'use strict'; var async = require('async'), winston = require('winston'), cron = require('cron').CronJob, nconf = require('nconf'), validator = require('validator'), db = require('./database'), utils = require('../public/src/utils'), events = require('./events'), User = require('./user'), groups = require('./groups'), meta = require('./meta'), plugins = require('./plugins'); (function(Notifications) { Notifications.init = function() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.info('[notifications.init] Registering jobs.'); } new cron('0 0 * * *', Notifications.prune, null, true); }; Notifications.get = function(nid, uid, callback) { db.exists('notifications:' + nid, function(err, exists) { if (err) { winston.error('[notifications.get] Could not retrieve nid ' + nid + ': ' + err.message); return callback(null); } if (exists) { db.sortedSetRank('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', nid, function(err, rank) { db.getObjectFields('notifications:' + nid, ['nid', 'from', 'text', 'image', 'importance', 'score', 'path', 'datetime', 'uniqueId'], function(err, notification) { notification.read = rank !== null ? true:false; notification.text = validator.escape(notification.text); if (notification.from && !notification.image) { User.getUserField(notification.from, 'picture', function(err, picture) { notification.image = picture; callback(notification); }); } else if (notification.image) { switch(notification.image) { case 'brand:logo': notification.image = meta.config['brand:logo'] || nconf.get('relative_path') + '/logo.png'; break; } callback(notification); } else { callback(notification); } }); }); } else { // Remove from the user's boxes if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.info('[notifications.get] nid ' + nid + ' not found. Removing.'); } async.parallel([ function(next) { db.sortedSetRemove('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', nid, next); }, function(next) { db.sortedSetRemove('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', nid, next); } ], function(err) { callback(null); }); } }); }; Notifications.create = function(data, callback) { /** *data.uniqueId is used solely to override stale nids. * If a new nid is pushed to a user and an existing nid in the user's * (un)read list contains the same uniqueId, it will be removed, and * the new one put in its place. */ // Add default values to data Object if not already set var defaults = { text: '', path: '', importance: 5, datetime: Date.now(), uniqueId: utils.generateUUID() }; for(var v in defaults) { if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(v) && !data[v]) { data[v] = defaults[v]; } } db.incrObjectField('global', 'nextNid', function(err, nid) { data.nid = nid; db.setAdd('notifications', nid); db.setObject('notifications:' + nid, data, function(err, status) { if (!err) { callback(nid); } }); }); }; Notifications.push = function(nid, uids, callback) { var websockets = require('./socket.io'); if (!Array.isArray(uids)) { uids = [uids]; } var numUids = uids.length, x; Notifications.get(nid, null, function(notif_data) { async.each(uids, function(uid, next) { if (!parseInt(uid, 10)) { return next(); } checkReplace(notif_data.uniqueId, uid, notif_data, function(err, replace) { if (replace) { db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', notif_data.datetime, nid); // Client-side websockets.in('uid_' + uid).emit('event:new_notification', notif_data); // Plugins notif_data.uid = uid; plugins.fireHook('action:notification.pushed', notif_data); } next(); }); }, function(err) { if (callback) { callback(null, true); } }); }); }; Notifications.pushGroup = function(nid, groupName, callback) { if (!callback) { callback = function() {}; } groups.get(groupName, {}, function(err, groupObj) { if (!err && groupObj) { if (groupObj.memberCount > 0) { Notifications.push(nid, groupObj.members, callback); } } else { callback(err); } }); }; function checkReplace(uniqueId, uid, newNotifObj, callback) { var replace = false, matched = false; function checkAndRemove(set, next) { db.getSortedSetRange(set, 0, -1, function(err, nids) { if (err || !nids || !nids.length) { return next(err); } var keys = nids.map(function(nid) { return 'notifications:' + nid; }); db.getObjectsFields(keys, ['nid', 'uniqueId', 'importance'], function(err, nid_infos) { if (err) { return next(err); } nid_infos.forEach(function(nid_info) { if (nid_info && nid_info.uniqueId === uniqueId) { matched = true; if ((nid_info.importance || 5) >= newNotifObj.importance) { replace = true; db.sortedSetRemove(set, nid_info.nid); } } }); next(); }); }); } async.parallel([ function(next) { checkAndRemove('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', next); }, function(next) { checkAndRemove('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', next); } ], function(err) { if (!err) { if (replace === false && matched === false) { replace = true; } callback(null, replace); } }); } Notifications.mark_read = function(nid, uid, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if (!parseInt(uid, 10)) { return callback(); } Notifications.get(nid, uid, function(notif_data) { async.parallel([ function(next) { db.sortedSetRemove('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', nid, next); }, function(next) { if (!notif_data) { return next(); } db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', notif_data.datetime, nid, next); } ], callback); }); }; Notifications.mark_read_multiple = function(nids, uid, callback) { if (!Array.isArray(nids) && parseInt(nids, 10) > 0) { nids = [nids]; } async.each(nids, function(nid, next) { Notifications.mark_read(nid, uid, function(err) { if (!err) { next(null); } }); }, function(err) { if (callback) { callback(err); } }); }; Notifications.mark_all_read = function(uid, callback) { db.getSortedSetRange('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', 0, 10, function(err, nids) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (nids.length > 0) { Notifications.mark_read_multiple(nids, uid, function(err) { callback(err); }); } else { callback(); } }); }; Notifications.prune = function(cutoff) { var start = process.hrtime(); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.info('[notifications.prune] Removing expired notifications from the database.'); } var today = new Date(), numPruned = 0; if (!cutoff) { cutoff = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() - 7); } var cutoffTime = cutoff.getTime(); db.getSetMembers('notifications', function(err, nids) { async.filter(nids, function(nid, next) { db.getObjectField('notifications:' + nid, 'datetime', function(err, datetime) { if (parseInt(datetime, 10) < cutoffTime) { next(true); } else { next(false); } }); }, function(expiredNids) { async.each(expiredNids, function(nid, next) { async.parallel([ function(next) { db.setRemove('notifications', nid, next); }, function(next) { db.delete('notifications:' + nid, next); } ], function(err) { numPruned++; next(err); }); }, function(err) { if (!err) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.info('[notifications.prune] Notification pruning completed. ' + numPruned + ' expired notification' + (numPruned !== 1 ? 's' : '') + ' removed.'); } var diff = process.hrtime(start); events.log('Pruning notifications took : ' + (diff[0] * 1e3 + diff[1] / 1e6) + ' ms'); } else { winston.error('Encountered error pruning notifications: ' + err.message); } }); }); }); }; }(exports));