'use strict'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare const io = require('socket.io-client'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare const $ = require('jquery'); app = window.app || {}; (function () { let reconnecting = false; const ioParams = { reconnectionAttempts: config.maxReconnectionAttempts, reconnectionDelay: config.reconnectionDelay, transports: config.socketioTransports, path: config.relative_path + '/socket.io', query: { _csrf: config.csrf_token, }, }; window.socket = io(config.websocketAddress, ioParams); const oEmit = socket.emit; socket.emit = function (event, data, callback) { if (typeof data === 'function') { callback = data; data = null; } if (typeof callback === 'function') { oEmit.apply(socket, [event, data, callback]); return; } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { oEmit.apply(socket, [event, data, function (err, result) { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(result); }]); }); }; let hooks; require(['hooks'], function (_hooks) { hooks = _hooks; if (parseInt(app.user.uid, 10) >= 0) { addHandlers(); } }); window.app.reconnect = () => { if (socket.connected) { return; } const reconnectEl = $('#reconnect'); $('#reconnect-alert') .removeClass('alert-danger pointer') .addClass('alert-warning') .find('p') .translateText(`[[global:reconnecting-message, ${config.siteTitle}]]`); reconnectEl.html(''); socket.connect(); }; function addHandlers() { socket.on('connect', onConnect); socket.on('disconnect', onDisconnect); socket.io.on('reconnect_failed', function () { const reconnectEl = $('#reconnect'); reconnectEl.html(''); $('#reconnect-alert') .removeClass('alert-warning') .addClass('alert-danger pointer') .find('p') .translateText('[[error:socket-reconnect-failed]]') .one('click', app.reconnect); $(window).one('focus', app.reconnect); }); socket.on('checkSession', function (uid) { if (parseInt(uid, 10) !== parseInt(app.user.uid, 10)) { handleSessionMismatch(); } }); socket.on('event:invalid_session', () => { handleInvalidSession(); }); socket.on('setHostname', function (hostname) { app.upstreamHost = hostname; }); socket.on('event:banned', onEventBanned); socket.on('event:unbanned', onEventUnbanned); socket.on('event:logout', function () { require(['logout'], function (logout) { logout(); }); }); socket.on('event:alert', function (params) { require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts.alert(params); }); }); socket.on('event:deprecated_call', function (data) { console.warn('[socket.io] ', data.eventName, 'is now deprecated in favour of', data.replacement); }); socket.removeAllListeners('event:nodebb.ready'); socket.on('event:nodebb.ready', function (data) { if ((data.hostname === app.upstreamHost) && (!app.cacheBuster || app.cacheBuster !== data['cache-buster'])) { app.cacheBuster = data['cache-buster']; require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts.alert({ alert_id: 'forum_updated', title: '[[global:updated.title]]', message: '[[global:updated.message]]', clickfn: function () { window.location.reload(); }, type: 'warning', }); }); } }); socket.on('event:livereload', function () { if (app.user.isAdmin && !ajaxify.currentPage.match(/admin/)) { window.location.reload(); } }); } function handleInvalidSession() { socket.disconnect(); require(['messages', 'logout'], function (messages, logout) { logout(false); messages.showInvalidSession(); }); } function handleSessionMismatch() { if (app.flags._login || app.flags._logout) { return; } socket.disconnect(); require(['messages'], function (messages) { messages.showSessionMismatch(); }); } function onConnect() { if (!reconnecting) { hooks.fire('action:connected'); } else { const reconnectEl = $('#reconnect'); const reconnectAlert = $('#reconnect-alert'); reconnectEl.tooltip('dispose'); reconnectEl.html(''); reconnectAlert.addClass('hide'); reconnecting = false; reJoinCurrentRoom(); socket.emit('meta.reconnected'); hooks.fire('action:reconnected'); setTimeout(function () { reconnectEl.removeClass('active').addClass('hide'); }, 3000); } } function reJoinCurrentRoom() { if (app.currentRoom) { const current = app.currentRoom; app.currentRoom = ''; app.enterRoom(current); } if (ajaxify.data.template.chats) { if (ajaxify.data.roomId) { socket.emit('modules.chats.enter', ajaxify.data.roomId); } if (ajaxify.data.publicRooms) { socket.emit('modules.chats.enterPublic', ajaxify.data.publicRooms.map(r => r.roomId)); } } } function onReconnecting() { const reconnectEl = $('#reconnect'); const reconnectAlert = $('#reconnect-alert'); if (!reconnectEl.hasClass('active')) { reconnectEl.html(''); reconnectAlert.removeClass('hide'); } reconnectEl.addClass('active').removeClass('hide').tooltip({ placement: 'bottom', animation: false, }); } function onDisconnect() { reconnecting = true; setTimeout(function () { if (!socket.connected) { onReconnecting(); } }, 2000); hooks.fire('action:disconnected'); } function onEventBanned(data) { require(['bootbox', 'translator'], function (bootbox, translator) { const message = data.until ? translator.compile('error:user-banned-reason-until', (new Date(data.until).toLocaleString()), data.reason) : '[[error:user-banned-reason, ' + data.reason + ']]'; translator.translate(message, function (message) { bootbox.alert({ title: '[[error:user-banned]]', message: message, closeButton: false, callback: function () { window.location.href = config.relative_path + '/'; }, }); }); }); } function onEventUnbanned() { require(['bootbox'], function (bootbox) { bootbox.alert({ title: '[[global:alert.unbanned]]', message: '[[global:alert.unbanned.message]]', closeButton: false, callback: function () { window.location.href = config.relative_path + '/'; }, }); }); } if ( config.socketioOrigins && config.socketioOrigins !== '*:*' && config.socketioOrigins.indexOf(location.hostname) === -1 ) { console.error( 'You are accessing the forum from an unknown origin. This will likely result in websockets failing to connect. \n' + 'To fix this, set the `"url"` value in `config.json` to the URL at which you access the site. \n' + 'For more information, see this FAQ topic: https://community.nodebb.org/topic/13388' ); } }());