{ "invalid-data": "Invalid Data", "not-logged-in": "You don't seem to be logged in.", "invalid-cid": "Invalid Category ID", "no-category": "Category doesn't exist", "no-topic": "Topic doesn't exist", "no-privileges": "You don't have enough privileges for this action.", "topic-locked": "Topic Locked", "still-uploading" : "Please wait for uploads to complete.", "content-too-short" : "Please enter a longer post. At least %1 characters.", "title-too-short" : "Please enter a longer title. At least %1 characters.", "title-too-long" : "Please enter a shorter title. Titles can't be longer than %1 characters.", "too-many-posts" : "You can only post every %1 seconds.'", "file-too-big" : "Maximum allowed file size is %1 kbs" }