'use strict'; var async = require('async'); var winston = require('winston'); var S = require('string'); var db = require('../database'); var meta = require('../meta'); var notifications = require('../notifications'); var privileges = require('../privileges'); (function(UserNotifications) { UserNotifications.get = function(uid, callback) { if (!parseInt(uid, 10)) { return callback(null , {read: [], unread: []}); } getNotifications(uid, 0, 9, function(err, notifications) { if (err) { return callback(err); } notifications.read = notifications.read.filter(Boolean); notifications.unread = notifications.unread.filter(Boolean); var maxNotifs = 15; if (notifications.read.length + notifications.unread.length > maxNotifs) { notifications.read.length = maxNotifs - notifications.unread.length; } callback(null, notifications); }); }; UserNotifications.getAll = function(uid, start, stop, callback) { getNotifications(uid, start, stop, function(err, notifs) { if (err) { return callback(err); } notifs = notifs.unread.concat(notifs.read); notifs = notifs.filter(Boolean).sort(function(a, b) { return b.datetime - a.datetime; }); callback(null, notifs); }); }; function getNotifications(uid, start, stop, callback) { async.parallel({ unread: function(next) { getNotificationsFromSet('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', false, uid, start, stop, next); }, read: function(next) { getNotificationsFromSet('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', true, uid, start, stop, next); } }, callback); } function getNotificationsFromSet(set, read, uid, start, stop, callback) { var setNids; async.waterfall([ async.apply(db.getSortedSetRevRange, set, start, stop), function(nids, next) { if(!Array.isArray(nids) || !nids.length) { return callback(null, []); } setNids = nids; UserNotifications.getNotifications(nids, uid, next); }, function(notifs, next) { var deletedNids = []; notifs.forEach(function(notification, index) { if (!notification) { winston.verbose('[notifications.get] nid ' + setNids[index] + ' not found. Removing.'); deletedNids.push(setNids[index]); } else { notification.read = read; notification.readClass = !notification.read ? 'unread' : ''; } }); if (deletedNids.length) { db.sortedSetRemove(set, deletedNids); } notifications.merge(notifs, next); } ], callback); } UserNotifications.getNotifications = function(nids, uid, callback) { notifications.getMultiple(nids, function(err, notifications) { if (err) { return callback(err); } notifications = notifications.filter(function(notification) { return notification && notification.path; }); callback(null, notifications); }); }; UserNotifications.getDailyUnread = function(uid, callback) { var yesterday = Date.now() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); // Approximate, can be more or less depending on time changes, makes no difference really. db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScore('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', 0, 20, '+inf', yesterday, function(err, nids) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!Array.isArray(nids) || !nids.length) { return callback(null, []); } UserNotifications.getNotifications(nids, uid, callback); }); }; UserNotifications.getUnreadCount = function(uid, callback) { if (!parseInt(uid, 10)) { return callback(null, 0); } // Collapse any notifications with identical mergeIds async.waterfall([ async.apply(db.getSortedSetRevRange, 'uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', 0, 99), async.apply(notifications.filterExists), function(nids, next) { var keys = nids.map(function(nid) { return 'notifications:' + nid; }); db.getObjectsFields(keys, ['mergeId'], next); } ], function(err, mergeIds) { // A missing (null) mergeId means that notification is counted separately. mergeIds = mergeIds.map(function(set) { return set.mergeId; }); callback(err, mergeIds.reduce(function(count, cur, idx, arr) { if (cur === null || idx === arr.indexOf(cur)) { ++count; } return count; }, 0)); }); }; UserNotifications.getUnreadByField = function(uid, field, value, callback) { db.getSortedSetRevRange('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', 0, 99, function(err, nids) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!Array.isArray(nids) || !nids.length) { return callback(null, []); } var keys = nids.map(function(nid) { return 'notifications:' + nid; }); db.getObjectsFields(keys, ['nid', field], function(err, notifications) { if (err) { return callback(err); } value = value ? value.toString() : ''; nids = notifications.filter(function(notification) { return notification && notification[field] && notification[field].toString() === value; }).map(function(notification) { return notification.nid; }); callback(null, nids); }); }); }; UserNotifications.deleteAll = function(uid, callback) { if (!parseInt(uid, 10)) { return callback(); } async.parallel([ function(next) { db.delete('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', next); }, function(next) { db.delete('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', next); } ], callback); }; UserNotifications.sendTopicNotificationToFollowers = function(uid, topicData, postData) { var followers; async.waterfall([ function (next) { db.getSortedSetRange('followers:' + uid, 0, -1, next); }, function (followers, next) { if (!Array.isArray(followers) || !followers.length) { return; } privileges.categories.filterUids('read', topicData.cid, followers, next); }, function (_followers, next) { followers = _followers; if (!followers.length) { return; } var title = topicData.title; if (title) { title = S(title).decodeHTMLEntities().s; } notifications.create({ bodyShort: '[[notifications:user_posted_topic, ' + postData.user.username + ', ' + title + ']]', bodyLong: postData.content, pid: postData.pid, path: '/post/' + postData.pid, nid: 'tid:' + postData.tid + ':uid:' + uid, tid: postData.tid, from: uid }, next); } ], function(err, notification) { if (err) { return winston.error(err); } if (notification) { notifications.push(notification, followers); } }); }; UserNotifications.sendWelcomeNotification = function(uid, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if (!meta.config.welcomeNotification) { return callback(); } var path = meta.config.welcomeLink ? meta.config.welcomeLink : '#'; notifications.create({ bodyShort: meta.config.welcomeNotification, path: path, nid: 'welcome_' + uid }, function(err, notification) { if (err || !notification) { return callback(err); } notifications.push(notification, [uid], callback); }); }; UserNotifications.sendNameChangeNotification = function(uid, username) { notifications.create({ bodyShort: '[[user:username_taken_workaround, ' + username + ']]', image: 'brand:logo', nid: 'username_taken:' + uid, datetime: Date.now() }, function(err, notification) { if (!err && notification) { notifications.push(notification, uid); } }); }; UserNotifications.pushCount = function(uid) { var websockets = require('./../socket.io'); UserNotifications.getUnreadCount(uid, function(err, count) { if (err) { return winston.error(err.stack); } websockets.in('uid_' + uid).emit('event:notifications.updateCount', count); }); }; }(exports));