'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const assert = require('assert'); const nconf = require('nconf'); const db = require('../mocks/databasemock'); const meta = require('../../src/meta'); const user = require('../../src/user'); const groups = require('../../src/groups'); const topics = require('../../src/topics'); const posts = require('../../src/posts'); const categories = require('../../src/categories'); const plugins = require('../../src/plugins'); const file = require('../../src/file'); const utils = require('../../src/utils'); const helpers = require('../helpers'); describe('Topic thumbs', () => { let topicObj; let categoryObj; let adminUid; let adminJar; let adminCSRF; let fooJar; let fooCSRF; let fooUid; const thumbPaths = [ `${nconf.get('upload_path')}/files/test.png`, `${nconf.get('upload_path')}/files/test2.png`, 'https://example.org', ]; const relativeThumbPaths = thumbPaths.map(path => path.replace(nconf.get('upload_path'), '')); const uuid = utils.generateUUID(); function createFiles() { fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../uploads', thumbPaths[0]), 'w')); fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../uploads', thumbPaths[1]), 'w')); } before(async () => { meta.config.allowTopicsThumbnail = 1; adminUid = await user.create({ username: 'admin', password: '123456' }); fooUid = await user.create({ username: 'foo', password: '123456' }); await groups.join('administrators', adminUid); const adminLogin = await helpers.loginUser('admin', '123456'); adminJar = adminLogin.jar; adminCSRF = adminLogin.csrf_token; const fooLogin = await helpers.loginUser('foo', '123456'); fooJar = fooLogin.jar; fooCSRF = fooLogin.csrf_token; categoryObj = await categories.create({ name: 'Test Category', description: 'Test category created by testing script', }); topicObj = await topics.post({ uid: adminUid, cid: categoryObj.cid, title: 'Test Topic Title', content: 'The content of test topic', }); // Touch a couple files and associate it to a topic createFiles(); await db.sortedSetAdd(`topic:${topicObj.topicData.tid}:thumbs`, 0, `${relativeThumbPaths[0]}`); }); it('should return bool for whether a thumb exists', async () => { const exists = await topics.thumbs.exists(topicObj.topicData.tid, `${relativeThumbPaths[0]}`); assert.strictEqual(exists, true); }); describe('.get()', () => { it('should return an array of thumbs', async () => { require('../../src/cache').del(`topic:${topicObj.topicData.tid}:thumbs`); const thumbs = await topics.thumbs.get(topicObj.topicData.tid); assert.deepStrictEqual(thumbs, [{ id: topicObj.topicData.tid, name: 'test.png', url: `${nconf.get('relative_path')}${nconf.get('upload_url')}${relativeThumbPaths[0]}`, }]); }); it('should return an array of an array of thumbs if multiple tids are passed in', async () => { const thumbs = await topics.thumbs.get([topicObj.topicData.tid, topicObj.topicData.tid + 1]); assert.deepStrictEqual(thumbs, [ [{ id: topicObj.topicData.tid, name: 'test.png', url: `${nconf.get('relative_path')}${nconf.get('upload_url')}${relativeThumbPaths[0]}`, }], [], ]); }); }); describe('.associate()', () => { let tid; let mainPid; before(async () => { topicObj = await topics.post({ uid: adminUid, cid: categoryObj.cid, title: 'Test Topic Title', content: 'The content of test topic', }); tid = topicObj.topicData.tid; mainPid = topicObj.postData.pid; }); it('should add an uploaded file to a zset', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: tid, path: relativeThumbPaths[0], }); const exists = await db.isSortedSetMember(`topic:${tid}:thumbs`, relativeThumbPaths[0]); assert(exists); }); it('should also work with UUIDs', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: uuid, path: relativeThumbPaths[1], score: 5, }); const exists = await db.isSortedSetMember(`draft:${uuid}:thumbs`, relativeThumbPaths[1]); assert(exists); }); it('should also work with a URL', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: tid, path: relativeThumbPaths[2], }); const exists = await db.isSortedSetMember(`topic:${tid}:thumbs`, relativeThumbPaths[2]); assert(exists); }); it('should have a score equal to the number of thumbs prior to addition', async () => { const scores = await db.sortedSetScores(`topic:${tid}:thumbs`, [relativeThumbPaths[0], relativeThumbPaths[2]]); assert.deepStrictEqual(scores, [0, 1]); }); it('should update the relevant topic hash with the number of thumbnails', async () => { const numThumbs = await topics.getTopicField(tid, 'numThumbs'); assert.strictEqual(parseInt(numThumbs, 10), 2); }); it('should successfully associate a thumb with a topic even if it already contains that thumbnail (updates score)', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: tid, path: relativeThumbPaths[0], }); const score = await db.sortedSetScore(`topic:${tid}:thumbs`, relativeThumbPaths[0]); assert(isFinite(score)); // exists in set assert.strictEqual(score, 2); }); it('should update the score to be passed in as the third argument', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: tid, path: relativeThumbPaths[0], score: 0, }); const score = await db.sortedSetScore(`topic:${tid}:thumbs`, relativeThumbPaths[0]); assert(isFinite(score)); // exists in set assert.strictEqual(score, 0); }); it('should associate the thumbnail with that topic\'s main pid\'s uploads', async () => { const uploads = await posts.uploads.list(mainPid); assert(uploads.includes(path.basename(relativeThumbPaths[0]))); }); it('should maintain state in the topic\'s main pid\'s uploads if posts.uploads.sync() is called', async () => { await posts.uploads.sync(mainPid); const uploads = await posts.uploads.list(mainPid); assert(uploads.includes(path.basename(relativeThumbPaths[0]))); }); it('should combine the thumbs uploaded to a UUID zset and combine it with a topic\'s thumb zset', async () => { await topics.thumbs.migrate(uuid, tid); const thumbs = await topics.thumbs.get(tid); assert.strictEqual(thumbs.length, 3); assert.deepStrictEqual(thumbs, [ { id: tid, name: 'test.png', url: `${nconf.get('relative_path')}${nconf.get('upload_url')}${relativeThumbPaths[0]}`, }, { id: tid, name: 'example.org', url: 'https://example.org', }, { id: tid, name: 'test2.png', url: `${nconf.get('relative_path')}${nconf.get('upload_url')}${relativeThumbPaths[1]}`, }, ]); }); }); describe(`.delete()`, () => { it('should remove a file from sorted set AND disk', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: 1, path: thumbPaths[0], }); await topics.thumbs.delete(1, relativeThumbPaths[0]); assert.strictEqual(await db.isSortedSetMember('topic:1:thumbs', relativeThumbPaths[0]), false); assert.strictEqual(await file.exists(thumbPaths[0]), false); }); it('should no longer be associated with that topic\'s main pid\'s uploads', async () => { const mainPid = (await topics.getMainPids([1]))[0]; const uploads = await posts.uploads.list(mainPid); assert(!uploads.includes(path.basename(relativeThumbPaths[0]))); }); it('should also work with UUIDs', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: uuid, path: thumbPaths[1], }); await topics.thumbs.delete(uuid, relativeThumbPaths[1]); assert.strictEqual(await db.isSortedSetMember(`draft:${uuid}:thumbs`, relativeThumbPaths[1]), false); assert.strictEqual(await file.exists(thumbPaths[1]), false); }); it('should also work with URLs', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: uuid, path: thumbPaths[2], }); await topics.thumbs.delete(uuid, relativeThumbPaths[2]); assert.strictEqual(await db.isSortedSetMember(`draft:${uuid}:thumbs`, relativeThumbPaths[2]), false); }); it('should not delete the file from disk if not associated with the tid', async () => { createFiles(); await topics.thumbs.delete(uuid, thumbPaths[0]); assert.strictEqual(await file.exists(thumbPaths[0]), true); }); it('should handle an array of relative paths', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: 1, path: thumbPaths[0] }); await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: 1, path: thumbPaths[1] }); await topics.thumbs.delete(1, [relativeThumbPaths[0], relativeThumbPaths[1]]); }); it('should have no more thumbs left', async () => { const associated = await db.isSortedSetMembers(`topic:1:thumbs`, [relativeThumbPaths[0], relativeThumbPaths[1]]); assert.strictEqual(associated.some(Boolean), false); }); it('should decrement numThumbs if dissociated one by one', async () => { await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: 1, path: thumbPaths[0] }); await topics.thumbs.associate({ id: 1, path: thumbPaths[1] }); await topics.thumbs.delete(1, [relativeThumbPaths[0]]); let numThumbs = parseInt(await db.getObjectField('topic:1', 'numThumbs'), 10); assert.strictEqual(numThumbs, 1); await topics.thumbs.delete(1, [relativeThumbPaths[1]]); numThumbs = parseInt(await db.getObjectField('topic:1', 'numThumbs'), 10); assert.strictEqual(numThumbs, 0); }); }); describe('.deleteAll()', () => { before(async () => { await Promise.all([ topics.thumbs.associate({ id: 1, path: thumbPaths[0] }), topics.thumbs.associate({ id: 1, path: thumbPaths[1] }), ]); createFiles(); }); it('should have thumbs prior to tests', async () => { const associated = await db.isSortedSetMembers(`topic:1:thumbs`, [relativeThumbPaths[0], relativeThumbPaths[1]]); assert.strictEqual(associated.every(Boolean), true); }); it('should not error out', async () => { await topics.thumbs.deleteAll(1); }); it('should remove all associated thumbs with that topic', async () => { const associated = await db.isSortedSetMembers(`topic:1:thumbs`, [relativeThumbPaths[0], relativeThumbPaths[1]]); assert.strictEqual(associated.some(Boolean), false); }); it('should no longer have a :thumbs zset', async () => { assert.strictEqual(await db.exists('topic:1:thumbs'), false); }); }); describe('HTTP calls to topic thumb routes', () => { before(() => { createFiles(); }); it('should succeed with a valid tid', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/topics/1/thumbs`, path.join(__dirname, '../files/test.png'), {}, adminJar, adminCSRF, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); done(); }); }); it('should succeed with a uuid', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/topics/${uuid}/thumbs`, path.join(__dirname, '../files/test.png'), {}, adminJar, adminCSRF, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); done(); }); }); it('should succeed with uploader plugins', async () => { const hookMethod = async () => ({ name: 'test.png', url: 'https://example.org', }); await plugins.hooks.register('test', { hook: 'filter:uploadFile', method: hookMethod, }); await new Promise((resolve) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/topics/${uuid}/thumbs`, path.join(__dirname, '../files/test.png'), {}, adminJar, adminCSRF, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); resolve(); }); }); await plugins.hooks.unregister('test', 'filter:uploadFile', hookMethod); }); it('should fail with a non-existant tid', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/topics/4/thumbs`, path.join(__dirname, '../files/test.png'), {}, adminJar, adminCSRF, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 404); done(); }); }); it('should fail when garbage is passed in', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/topics/abracadabra/thumbs`, path.join(__dirname, '../files/test.png'), {}, adminJar, adminCSRF, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 404); done(); }); }); it('should fail when calling user cannot edit the tid', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/topics/2/thumbs`, path.join(__dirname, '../files/test.png'), {}, fooJar, fooCSRF, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403); done(); }); }); it('should fail if thumbnails are not enabled', (done) => { meta.config.allowTopicsThumbnail = 0; helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/topics/${uuid}/thumbs`, path.join(__dirname, '../files/test.png'), {}, adminJar, adminCSRF, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 503); assert(body && body.status); assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, 'Topic thumbnails are disabled.'); done(); }); }); it('should fail if file is not image', (done) => { meta.config.allowTopicsThumbnail = 1; helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/topics/${uuid}/thumbs`, path.join(__dirname, '../files/503.html'), {}, adminJar, adminCSRF, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 500); assert(body && body.status); assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, 'Invalid File'); done(); }); }); }); describe('behaviour on topic purge', () => { let topicObj; before(async () => { topicObj = await topics.post({ uid: adminUid, cid: categoryObj.cid, title: 'Test Topic Title', content: 'The content of test topic', }); await Promise.all([ topics.thumbs.associate({ id: topicObj.tid, path: thumbPaths[0] }), topics.thumbs.associate({ id: topicObj.tid, path: thumbPaths[1] }), ]); createFiles(); await topics.purge(topicObj.tid, adminUid); }); it('should no longer have a :thumbs zset', async () => { assert.strictEqual(await db.exists(`topic:${topicObj.tid}:thumbs`), false); }); it('should not leave files behind', async () => { const exists = await Promise.all(thumbPaths.slice(0, 2).map(async absolutePath => file.exists(absolutePath))); assert.strictEqual(exists.some(Boolean), false); }); }); });