{ "email-settings": "Podešavanje Email-a", "address": "Email adresa", "address-help": "Označena email adresa se odnosi na email koga će primalac videti \"Od\" i \"Odgovori\" poljima.", "from": "Od koga", "from-help": "The from name to display in the email.", "smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport", "smtp-transport.enabled": "Use an external email server to send emails", "smtp-transport-help": "You can select from a list of well-known services or enter a custom one.", "smtp-transport.service": "Select a service", "smtp-transport.service-custom": "Custom Service", "smtp-transport.service-help": "Select a service name above in order to use the known information about it. Alternatively, select 'Custom Service' and enter the details below.", "smtp-transport.gmail-warning1": "There have been reports of the Gmail service not working on accounts with heightened security. In those scenarios, you will have to configure your GMail account to allow less secure apps.", "smtp-transport.gmail-warning2": "For more information about this workaround, please consult this NodeMailer article on the issue. An alternative would be to utilise a third-party emailer plugin such as SendGrid, Mailgun, etc. Browse available plugins here.", "smtp-transport.host": "SMTP Host", "smtp-transport.port": "SMTP Port", "smtp-transport.username": "Username", "smtp-transport.username-help": "For the Gmail service, enter the full email address here, especially if you are using a Google Apps managed domain.", "smtp-transport.password": "Password", "template": "Promeni šablon Email-a", "template.select": "Izaberi šablon Email-a", "template.revert": "Vrati na Originalno podešavanje.", "testing": "Testiranje Email-a", "testing.select": "Izaberi šablon Email-a", "testing.send": "Pošalji probni Email", "testing.send-help": "Probni email će biti poslat na adresu trenutno ulogovanog korisnika", "subscriptions": "Email subskripcije", "subscriptions.disable": "Onemogući notifikacije o email subskripcijama", "subscriptions.hour": "Digest Hour", "subscriptions.hour-help": "Molim unesite broj koji označava satnicu kada da pošalje zakazani sažeti email (nrp. 0 za ponoć, 17 za 5:00 pm). Uzmite u obzir da će se slanje događati po satnici samog servara, i da vrlo verovatno se ne poklapa sa satnicom vašeg sistema.
Trenutno vreme servera je:
Sledeći dnevni sažeti email zakazan je za slanje u " }