var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), async = require('async'), winston = require('winston'), nconf = require('nconf'), _ = require('underscore'), utils = require('./../public/src/utils'), translator = require('./../public/src/translator'), db = require('./database'), plugins = require('./plugins'), User = require('./user'); (function (Meta) { Meta.config = {}; Meta.configs = { init: function (callback) { delete Meta.config; Meta.configs.list(function (err, config) { if(err) { winston.error(err); return callback(err); } Meta.config = config; callback(); }); }, list: function (callback) { db.getObject('config', function (err, config) { if(err) { return callback(err); } config = config || {}; config.status = 'ok'; callback(err, config); }); }, get: function (field, callback) { db.getObjectField('config', field, callback); }, getFields: function (fields, callback) { db.getObjectFields('config', fields, callback); }, set: function (field, value, callback) { if(!field) { return callback(new Error('invalid config field')); } db.setObjectField('config', field, value, function(err, res) { if (callback) { if(!err && Meta.config) { Meta.config[field] = value; } callback(err, res); } // this might be a good spot to add a hook if (field === 'defaultLang') { translator.loadServer(); } }); }, setOnEmpty: function (field, value, callback) { Meta.configs.get(field, function (err, curValue) { if(err) { return callback(err); } if (!curValue) { Meta.configs.set(field, value, callback); } else { callback(); } }); }, remove: function (field) { db.deleteObjectField('config', field); } }; Meta.themes = { get: function (callback) { var themePath = nconf.get('themes_path'); fs.readdir(themePath, function (err, files) { async.filter(files, function (file, next) { fs.stat(path.join(themePath, file), function (err, fileStat) { if (err) { return next(false); } next((fileStat.isDirectory() && file.slice(0, 13) === 'nodebb-theme-')); }); }, function (themes) {, function (theme, next) { var config = path.join(themePath, theme, 'theme.json'); if (fs.existsSync(config)) { fs.readFile(config, function (err, file) { if (err) return next(); else { var configObj = JSON.parse(file.toString()); next(err, configObj); } }); } else { next(); } }, function (err, themes) { themes = themes.filter(function (theme) { return (theme !== undefined); }); callback(null, themes); }); }); }); }, set: function(data, callback) { var themeData = { 'theme:type': data.type, 'theme:id':, 'theme:staticDir': '', 'theme:templates': '', 'theme:src': '' }; switch(data.type) { case 'local': async.waterfall([ function(next) { fs.readFile(path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'),, 'theme.json'), function(err, config) { if (!err) { config = JSON.parse(config.toString()); next(null, config); } else { next(err); } }); }, function(config, next) { themeData['theme:staticDir'] = config.staticDir ? config.staticDir : ''; themeData['theme:templates'] = config.templates ? config.templates : ''; themeData['theme:src'] = config.frameworkCSS ? config.frameworkCSS : ''; db.setObject('config', themeData, next); } ], function(err) { callback(err); }); break; case 'bootswatch': themeData['theme:src'] = data.src; db.setObject('config', themeData, callback); break; } } }; Meta.title = { tests: { isCategory: /^category\/\d+\/?/, isTopic: /^topic\/\d+\/?/, isUserPage: /^user\/[^\/]+(\/[\w]+)?/ }, build: function (urlFragment, callback) { var user = require('./user'); Meta.title.parseFragment(decodeURIComponent(urlFragment), function(err, title) { if (err) { title = Meta.config.browserTitle || 'NodeBB'; } else { title = (title ? title + ' | ' : '') + (Meta.config.browserTitle || 'NodeBB'); } callback(null, title); }); }, parseFragment: function (urlFragment, callback) { var translated = ['', 'recent', 'unread', 'users', 'notifications']; if (translated.indexOf(urlFragment) !== -1) { if (!urlFragment.length) { urlFragment = 'home'; } translator.translate('[[pages:' + urlFragment + ']]', function(translated) { callback(null, translated); }); } else if (this.tests.isCategory.test(urlFragment)) { var cid = urlFragment.match(/category\/(\d+)/)[1]; require('./categories').getCategoryField(cid, 'name', function (err, name) { callback(null, name); }); } else if (this.tests.isTopic.test(urlFragment)) { var tid = urlFragment.match(/topic\/(\d+)/)[1]; require('./topics').getTopicField(tid, 'title', function (err, title) { callback(null, title); }); } else if (this.tests.isUserPage.test(urlFragment)) { var matches = urlFragment.match(/user\/([^\/]+)\/?([\w]+)?/), userslug = matches[1], subpage = matches[2]; User.getUsernameByUserslug(userslug, function(err, username) { if (subpage) { translator.translate('[[pages:user.' + subpage + ', ' + username + ']]', function(translated) { callback(null, translated); }) } else { callback(null, username); } }); } else { callback(null); } } }; Meta.js = { cache: undefined, scripts: [ 'vendor/jquery/js/jquery.js', 'vendor/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.js', 'vendor/jquery/timeago/jquery.timeago.js', 'vendor/jquery/js/jquery.form.js', 'vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js', 'vendor/requirejs/require.js', 'vendor/bootbox/bootbox.min.js', 'vendor/tinycon/tinycon.js', 'vendor/xregexp/xregexp.js', 'vendor/xregexp/unicode/unicode-base.js', 'src/app.js', 'src/templates.js', 'src/ajaxify.js', 'src/translator.js', 'src/overrides.js', 'src/utils.js' ], minFile: nconf.get('relative_path') + 'nodebb.min.js', get: function (callback) { plugins.fireHook('filter:scripts.get', this.scripts, function(err, scripts) { var ctime, jsPaths = (jsPath) { jsPath = path.normalize(jsPath); // The filter:scripts.get plugin will be deprecated as of v0.5.0, specify scripts in plugin.json instead if (jsPath.substring(0, 7) === 'plugins') { var matches =, function(realPath, mappedPath) { if (jsPath.match(mappedPath)) { return mappedPath; } else { return null; } }).filter(function(a) { return a; }); if (matches.length) { var relPath = jsPath.slice(new String('plugins/' + matches[0]).length); return plugins.staticDirs[matches[0]] + relPath; } else { winston.warn('[meta.scripts.get] Could not resolve mapped path: ' + jsPath + '. Are you sure it is defined by a plugin?'); return null; } } else { return path.join(__dirname, '..', '/public', jsPath); } }); // Remove scripts that could not be found (remove this line at v0.5.0) Meta.js.scripts = jsPaths.filter(function(path) { return path !== null }); // Add client library Meta.js.scripts.unshift(path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/')); // Add plugin scripts Meta.js.scripts = Meta.js.scripts.concat(plugins.clientScripts); callback(null, [ Meta.js.minFile ]); }); }, minify: function (callback) { var uglifyjs = require('uglify-js'), jsPaths = this.scripts, minified; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {'Minifying client-side libraries'); } minified = uglifyjs.minify(jsPaths); this.cache = minified.code; callback(); }, concatenate: function(callback) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {'Concatenating client-side libraries into one file'); }, function(path, next) { fs.readFile(path, { encoding: 'utf-8' }, next); }, function(err, contents) { if (err) { winston.error('[meta.js.concatenate] Could not minify javascript! Error: ' + err.message); process.exit(); } Meta.js.cache = contents.reduce(function(output, src) { return output.length ? output + ';\n' + src : src; }, ''); callback(); }); } }; Meta.css = { cache: undefined }; Meta.restart = function() { if (process.send) { process.send('nodebb:restart'); } else { winston.error('[meta.restart] Could not restart, are you sure NodeBB was started with `./nodebb start`?'); } }; }(exports));