"sorting": "İleti Sıralaması",
"sorting.post-default": "Varsayılan İleti Sıralaması",
"sorting.oldest-to-newest": "En Eskiden En Yeniye",
"sorting.newest-to-oldest": "En Yeniden En Eskiye",
"sorting.most-votes": "En Çok Oylanan",
"sorting.most-posts": "Most Posts",
"sorting.topic-default": "Varsayılan Konu Sıralaması",
"length": "Post Length",
"restrictions": "İleti Kısıtlamaları",
"restrictions-new": "New User Restrictions",
"restrictions.post-queue": "İleti kuyruğunu etkinleştir",
"restrictions-new.post-queue": "Enable new user restrictions",
"restrictions.post-queue-help": "İleti kuyruğunu etkinleştirmek, yeni kullanıcıların gönderilerini onay için bir sıraya koyacaktır.",
"restrictions-new.post-queue-help": "Enabling new user restrictions will set restrictions on posts created by new users.",
"restrictions.seconds-between": "Seconds between posts",
"restrictions.seconds-between-new": "Seconds between posts for new users",
"restrictions.rep-threshold": "Reputation threshold before these restrictions are lifted",
"restrictions.seconds-defore-new": "Seconds before new user can post",
"restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds before users are allowed to edit posts after posting. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds before users are allowed to delete posts after posting. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.replies-no-delete": "Number of replies after users are disallowed to delete their own topics. (0 disabled)",
"restrictions.min-title-length": "Minimum Başlık Uzunluğu",
"restrictions.max-title-length": "Maksimum Başlık Uzunluğu",
"restrictions.min-post-length": "Minimum İleti Uzunluğu",
"restrictions.max-post-length": "Maksimum İleti Uzunluğu",
"restrictions.days-until-stale": "Days until topic is considered stale",
"restrictions.stale-help": "If a topic is considered \"stale\", then a warning will be shown to users who attempt to reply to that topic.",
"timestamp": "Timestamp",
"timestamp.cut-off": "Date cut-off (in days)",
"timestamp.cut-off-help": "Dates & times will be shown in a relative manner (e.g. \"3 hours ago\" / \"5 days ago\"), and localised into various\n\t\t\t\t\tlanguages. After a certain point, this text can be switched to display the localised date itself\n\t\t\t\t\t(e.g. 5 Nov 2016 15:30).
(Default: 30
, or one month). Set to 0 to always display dates, leave blank to always display relative times.",
"teaser": "Teaser Post",
"teaser.last-post": "Last – Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last – Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "İlk",
"unread": "Okunmamış Ayarları",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",
"recent": "Recent Settings",
"recent.categoryFilter.disable": "Disable filtering of topics in ignored categories on the /recent page",
"signature": "İmza Ayarları",
"signature.disable": "İmzaları devre dışı bırak",
"signature.no-links": "İmzalarda linkleri devre dışı bırak",
"signature.no-images": "İmzalarda resimleri devre dışı bırak",
"signature.max-length": "Maksimum İmza Uzunluğu",
"composer": "Yazar Ayarları",
"composer-help": "The following settings govern the functionality and/or appearance of the post composer shown\n\t\t\t\tto users when they create new topics, or reply to existing topics.",
"composer.show-help": "\"Yardım\" sekmesini göster",
"composer.enable-plugin-help": "Eklentilerin yardım sekmesine içerik eklemesine izin ver",
"composer.custom-help": "Özel Yardım Metni",
"ip-tracking": "IP İzleme",
"ip-tracking.each-post": "Her ileti için IP Adresini takip et"