'use strict'; /*global require, after*/ var async = require('async'), assert = require('assert'), db = require('../mocks/databasemock'); describe('List methods', function() { describe('listAppend()', function() { it('should append to a list', function(done) { db.listAppend('testList1', 5, function(err) { assert.equal(err, null); assert.equal(arguments.length, 1); done(); }); }); }); describe('listPrepend()', function() { it('should prepend to a list', function(done) { db.listPrepend('testList2', 3, function(err) { assert.equal(err, null); assert.equal(arguments.length, 1); done(); }); }); it('should prepend 2 more elements to a list', function(done) { async.series([ function(next) { db.listPrepend('testList2', 2, next); }, function(next) { db.listPrepend('testList2', 1, next); } ], function(err) { assert.equal(err, null); done(); }); }); }); describe('getListRange()', function() { before(function(done) { async.series([ function(next) { db.listAppend('testList3', 7, next); }, function(next) { db.listPrepend('testList3', 3, next); }, function(next) { db.listAppend('testList4', 5, next); } ], done); }); it('should return an empty list', function(done) { db.getListRange('doesnotexist', 0, -1, function(err, list) { assert.equal(err, null); assert.equal(arguments.length, 2); assert.equal(Array.isArray(list), true); assert.equal(list.length, 0); done(); }); }); it('should return a list with one element', function(done) { db.getListRange('testList4', 0, 0, function(err, list) { assert.equal(err, null); assert.equal(Array.isArray(list), true,); assert.equal(list[0], 5); done(); }); }); it('should return a list with 2 elements 3, 7', function(done) { db.getListRange('testList2', 0, -1, function(err, list) { assert.equal(err, null); assert.equal(Array.isArray(list), true); assert.equal(list.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(list, ['3', '7']); done(); }); }); }); describe('listRemoveLast()', function() { before(function(done) { async.series([ function(next) { db.listAppend('testList4', 12, next); }, function(next) { db.listPrepend('testList4', 9, next); } ], done); }); it('should remove the last element of list and return it', function(done) { db.listRemoveLast('testList2', function(err, lastElement) { assert.equal(err, null); assert.equal(arguments.length, 2); assert.equal(lastElement, '12'); done(); }); }); }); describe('listRemoveAll()', function() { before(function(done) { async.series([ async.apply(db.listAppend, 'testList5', 1), async.apply(db.listAppend, 'testList5', 1), async.apply(db.listAppend, 'testList5', 1), async.apply(db.listAppend, 'testList5', 2), async.apply(db.listAppend, 'testList5', 5) ], done); }); it('should remove all the matching elements of list', function(done) { db.listRemoveAll('testList2', '1', function(err) { assert.equal(err, null); assert.equal(arguments.length, 1); db.getListRange('testList2', 0, -1, function(err, list) { assert.equal(Array.isArray(list), true); assert.equal(list.length, 2); assert.equal(list.indexOf('1'), -1); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('listTrim()', function() { it('should trim list to a certain range', function(done) { var list = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']; async.eachSeries(list, function(value, next) { db.listAppend('testList6', value, next); }, function(err) { if (err) { return done(err); } db.listTrim('testList3', 0, 2, function(err) { assert.equal(err, null, 'db.listTrim error'); assert.equal(arguments.length, 1, 'arguments.length error'); db.getListRange('testList3', 0, -1, function(err, list) { assert.equal(list.length, 3, 'list length is not 3'); assert.deepEqual(list, ['1', '2', '3'], 'list not properly trimmed'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); after(function() { db.flushdb(); }); });