{ "installed": "Installed", "active": "Active", "inactive": "Inactive", "out-of-date": "Out of Date", "find-plugins": "Find Plugins", "plugin-search": "Plugin Search", "plugin-search-placeholder": "Search for plugin...", "reorder-plugins": "Re-order Plugins", "order-active": "Order Active Plugins", "dev-interested": "Interested in writing plugins for NodeBB?", "docs-info": "Full documentation regarding plugin authoring can be found in the NodeBB Docs Portal.", "order.description": "Certain plugins work ideally when they are initialised before/after other plugins.", "order.explanation": "Plugins load in the order specified here, from top to bottom", "plugin-item.themes": "Themes", "plugin-item.deactivate": "Deactivate", "plugin-item.activate": "Activate", "plugin-item.uninstall": "Uninstall", "plugin-item.settings": "Settings", "plugin-item.installed": "Installed", "plugin-item.latest": "Latest", "plugin-item.upgrade": "Upgrade", "plugin-item.more-info": "For more information:", "plugin-item.unknown": "Unknown", "plugin-item.unknown-explanation": "The state of this plugin could not be determined, possibly due to a misconfiguration error." }