compress: true }); worker.stdout.pipe(output); worker.stderr.pipe(output); } } function getPorts() { var _url = nconf.get('url'); if (!_url) { console.log('[cluster] url is undefined, please check your config.json'); process.exit(); } var urlObject = url.parse(_url); var port = nconf.get('port') || nconf.get('PORT') || urlObject.port || 4567; if (!Array.isArray(port)) { port = [port]; } return port; } Loader.restart = function () { killWorkers(); nconf.remove('file'); nconf.use('file', { file: path.join(__dirname, '/config.json') }); Loader.start(); }; Loader.reload = function () { workers.forEach(function (worker) { worker.send({ action: 'reload' }); }); }; Loader.stop = function () { killWorkers(); // Clean up the pidfile fs.unlinkSync(__dirname + '/pidfile'); }; function killWorkers() { workers.forEach(function (worker) { worker.suicide = true; worker.kill(); }); } Loader.notifyWorkers = function (msg, worker_pid) { worker_pid = parseInt(worker_pid, 10); workers.forEach(function (worker) { if (parseInt(worker.pid, 10) !== worker_pid) { try { worker.send(msg); } catch (e) { console.log('[cluster/notifyWorkers] Failed to reach pid ' + worker_pid); } } }); }; fs.open(path.join(__dirname, 'config.json'), 'r', function (err) { if (!err) { if (nconf.get('daemon') !== 'false' && nconf.get('daemon') !== false) { if (file.existsSync(pidFilePath)) { try { var pid = fs.readFileSync(pidFilePath, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); process.kill(pid, 0); process.exit(); } catch (e) { fs.unlinkSync(pidFilePath); } } require('daemon')({ stdout: process.stdout, stderr: process.stderr }); fs.writeFile(__dirname + '/pidfile', process.pid); } async.series([ Loader.init, Loader.displayStartupMessages, Loader.start ], function (err) { if (err) { console.log('[loader] Error during startup: ' + err.message); } }); } else { // No config detected, kickstart web installer var child = require('child_process').fork('app'); } });