'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const async = require('async'); const request = require('request-promise-native'); const nconf = require('nconf'); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const sleep = util.promisify(setTimeout); const db = require('./mocks/databasemock'); const topics = require('../src/topics'); const posts = require('../src/posts'); const categories = require('../src/categories'); const privileges = require('../src/privileges'); const user = require('../src/user'); const groups = require('../src/groups'); const socketPosts = require('../src/socket.io/posts'); const apiPosts = require('../src/api/posts'); const apiTopics = require('../src/api/topics'); const meta = require('../src/meta'); const file = require('../src/file'); const helpers = require('./helpers'); const utils = require('../src/utils'); describe('Post\'s', () => { let voterUid; let voteeUid; let globalModUid; let postData; let topicData; let cid; before((done) => { async.series({ voterUid: function (next) { user.create({ username: 'upvoter' }, next); }, voteeUid: function (next) { user.create({ username: 'upvotee' }, next); }, globalModUid: function (next) { user.create({ username: 'globalmod', password: 'globalmodpwd' }, next); }, category: function (next) { categories.create({ name: 'Test Category', description: 'Test category created by testing script', }, next); }, }, (err, results) => { if (err) { return done(err); } voterUid = results.voterUid; voteeUid = results.voteeUid; globalModUid = results.globalModUid; cid = results.category.cid; topics.post({ uid: results.voteeUid, cid: results.category.cid, title: 'Test Topic Title', content: 'The content of test topic', }, (err, data) => { if (err) { return done(err); } postData = data.postData; topicData = data.topicData; groups.join('Global Moderators', globalModUid, done); }); }); }); it('should update category teaser properly', async () => { const getCategoriesAsync = async () => await request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/categories`, { json: true }); const postResult = await topics.post({ uid: globalModUid, cid: cid, title: 'topic title', content: '123456789' }); let data = await getCategoriesAsync(); assert.equal(data.categories[0].teaser.pid, postResult.postData.pid); assert.equal(data.categories[0].posts[0].content, '123456789'); assert.equal(data.categories[0].posts[0].pid, postResult.postData.pid); const newUid = await user.create({ username: 'teaserdelete' }); const newPostResult = await topics.post({ uid: newUid, cid: cid, title: 'topic title', content: 'xxxxxxxx' }); data = await getCategoriesAsync(); assert.equal(data.categories[0].teaser.pid, newPostResult.postData.pid); assert.equal(data.categories[0].posts[0].content, 'xxxxxxxx'); assert.equal(data.categories[0].posts[0].pid, newPostResult.postData.pid); await user.delete(1, newUid); data = await getCategoriesAsync(); assert.equal(data.categories[0].teaser.pid, postResult.postData.pid); assert.equal(data.categories[0].posts[0].content, '123456789'); assert.equal(data.categories[0].posts[0].pid, postResult.postData.pid); }); it('should change owner of post and topic properly', async () => { const oldUid = await user.create({ username: 'olduser' }); const newUid = await user.create({ username: 'newuser' }); const postResult = await topics.post({ uid: oldUid, cid: cid, title: 'change owner', content: 'original post' }); const postData = await topics.reply({ uid: oldUid, tid: postResult.topicData.tid, content: 'firstReply' }); const pid1 = postResult.postData.pid; const pid2 = postData.pid; assert.deepStrictEqual(await db.sortedSetScores(`tid:${postResult.topicData.tid}:posters`, [oldUid, newUid]), [2, null]); await posts.changeOwner([pid1, pid2], newUid); assert.deepStrictEqual(await db.sortedSetScores(`tid:${postResult.topicData.tid}:posters`, [oldUid, newUid]), [0, 2]); assert.deepStrictEqual(await posts.isOwner([pid1, pid2], oldUid), [false, false]); assert.deepStrictEqual(await posts.isOwner([pid1, pid2], newUid), [true, true]); assert.strictEqual(await user.getUserField(oldUid, 'postcount'), 0); assert.strictEqual(await user.getUserField(newUid, 'postcount'), 2); assert.strictEqual(await user.getUserField(oldUid, 'topiccount'), 0); assert.strictEqual(await user.getUserField(newUid, 'topiccount'), 1); assert.strictEqual(await db.sortedSetScore('users:postcount', oldUid), 0); assert.strictEqual(await db.sortedSetScore('users:postcount', newUid), 2); assert.strictEqual(await topics.isOwner(postResult.topicData.tid, oldUid), false); assert.strictEqual(await topics.isOwner(postResult.topicData.tid, newUid), true); }); it('should fail to change owner if new owner does not exist', async () => { try { await posts.changeOwner([1], '9999999'); } catch (err) { assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:no-user]]'); } }); it('should fail to change owner if user is not authorized', async () => { try { await socketPosts.changeOwner({ uid: voterUid }, { pids: [1, 2], toUid: voterUid }); } catch (err) { assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]'); } }); it('should return falsy if post does not exist', (done) => { posts.getPostData(9999, (err, postData) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(postData, null); done(); }); }); describe('voting', () => { it('should fail to upvote post if group does not have upvote permission', async () => { await privileges.categories.rescind(['groups:posts:upvote', 'groups:posts:downvote'], cid, 'registered-users'); let err; try { await apiPosts.upvote({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: postData.pid, room_id: 'topic_1' }); } catch (_err) { err = _err; } assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]'); try { await apiPosts.downvote({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: postData.pid, room_id: 'topic_1' }); } catch (_err) { err = _err; } assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]'); await privileges.categories.give(['groups:posts:upvote', 'groups:posts:downvote'], cid, 'registered-users'); }); it('should upvote a post', async () => { const result = await apiPosts.upvote({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: postData.pid, room_id: 'topic_1' }); assert.equal(result.post.upvotes, 1); assert.equal(result.post.downvotes, 0); assert.equal(result.post.votes, 1); assert.equal(result.user.reputation, 1); const data = await posts.hasVoted(postData.pid, voterUid); assert.equal(data.upvoted, true); assert.equal(data.downvoted, false); }); it('should add the pid to the :votes sorted set for that user', async () => { const cid = await posts.getCidByPid(postData.pid); const { uid, pid } = postData; const score = await db.sortedSetScore(`cid:${cid}:uid:${uid}:pids:votes`, pid); assert.strictEqual(score, 1); }); it('should get voters', (done) => { socketPosts.getVoters({ uid: globalModUid }, { pid: postData.pid, cid: cid }, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(data.upvoteCount, 1); assert.equal(data.downvoteCount, 0); assert(Array.isArray(data.upvoters)); assert.equal(data.upvoters[0].username, 'upvoter'); done(); }); }); it('should get upvoters', (done) => { socketPosts.getUpvoters({ uid: globalModUid }, [postData.pid], (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(data[0].otherCount, 0); assert.equal(data[0].usernames, 'upvoter'); done(); }); }); it('should unvote a post', async () => { const result = await apiPosts.unvote({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: postData.pid, room_id: 'topic_1' }); assert.equal(result.post.upvotes, 0); assert.equal(result.post.downvotes, 0); assert.equal(result.post.votes, 0); assert.equal(result.user.reputation, 0); const data = await posts.hasVoted(postData.pid, voterUid); assert.equal(data.upvoted, false); assert.equal(data.downvoted, false); }); it('should downvote a post', async () => { const result = await apiPosts.downvote({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: postData.pid, room_id: 'topic_1' }); assert.equal(result.post.upvotes, 0); assert.equal(result.post.downvotes, 1); assert.equal(result.post.votes, -1); assert.equal(result.user.reputation, -1); const data = await posts.hasVoted(postData.pid, voterUid); assert.equal(data.upvoted, false); assert.equal(data.downvoted, true); }); it('should add the pid to the :votes sorted set for that user', async () => { const cid = await posts.getCidByPid(postData.pid); const { uid, pid } = postData; const score = await db.sortedSetScore(`cid:${cid}:uid:${uid}:pids:votes`, pid); assert.strictEqual(score, -1); }); it('should prevent downvoting more than total daily limit', async () => { const oldValue = meta.config.downvotesPerDay; meta.config.downvotesPerDay = 1; let err; const p1 = await topics.reply({ uid: voteeUid, tid: topicData.tid, content: 'raw content', }); try { await apiPosts.downvote({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: p1.pid, room_id: 'topic_1' }); } catch (_err) { err = _err; } assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:too-many-downvotes-today, 1]]'); meta.config.downvotesPerDay = oldValue; }); it('should prevent downvoting target user more than total daily limit', async () => { const oldValue = meta.config.downvotesPerUserPerDay; meta.config.downvotesPerUserPerDay = 1; let err; const p1 = await topics.reply({ uid: voteeUid, tid: topicData.tid, content: 'raw content', }); try { await apiPosts.downvote({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: p1.pid, room_id: 'topic_1' }); } catch (_err) { err = _err; } assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:too-many-downvotes-today-user, 1]]'); meta.config.downvotesPerUserPerDay = oldValue; }); }); describe('bookmarking', () => { it('should bookmark a post', async () => { const data = await apiPosts.bookmark({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: postData.pid, room_id: `topic_${postData.tid}` }); assert.equal(data.isBookmarked, true); const hasBookmarked = await posts.hasBookmarked(postData.pid, voterUid); assert.equal(hasBookmarked, true); }); it('should unbookmark a post', async () => { const data = await apiPosts.unbookmark({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: postData.pid, room_id: `topic_${postData.tid}` }); assert.equal(data.isBookmarked, false); const hasBookmarked = await posts.hasBookmarked([postData.pid], voterUid); assert.equal(hasBookmarked[0], false); }); }); describe('post tools', () => { it('should error if data is invalid', (done) => { socketPosts.loadPostTools({ uid: globalModUid }, null, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); done(); }); }); it('should load post tools', (done) => { socketPosts.loadPostTools({ uid: globalModUid }, { pid: postData.pid, cid: cid }, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert(data.posts.display_edit_tools); assert(data.posts.display_delete_tools); assert(data.posts.display_moderator_tools); assert(data.posts.display_move_tools); done(); }); }); }); describe('delete/restore/purge', () => { async function createTopicWithReply() { const topicPostData = await topics.post({ uid: voterUid, cid: cid, title: 'topic to delete/restore/purge', content: 'A post to delete/restore/purge', }); const replyData = await topics.reply({ uid: voterUid, tid: topicPostData.topicData.tid, timestamp: Date.now(), content: 'A post to delete/restore and purge', }); return [topicPostData, replyData]; } let tid; let mainPid; let replyPid; before(async () => { const [topicPostData, replyData] = await createTopicWithReply(); tid = topicPostData.topicData.tid; mainPid = topicPostData.postData.pid; replyPid = replyData.pid; await privileges.categories.give(['groups:purge'], cid, 'registered-users'); }); it('should error with invalid data', async () => { try { await apiPosts.delete({ uid: voterUid }, null); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); } assert(false); }); it('should delete a post', async () => { await apiPosts.delete({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: replyPid, tid: tid }); const isDeleted = await posts.getPostField(replyPid, 'deleted'); assert.strictEqual(isDeleted, 1); }); it('should not see post content if global mod does not have posts:view_deleted privilege', (done) => { async.waterfall([ function (next) { user.create({ username: 'global mod', password: '123456' }, next); }, function (uid, next) { groups.join('Global Moderators', uid, next); }, function (next) { privileges.categories.rescind(['groups:posts:view_deleted'], cid, 'Global Moderators', next); }, async () => { const { jar } = await helpers.loginUser('global mod', '123456'); const { posts } = await request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/topic/${tid}`, { jar, json: true }); assert.equal(posts[1].content, '[[topic:post_is_deleted]]'); await privileges.categories.give(['groups:posts:view_deleted'], cid, 'Global Moderators'); }, ], done); }); it('should restore a post', async () => { await apiPosts.restore({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: replyPid, tid: tid }); const isDeleted = await posts.getPostField(replyPid, 'deleted'); assert.strictEqual(isDeleted, 0); }); it('should delete topic if last main post is deleted', async () => { const data = await topics.post({ uid: voterUid, cid: cid, title: 'test topic', content: 'test topic' }); await apiPosts.delete({ uid: globalModUid }, { pid: data.postData.pid }); const deleted = await topics.getTopicField(data.topicData.tid, 'deleted'); assert.strictEqual(deleted, 1); }); it('should purge posts and purge topic', async () => { const [topicPostData, replyData] = await createTopicWithReply(); await apiPosts.purge({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: replyData.pid }); await apiPosts.purge({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: topicPostData.postData.pid }); const pidExists = await posts.exists(replyData.pid); assert.strictEqual(pidExists, false); const tidExists = await topics.exists(topicPostData.topicData.tid); assert.strictEqual(tidExists, false); }); }); describe('edit', () => { let pid; let replyPid; let tid; before((done) => { topics.post({ uid: voterUid, cid: cid, title: 'topic to edit', content: 'A post to edit', tags: ['nodebb'], }, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); pid = data.postData.pid; tid = data.topicData.tid; topics.reply({ uid: voterUid, tid: tid, timestamp: Date.now(), content: 'A reply to edit', }, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); replyPid = data.pid; privileges.categories.give(['groups:posts:edit'], cid, 'registered-users', done); }); }); }); it('should error if user is not logged in', async () => { try { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: 0 }, { pid: pid, content: 