'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const nconf = require('nconf'); const db = require('../mocks/databasemock'); const user = require('../../src/user'); const topics = require('../../src/topics'); const categories = require('../../src/categories'); const file = require('../../src/file'); const utils = require('../../public/src/utils'); const md5 = filename => crypto.createHash('md5').update(filename).digest('hex'); describe('uploads.js', () => { describe('.associateUpload()', () => { let uid; let relativePath; beforeEach(async () => { uid = await user.create({ username: utils.generateUUID(), password: utils.generateUUID(), gdpr_consent: 1, }); relativePath = `files/${utils.generateUUID()}`; fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), relativePath), 'w')); }); it('should associate an uploaded file to a user', async () => { await user.associateUpload(uid, relativePath); const uploads = await db.getSortedSetMembers(`uid:${uid}:uploads`); const uploadObj = await db.getObject(`upload:${md5(relativePath)}`); assert.strictEqual(uploads.length, 1); assert.deepStrictEqual(uploads, [relativePath]); assert.strictEqual(parseInt(uploadObj.uid, 10), uid); }); it('should throw an error if the path is invalid', async () => { try { await user.associateUpload(uid, `${relativePath}suffix`); } catch (e) { assert(e); assert.strictEqual(e.message, '[[error:invalid-path]]'); } const uploads = await db.getSortedSetMembers(`uid:${uid}:uploads`); assert.strictEqual(uploads.length, 0); assert.deepStrictEqual(uploads, []); }); it('should guard against path traversal', async () => { try { await user.associateUpload(uid, `../../config.json`); } catch (e) { assert(e); assert.strictEqual(e.message, '[[error:invalid-path]]'); } const uploads = await db.getSortedSetMembers(`uid:${uid}:uploads`); assert.strictEqual(uploads.length, 0); assert.deepStrictEqual(uploads, []); }); }); describe('.deleteUpload', () => { let uid; let relativePath; beforeEach(async () => { uid = await user.create({ username: utils.generateUUID(), password: utils.generateUUID(), gdpr_consent: 1, }); relativePath = `files/${utils.generateUUID()}`; fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), relativePath), 'w')); await user.associateUpload(uid, relativePath); }); it('should remove the upload from the user\'s uploads zset', async () => { await user.deleteUpload(uid, uid, relativePath); const uploads = await db.getSortedSetMembers(`uid:${uid}:uploads`); assert.deepStrictEqual(uploads, []); }); it('should delete the file from disk', async () => { let exists = await file.exists(`${nconf.get('upload_path')}/${relativePath}`); assert.strictEqual(exists, true); await user.deleteUpload(uid, uid, relativePath); exists = await file.exists(`${nconf.get('upload_path')}/${relativePath}`); assert.strictEqual(exists, false); }); it('should clean up references to it from the database', async () => { const hash = md5(relativePath); let exists = await db.exists(`upload:${hash}`); assert.strictEqual(exists, true); await user.deleteUpload(uid, uid, relativePath); exists = await db.exists(`upload:${hash}`); assert.strictEqual(exists, false); }); it('should accept multiple paths', async () => { const secondPath = `files/${utils.generateUUID()}`; fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), secondPath), 'w')); await user.associateUpload(uid, secondPath); assert.strictEqual(await db.sortedSetCard(`uid:${uid}:uploads`), 2); await user.deleteUpload(uid, uid, [relativePath, secondPath]); assert.strictEqual(await db.sortedSetCard(`uid:${uid}:uploads`), 0); assert.deepStrictEqual(await db.getSortedSetMembers(`uid:${uid}:uploads`), []); }); it('should throw an error on a non-existant file', async () => { try { await user.deleteUpload(uid, uid, `${relativePath}asdbkas`); } catch (e) { assert(e); assert.strictEqual(e.message, '[[error:invalid-path]]'); } }); it('should guard against path traversal', async () => { assert.strictEqual(await file.exists(path.resolve(nconf.get('upload_path'), '../../config.json')), true); try { await user.deleteUpload(uid, uid, `../../config.json`); } catch (e) { assert(e); assert.strictEqual(e.message, '[[error:invalid-path]]'); } }); it('should remove the post association as well, if present', async () => { const { cid } = await categories.create({ name: utils.generateUUID() }); const { postData } = await topics.post({ uid, cid, title: utils.generateUUID(), content: `[an upload](/assets/uploads/${relativePath})`, }); assert.deepStrictEqual(await db.getSortedSetMembers(`upload:${md5(relativePath)}:pids`), [postData.pid.toString()]); await user.deleteUpload(uid, uid, relativePath); assert.strictEqual(await db.exists(`upload:${md5(relativePath)}:pids`), false); }); }); });