{ "widgets": "Widgets", "available": "Available Widgets", "explanation": "Select a widget from the dropdown menu and then drag and drop it into a template's widget area on the left.", "none-installed": "No widgets found! Activate the widget essentials plugin in the <a href=\"%1\">plugins</a> control panel.", "clone-from": "Clone widgets from", "containers.available": "Available Containers", "containers.explanation": "Drag and drop on top of any active widget", "containers.none": "None", "container.well": "Well", "container.jumbotron": "Jumbotron", "container.card": "Card", "container.card-header": "Card Header", "container.card-body": "Card Body", "container.alert": "Alert", "alert.confirm-delete": "Are you sure you wish to delete this widget?", "alert.updated": "Widgets Updated", "alert.update-success": "Successfully updated widgets", "alert.clone-success": "Successfully cloned widgets", "error.select-clone": "Please select a page to clone from", "title": "Title", "title.placeholder": "Title (only shown on some containers)", "container": "Container", "container.placeholder": "Drag and drop a container or enter HTML here.", "show-to-groups": "Show to groups", "hide-from-groups": "Hide from groups", "start-date": "Start date", "end-date": "End date", "hide-on-mobile": "Hide on mobile" }