'gg' }); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:not-logged-in]]'); } assert(false); }); it('should error if data is invalid or missing', async () => { try { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, {}); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); } assert(false); }); it('should error if title is too short', async () => { try { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, content: 'edited post content', title: 'a' }); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, `[[error:title-too-short, ${meta.config.minimumTitleLength}]]`); } assert(false); }); it('should error if title is too long', async () => { const longTitle = new Array(meta.config.maximumTitleLength + 2).join('a'); try { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, content: 'edited post content', title: longTitle }); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, `[[error:title-too-long, ${meta.config.maximumTitleLength}]]`); } assert(false); }); it('should error with too few tags', async () => { const oldValue = meta.config.minimumTagsPerTopic; meta.config.minimumTagsPerTopic = 1; try { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, content: 'edited post content', tags: [] }); } catch (err) { assert.equal(err.message, `[[error:not-enough-tags, ${meta.config.minimumTagsPerTopic}]]`); meta.config.minimumTagsPerTopic = oldValue; return; } assert(false); }); it('should error with too many tags', async () => { const tags = []; for (let i = 0; i < meta.config.maximumTagsPerTopic + 1; i += 1) { tags.push(`tag${i}`); } try { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, content: 'edited post content', tags: tags }); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, `[[error:too-many-tags, ${meta.config.maximumTagsPerTopic}]]`); } assert(false); }); it('should error if content is too short', async () => { try { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, content: 'e' }); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, `[[error:content-too-short, ${meta.config.minimumPostLength}]]`); } assert(false); }); it('should error if content is too long', async () => { const longContent = new Array(meta.config.maximumPostLength + 2).join('a'); try { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, content: longContent }); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, `[[error:content-too-long, ${meta.config.maximumPostLength}]]`); } assert(false); }); it('should edit post', async () => { const data = await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, content: 'edited post content', title: 'edited title', tags: ['edited'], }); assert.strictEqual(data.content, 'edited post content'); assert.strictEqual(data.editor, voterUid); assert.strictEqual(data.topic.title, 'edited title'); assert.strictEqual(data.topic.tags[0].value, 'edited'); const res = await db.getObject(`post:${pid}`); assert(!res.hasOwnProperty('bookmarks')); }); it('should disallow post editing for new users if post was made past the threshold for editing', async () => { meta.config.newbiePostEditDuration = 1; await sleep(1000); try { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, content: 'edited post content again', title: 'edited title again', tags: ['edited-twice'] }); } catch (err) { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:post-edit-duration-expired, 1]]'); meta.config.newbiePostEditDuration = 3600; return; } assert(false); }); it('should edit a deleted post', async () => { await apiPosts.delete({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, tid: tid }); const data = await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, content: 'edited deleted content', title: 'edited deleted title', tags: ['deleted'] }); assert.equal(data.content, 'edited deleted content'); assert.equal(data.editor, voterUid); assert.equal(data.topic.title, 'edited deleted title'); assert.equal(data.topic.tags[0].value, 'deleted'); }); it('should edit a reply post', async () => { const data = await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: replyPid, content: 'edited reply' }); assert.equal(data.content, 'edited reply'); assert.equal(data.editor, voterUid); assert.equal(data.topic.isMainPost, false); assert.equal(data.topic.renamed, false); }); it('should return diffs', (done) => { posts.diffs.get(replyPid, 0, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert(Array.isArray(data)); assert(data[0].pid, replyPid); assert(data[0].patch); done(); }); }); it('should load diffs and reconstruct post', (done) => { posts.diffs.load(replyPid, 0, voterUid, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(data.content, 'A reply to edit'); done(); }); }); it('should not allow guests to view diffs', async () => { let err = {}; try { await apiPosts.getDiffs({ uid: 0 }, { pid: 1 }); } catch (_err) { err = _err; } assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]'); }); it('should allow registered-users group to view diffs', async () => { const data = await apiPosts.getDiffs({ uid: 1 }, { pid: 1 }); assert.strictEqual('boolean', typeof data.editable); assert.strictEqual(false, data.editable); assert.equal(true, Array.isArray(data.timestamps)); assert.strictEqual(1, data.timestamps.length); assert.equal(true, Array.isArray(data.revisions)); assert.strictEqual(data.timestamps.length, data.revisions.length); ['timestamp', 'username'].every(prop => Object.keys(data.revisions[0]).includes(prop)); }); it('should not delete first diff of a post', async () => { const timestamps = await posts.diffs.list(replyPid); await assert.rejects( posts.diffs.delete(replyPid, timestamps[0], voterUid), { message: '[[error:invalid-data]]' } ); }); it('should delete a post diff', async () => { await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: replyPid, content: 'another edit has been made' }); await apiPosts.edit({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: replyPid, content: 'most recent edit' }); const timestamp = (await posts.diffs.list(replyPid)).pop(); await posts.diffs.delete(replyPid, timestamp, voterUid); const differentTimestamp = (await posts.diffs.list(replyPid)).pop(); assert.notStrictEqual(timestamp, differentTimestamp); }); it('should load (oldest) diff and reconstruct post correctly after a diff deletion', async () => { const data = await posts.diffs.load(replyPid, 0, voterUid); assert.strictEqual(data.content, 'A reply to edit'); }); }); describe('move', () => { let replyPid; let tid; let moveTid; before(async () => { const topic1 = await topics.post({ uid: voterUid, cid: cid, title: 'topic 1', content: 'some content', }); tid = topic1.topicData.tid; const topic2 = await topics.post({ uid: voterUid, cid: cid, title: 'topic 2', content: 'some content', }); moveTid = topic2.topicData.tid; const reply = await topics.reply({ uid: voterUid, tid: tid, timestamp: Date.now(), content: 'A reply to move', }); replyPid = reply.pid; }); it('should error if uid is not logged in', async () => { try { await apiPosts.move({ uid: 0 }, {}); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:not-logged-in]]'); } assert(false); }); it('should error if data is invalid', async () => { try { await apiPosts.move({ uid: globalModUid }, {}); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); } assert(false); }); it('should error if user does not have move privilege', async () => { try { await apiPosts.move({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: replyPid, tid: moveTid }); } catch (err) { return assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]'); } assert(false); }); it('should move a post', async () => { await apiPosts.move({ uid: globalModUid }, { pid: replyPid, tid: moveTid }); const tid = await posts.getPostField(replyPid, 'tid'); assert(tid, moveTid); }); it('should fail to move post if not moderator of target category', async () => { const cat1 = await categories.create({ name: 'Test Category', description: 'Test category created by testing script' }); const cat2 = await categories.create({ name: 'Test Category', description: 'Test category created by testing script' }); const result = await apiTopics.create({ uid: globalModUid }, { title: 'target topic', content: 'queued topic', cid: cat2.cid }); const modUid = await user.create({ username: 'modofcat1' }); const userPrivilegeList = await privileges.categories.getUserPrivilegeList(); await privileges.categories.give(userPrivilegeList, cat1.cid, modUid); let err; try { await apiPosts.move({ uid: modUid }, { pid: replyPid, tid: result.tid }); } catch (_err) { err = _err; } assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]'); }); }); describe('getPostSummaryByPids', () => { it('should return empty array for empty pids', (done) => { posts.getPostSummaryByPids([], 0, {}, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(data.length, 0); done(); }); }); it('should get post summaries', (done) => { posts.getPostSummaryByPids([postData.pid], 0, {}, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert(data[0].user); assert(data[0].topic); assert(data[0].category); done(); }); }); }); it('should get recent poster uids', (done) => { topics.reply({ uid: voterUid, tid: topicData.tid, timestamp: Date.now(), content: 'some content', }, (err) => { assert.ifError(err); posts.getRecentPosterUids(0, 1, (err, uids) => { assert.ifError(err); assert(Array.isArray(uids)); assert.equal(uids.length, 2); assert.equal(uids[0], voterUid); done(); }); }); }); describe('parse', () => { it('should not crash and return falsy if post data is falsy', (done) => { posts.parsePost(null, (err, postData) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(postData, null); done(); }); }); it('should store post content in cache', (done) => { const oldValue = global.env; global.env = 'production'; const postData = { pid: 9999, content: 'some post