	"state": "狀態",
	"reports": "Reports",
	"first-reported": "First Reported",
	"no-flags": "帥!沒發現任何的舉報。",
	"x-flags-found": "%1 flag(s) found.",
	"assignee": "受指派人",
	"update": "更新",
	"updated": "已更新",
	"resolved": "Resolved",
	"target-purged": "被舉報的內容已經被清除,不再可用。",
	"target-aboutme-empty": "This user has no "About Me" set.",

	"graph-label": "日舉報",
	"quick-filters": "快速過濾器",
	"filter-active": "該列中有一個或更多啟用的過濾器",
	"filter-reset": "刪除過濾器",
	"filters": "過濾器選項",
	"filter-reporterId": "Reporter",
	"filter-targetUid": "Reportee",
	"filter-type": "舉報類型",
	"filter-type-all": "所有內容",
	"filter-type-post": "貼文",
	"filter-type-user": "使用者",
	"filter-state": "狀態",
	"filter-assignee": "Assignee",
	"filter-cid": "版面",
	"filter-quick-mine": "指派給我",
	"filter-cid-all": "全部版面",
	"apply-filters": "應用過濾器",
	"more-filters": "More Filters",
	"fewer-filters": "Fewer Filters",

	"quick-actions": "快速操作",
	"flagged-user": "被舉報的使用者",
	"view-profile": "查看個人資料",
	"start-new-chat": "開始新聊天對話",
	"go-to-target": "查看舉報目標",
	"assign-to-me": "Assign To Me",
	"delete-post": "刪除貼文",
	"purge-post": "清除貼文",
	"restore-post": "恢復貼文",
	"delete": "Delete Flag",

	"user-view": "查看資料",
	"user-edit": "編輯資料",

	"notes": "舉報備註",
	"add-note": "新增備註",
	"edit-note": "Edit Note",
	"no-notes": "沒有共享的備註內容。",
	"delete-note-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this flag note?",
	"delete-flag-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this flag?",
	"note-added": "備註已添加",
	"note-deleted": "Note Deleted",
	"flag-deleted": "Flag Deleted",

	"history": "帳戶 & 舉報紀錄",
	"no-history": "沒有舉報歷史。",

	"state-all": "所有狀態",
	"state-open": "新增/打開",
	"state-wip": "正在處理",
	"state-resolved": "已解決",
	"state-rejected": "已拒絕",
	"no-assignee": "未指派",

	"sort": "Sort by",
	"sort-newest": "Newest first",
	"sort-oldest": "Oldest first",
	"sort-reports": "Most reports",
	"sort-all": "All flag types...",
	"sort-posts-only": "Posts only...",
	"sort-downvotes": "Most downvotes",
	"sort-upvotes": "Most upvotes",
	"sort-replies": "Most replies",

	"modal-title": "Report Content",
	"modal-body": "請選擇或者輸入您舉報 %1%2 的原因以便版主進行審核。",
	"modal-reason-spam": "垃圾訊息",
	"modal-reason-offensive": "人身攻擊",
	"modal-reason-other": "其它(請在下方指定)",
	"modal-reason-custom": "舉報此內容的理由……",
	"modal-submit": "提交舉報",
	"modal-submit-success": "已舉報此內容。",

	"bulk-actions": "Bulk Actions",
	"bulk-resolve": "Resolve Flag(s)",
	"bulk-success": "%1 flags updated",
	"flagged-timeago-readable": "Flagged <span class=\"timeago\" title=\"%1\"></span> (%2)",
  	"auto-flagged": "[Auto Flagged] Received %1 downvotes."