{ "state": "State", "reports": "Reports", "first-reported": "First Reported", "no-flags": "Hooray! No flags found.", "assignee": "Assignee", "update": "Update", "updated": "Posodobljeno", "resolved": "Resolved", "target-purged": "The content this flag referred to has been purged and is no longer available.", "graph-label": "Daily Flags", "quick-filters": "Quick Filters", "filter-active": "There are one or more filters active in this list of flags", "filter-reset": "Remove Filters", "filters": "Možnosti filtra", "filter-reporterId": "Reporter UID", "filter-targetUid": "Flagged UID", "filter-type": "Flag Type", "filter-type-all": "All Content", "filter-type-post": "Objava", "filter-type-user": "Uporabnik", "filter-state": "State", "filter-assignee": "Assignee UID", "filter-cid": "Kategorija", "filter-quick-mine": "Dodeljeno meni", "filter-cid-all": "Vse kategorije", "apply-filters": "Uveljavi filtre", "more-filters": "Več filtrov", "fewer-filters": "Manj filtrov", "quick-actions": "Hitra dejanja", "flagged-user": "Flagged User", "view-profile": "Poglej profil", "start-new-chat": "Začni nov klepet", "go-to-target": "View Flag Target", "assign-to-me": "Dodeli meni", "delete-post": "Izbriši objavo", "purge-post": "Purge Post", "restore-post": "Obnovi objavo", "user-view": "Poglej profil", "user-edit": "Uredi profil", "notes": "Flag Notes", "add-note": "Dodaj opombo", "no-notes": "Ni deljenih opomb.", "delete-note-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this flag note?", "note-added": "Opomba dodana", "note-deleted": "Opomba izbrisana", "history": "Account & Flag History", "no-history": "No flag history.", "state-all": "All states", "state-open": "Nov/Odpri", "state-wip": "Work in Progress", "state-resolved": "Resolved", "state-rejected": "Zavrnjeno", "no-assignee": "Ni dodeljeno", "sort": "Razvrsti po", "sort-newest": "Newest first", "sort-oldest": "Oldest first", "sort-reports": "Most reports", "sort-all": "All flag types...", "sort-posts-only": "Posts only...", "sort-downvotes": "Največ glasov proti", "sort-upvotes": "Največ glasov za", "sort-replies": "Največ odgovorov", "modal-title": "Report Content", "modal-body": "Please specify your reason for flagging %1 %2 for review. Alternatively, use one of the quick report buttons if applicable.", "modal-reason-spam": "Spam", "modal-reason-offensive": "Offensive", "modal-reason-other": "Other (specify below)", "modal-reason-custom": "Reason for reporting this content...", "modal-submit": "Submit Report", "modal-submit-success": "Content has been flagged for moderation.", "bulk-actions": "Bulk Actions", "bulk-resolve": "Resolve Flag(s)", "bulk-success": "%1 flags updated", "flagged-timeago-readable": "Flagged (%2)", "auto-flagged": "[Auto Flagged] Received %1 downvotes." }