content', }; posts.parsePost(postData, (err) => { assert.ifError(err); posts.parsePost(postData, (err) => { assert.ifError(err); global.env = oldValue; done(); }); }); }); it('should parse signature and remove links and images', (done) => { meta.config['signatures:disableLinks'] = 1; meta.config['signatures:disableImages'] = 1; const userData = { signature: '<img src="boop"/><a href="link">test</a> derp', }; posts.parseSignature(userData, 1, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(data.userData.signature, 'test derp'); meta.config['signatures:disableLinks'] = 0; meta.config['signatures:disableImages'] = 0; done(); }); }); it('should turn relative links in post body to absolute urls', (done) => { const nconf = require('nconf'); const content = '<a href="/users">test</a> <a href="youtube.com">youtube</a>'; const parsedContent = posts.relativeToAbsolute(content, posts.urlRegex); assert.equal(parsedContent, `<a href="${nconf.get('base_url')}/users">test</a> <a href="//youtube.com">youtube</a>`); done(); }); it('should turn relative links in post body to absolute urls', (done) => { const nconf = require('nconf'); const content = '<a href="/users">test</a> <a href="youtube.com">youtube</a> some test <img src="/path/to/img"/>'; let parsedContent = posts.relativeToAbsolute(content, posts.urlRegex); parsedContent = posts.relativeToAbsolute(parsedContent, posts.imgRegex); assert.equal(parsedContent, `<a href="${nconf.get('base_url')}/users">test</a> <a href="//youtube.com">youtube</a> some test <img src="${nconf.get('base_url')}/path/to/img"/>`); done(); }); }); describe('socket methods', () => { let pid; before((done) => { topics.reply({ uid: voterUid, tid: topicData.tid, timestamp: Date.now(), content: 'raw content', }, (err, postData) => { assert.ifError(err); pid = postData.pid; privileges.categories.rescind(['groups:topics:read'], cid, 'guests', done); }); }); it('should error with invalid data', async () => { try { await apiTopics.reply({ uid: 0 }, null); assert(false); } catch (err) { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); } }); it('should error with invalid tid', async () => { try { await apiTopics.reply({ uid: 0 }, { tid: 0, content: 'derp' }); assert(false); } catch (err) { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); } }); it('should fail to get raw post because of privilege', async () => { const content = await apiPosts.getRaw({ uid: 0 }, { pid }); assert.strictEqual(content, null); }); it('should fail to get raw post because post is deleted', async () => { await posts.setPostField(pid, 'deleted', 1); const content = await apiPosts.getRaw({ uid: voterUid }, { pid }); assert.strictEqual(content, null); }); it('should allow privileged users to view the deleted post\'s raw content', async () => { await posts.setPostField(pid, 'deleted', 1); const content = await apiPosts.getRaw({ uid: globalModUid }, { pid }); assert.strictEqual(content, 'raw content'); }); it('should get raw post content', async () => { await posts.setPostField(pid, 'deleted', 0); const postContent = await apiPosts.getRaw({ uid: voterUid }, { pid }); assert.equal(postContent, 'raw content'); }); it('should get post', async () => { const postData = await apiPosts.get({ uid: voterUid }, { pid }); assert(postData); }); it('should get post summary', async () => { const summary = await apiPosts.getSummary({ uid: voterUid }, { pid }); assert(summary); }); it('should get raw post content', async () => { const postContent = await socketPosts.getRawPost({ uid: voterUid }, pid); assert.equal(postContent, 'raw content'); }); it('should get post summary by index', async () => { const summary = await socketPosts.getPostSummaryByIndex({ uid: voterUid }, { index: 1, tid: topicData.tid, }); assert(summary); }); it('should get post timestamp by index', async () => { const timestamp = await socketPosts.getPostTimestampByIndex({ uid: voterUid }, { index: 1, tid: topicData.tid, }); assert(utils.isNumber(timestamp)); }); it('should get post timestamp by index', async () => { const summary = await socketPosts.getPostSummaryByPid({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, }); assert(summary); }); it('should get post category', async () => { const postCid = await socketPosts.getCategory({ uid: voterUid }, pid); assert.equal(cid, postCid); }); it('should get pid index', async () => { const index = await socketPosts.getPidIndex({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, tid: topicData.tid, topicPostSort: 'oldest_to_newest' }); assert.equal(index, 4); }); it('should get pid index', async () => { const index = await apiPosts.getIndex({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: pid, sort: 'oldest_to_newest' }); assert.strictEqual(index, 4); }); it('should get pid index in reverse', async () => { const postData = await topics.reply({ uid: voterUid, tid: topicData.tid, content: 'raw content', }); const index = await apiPosts.getIndex({ uid: voterUid }, { pid: postData.pid, sort: 