{ "installed": "Nainštalované", "active": "Aktívny", "inactive": "Nečinný", "out-of-date": "Zastaralé", "none-found": "Neboli nájdené žiadne rozšírenia", "none-active": "Žiadne aktívne rozšírenia", "find-plugins": "Nájsť rozšírenia", "plugin-search": "Hľadať rozšírenia", "plugin-search-placeholder": "Hľadať rozšírenia...", "reorder-plugins": "Roztriediť rozšírenia", "order-active": "Poradie aktívnych rozšírení", "dev-interested": "Zaujíma Vás písanie rozšírení pre NodeBB?", "docs-info": "Plná dokumentácia ohľadom autorizácie rozšírení je k nájdeniu na Portále dokumentov NodeBB.", "order.description": "Niektoré rozšírenia fungujú správne až ak sú inicializované pred/po ostatných rozšíreniach.", "order.explanation": "Rozšírenia sú načítané podľa poradia tu určenom, zhora nadol", "plugin-item.themes": "Motívy", "plugin-item.deactivate": "Deaktivovať", "plugin-item.activate": "Aktivovať", "plugin-item.install": "Nainštalovať", "plugin-item.uninstall": "Odinštalovať", "plugin-item.settings": "Nastavenia", "plugin-item.installed": "Installed", "plugin-item.latest": "Latest", "plugin-item.upgrade": "Upgrade", "plugin-item.more-info": "For more information:", "plugin-item.unknown": "Unknown", "plugin-item.unknown-explanation": "The state of this plugin could not be determined, possibly due to a misconfiguration error.", "alert.enabled": "Plugin Enabled", "alert.disabled": "Plugin Disabled", "alert.upgraded": "Plugin Upgraded", "alert.installed": "Plugin Installed", "alert.uninstalled": "Plugin Uninstalled", "alert.activate-success": "Please restart your NodeBB to fully activate this plugin", "alert.deactivate-success": "Plugin successfully deactivated", "alert.upgrade-success": "Please reload your NodeBB to fully upgrade this plugin", "alert.install-success": "Plugin successfully installed, please activate the plugin.", "alert.uninstall-success": "The plugin has been successfully deactivated and uninstalled.", "alert.suggest-error": "
NodeBB could not reach the package manager, proceed with installation of latest version?
NodeBB could not reach the package manager, an upgrade is not suggested at this time.
", "alert.incompatible": "Your version of NodeBB (v%1) is only cleared to upgrade to v%2 of this plugin. Please update your NodeBB if you wish to install a newer version of this plugin.
", "alert.possibly-incompatible": "No Compatibility Information Found
This plugin did not specify a specific version for installation given your NodeBB version. Full compatibility cannot be guaranteed, and may cause your NodeBB to no longer start properly.
In the event that NodeBB cannot boot properly:
$ ./nodebb reset plugin=\"%1\"
Continue installation of latest version of this plugin?
", "license.title": "Plugin License Information", "license.intro": "The plugin %1 is licensed under the %2. Please read and understand the license terms prior to activating this plugin.", "license.cta": "Do you wish to continue with activating this plugin?" }