'newest_to_oldest' }); assert.equal(index, 1); }); }); describe('filterPidsByCid', () => { it('should return pids as is if cid is falsy', (done) => { posts.filterPidsByCid([1, 2, 3], null, (err, pids) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual([1, 2, 3], pids); done(); }); }); it('should filter pids by single cid', (done) => { posts.filterPidsByCid([postData.pid, 100, 101], cid, (err, pids) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual([postData.pid], pids); done(); }); }); it('should filter pids by multiple cids', (done) => { posts.filterPidsByCid([postData.pid, 100, 101], [cid, 2, 3], (err, pids) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual([postData.pid], pids); done(); }); }); it('should filter pids by multiple cids', (done) => { posts.filterPidsByCid([postData.pid, 100, 101], [cid], (err, pids) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual([postData.pid], pids); done(); }); }); }); it('should error if user does not exist', (done) => { user.isReadyToPost(21123123, 1, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-user]]'); done(); }); }); describe('post queue', () => { let uid; let queueId; let topicQueueId; let jar; before((done) => { meta.config.postQueue = 1; user.create({ username: 'newuser' }, (err, _uid) => { assert.ifError(err); uid = _uid; done(); }); }); after((done) => { meta.config.postQueue = 0; meta.config.groupsExemptFromPostQueue = []; done(); }); it('should add topic to post queue', async () => { const result = await apiTopics.create({ uid: uid }, { title: 'should be queued', content: 'queued topic content', cid: cid }); assert.strictEqual(result.queued, true); assert.equal(result.message, '[[success:post-queued]]'); topicQueueId = result.id; }); it('should add reply to post queue', async () => { const result = await apiTopics.reply({ uid: uid }, { content: 'this is a queued reply', tid: topicData.tid }); assert.strictEqual(result.queued, true); assert.equal(result.message, '[[success:post-queued]]'); queueId = result.id; }); it('should load queued posts', async () => { ({ jar } = await helpers.loginUser('globalmod', 'globalmodpwd')); const { posts } = await request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post-queue`, { jar: jar, json: true }); assert.equal(posts[0].type, 'topic'); assert.equal(posts[0].data.content, 'queued topic content'); assert.equal(posts[1].type, 'reply'); assert.equal(posts[1].data.content, 'this is a queued reply'); }); it('should error if data is invalid', (done) => { socketPosts.editQueuedContent({ uid: globalModUid }, null, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); done(); }); }); it('should edit post in queue', async () => { await socketPosts.editQueuedContent({ uid: globalModUid }, { id: queueId, content: 'newContent' }); const { posts } = await request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post-queue`, { jar: jar, json: true }); assert.equal(posts[1].type, 'reply'); assert.equal(posts[1].data.content, 'newContent'); }); it('should edit topic title in queue', async () => { await socketPosts.editQueuedContent({ uid: globalModUid }, { id: topicQueueId, title: 'new topic title' }); const { posts } = await request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post-queue`, { jar: jar, json: true }); assert.equal(posts[0].type, 'topic'); assert.equal(posts[0].data.title, 'new topic title'); }); it('should edit topic category in queue', async () => { await socketPosts.editQueuedContent({ uid: globalModUid }, { id: topicQueueId, cid: 2 }); const { posts } = await request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post-queue`, { jar: jar, json: true }); assert.equal(posts[0].type, 'topic'); assert.equal(posts[0].data.cid, 2); await socketPosts.editQueuedContent({ uid: globalModUid }, { id: topicQueueId, cid: cid }); }); it('should prevent regular users from approving posts', (done) => { socketPosts.accept({ uid: uid }, { id: queueId }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]'); done(); }); }); it('should prevent regular users from approving non existing posts', (done) => { socketPosts.accept({ uid: uid }, { id: 123123 }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-post]]'); done(); }); }); it('should accept queued posts and submit', (done) => { let ids; async.waterfall([ function (next) { db.getSortedSetRange('post:queue', 0, -1, next); }, function (_ids, next) { ids = _ids; socketPosts.accept({ uid: globalModUid }, { id: ids[0] }, next); }, function (next) { socketPosts.accept({ uid: globalModUid }, { id: ids[1] }, next); }, ], done); }); it('should not crash if id does not exist', (done) => { socketPosts.reject({ uid: globalModUid }, { id: '123123123' }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-post]]'); done(); }); }); it('should bypass post queue if user is in exempt group', async () => { const oldValue = meta.config.groupsExemptFromPostQueue; meta.config.groupsExemptFromPostQueue = ['registered-users']; const uid = await user.create({ username: 'mergeexemptuser' }); const result = await apiTopics.create({ uid: uid, emit: () => {} }, { title: 'should not be queued', content: 'topic content', cid: cid }); assert.strictEqual(result.title, 'should not be queued'); meta.config.groupsExemptFromPostQueue = oldValue; }); it('should update queued post\'s topic if target topic is merged', async () => { const uid = await user.create({ username: 'mergetestsuser' }); const result1 = await apiTopics.create({ uid: globalModUid }, { title: 'topic A', content: 'topic A content', cid: cid }); const result2 = await apiTopics.create({ uid: globalModUid }, { title: 'topic B', content: 'topic B content', cid: cid }); const result = await apiTopics.reply({ uid: uid }, { content: 'the moved queued post', tid: result1.tid }); await topics.merge([ result1.tid, result2.tid, ], globalModUid, { mainTid: result2.tid }); let postData = await posts.getQueuedPosts(); postData = postData.filter(p => parseInt(p.data.tid, 10) === parseInt(result2.tid, 10)); assert.strictEqual(postData.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(postData[0].data.content, 'the moved queued post'); assert.strictEqual(postData[0].data.tid, result2.tid); }); }); describe('Topic Backlinks', () => { let tid1; before(async () => { tid1 = await topics.post({ uid: 1, cid, title: 'Topic backlink testing - topic 1', content: 'Some text here for the OP', }); tid1 = tid1.topicData.tid; }); describe('.syncBacklinks()', () => { it('should error on invalid data', async () => { try { await topics.syncBacklinks(); } catch (e) { assert(e); assert.strictEqual(e.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); } }); it('should do nothing if the post does not contain a link to a topic', async () => { const backlinks = await topics.syncBacklinks({ content: 'This is a post\'s content', }); assert.strictEqual(backlinks, 0); }); it('should create a backlink if it detects a topic link in a post', async () => { const count = await topics.syncBacklinks({ pid: 2, content: `This is a link to [topic 1](${nconf.get('url')}/topic/1/abcdef)`, }); const events = await topics.events.get(1, 1); const backlinks = await db.getSortedSetMembers('pid:2:backlinks'); assert.strictEqual(count, 1); assert(events); assert.strictEqual(events.length, 1); assert(backlinks); assert(backlinks.includes('1')); }); it('should remove the backlink (but keep the event) if the post no longer contains a link to a topic', async () => { const count = await topics.syncBacklinks({ pid: 2, content: 'This is a link to [nothing](http://example.org)', }); const events = await topics.events.get(1, 1); const backlinks = await db.getSortedSetMembers('pid:2:backlinks'); assert.strictEqual(count, 0); assert(events); assert.strictEqual(events.length, 1); assert(backlinks); assert.strictEqual(backlinks.length, 0); }); it('should not detect backlinks if they are in quotes', async () => { const content = ` @baris said in [ok testing backlinks](/post/32145): > here is a back link to a topic > > > This is a link to [topic 1](${nconf.get('url')}/topic/1/abcdef This should not generate backlink `; const count = await topics.syncBacklinks({ pid: 2, content: content, }); const backlinks = await db.getSortedSetMembers('pid:2:backlinks'); assert.strictEqual(count, 0); assert(backlinks); assert.strictEqual(backlinks.length, 0); }); }); describe('integration tests', () => { it('should create a topic event in the referenced topic', async () => { const topic = await topics.post({ uid: 1, cid, title: 'Topic backlink testing - topic 2', content: `Some text here for the OP – ${nconf.get('url')}/topic/${tid1}`, }); const events = await topics.events.get(tid1, 1); assert(events); assert.strictEqual(events.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(events[0].type, 'backlink'); assert.strictEqual(parseInt(events[0].uid, 10), 1); assert.strictEqual(events[0].href, `/post/${topic.postData.pid}`); }); it('should not create a topic event if referenced topic is the same as current topic', async () => { await topics.reply({ uid: 1, tid: tid1, content: `Referencing itself – ${nconf.get('url')}/topic/${tid1}`, }); const events = await topics.events.get(tid1, 1); assert(events); assert.strictEqual(events.length, 1); // should still equal 1 }); it('should not show backlink events if the feature is disabled', async () => { meta.config.topicBacklinks = 0; await topics.post({ uid: 1, cid, title: 'Topic backlink testing - topic 3', content: `Some text here for the OP – ${nconf.get('url')}/topic/${tid1}`, }); const events = await topics.events.get(tid1, 1); assert(events); assert.strictEqual(events.length, 0); }); }); }); }); describe('Posts\'', async () => { let files; before(async () => { files = await file.walk(path.resolve(__dirname, './posts')); }); it('subfolder tests', () => { files.forEach((filePath) => { require(filePath); }); }); });