/* NodeBB - A better forum platform for the modern web https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/ Copyright (C) 2013-2014 NodeBB Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; /*global require, global, process*/ var nconf = require('nconf'); nconf.argv().env('__'); var fs = require('fs'), os = require('os'), url = require('url'), async = require('async'), semver = require('semver'), winston = require('winston'), path = require('path'), pkg = require('./package.json'), utils = require('./public/src/utils.js'); global.env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'; winston.remove(winston.transports.Console); winston.add(winston.transports.Console, { colorize: true, timestamp: function() { var date = new Date(); return date.getDate() + '/' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + ' ' + date.toTimeString().substr(0,5) + ' [' + global.process.pid + ']'; }, level: (global.env === 'production' || nconf.get('log-level') === 'info') ? 'info' : 'verbose' }); if(os.platform() === 'linux') { require('child_process').exec('/usr/bin/which convert', function(err, stdout, stderr) { if(err || !stdout) { winston.warn('Couldn\'t find convert. Did you install imagemagick?'); } }); } // Alternate configuration file support var configFile = path.join(__dirname, '/config.json'), configExists; if (nconf.get('config')) { configFile = path.resolve(__dirname, nconf.get('config')); } configExists = fs.existsSync(configFile); if (!nconf.get('setup') && !nconf.get('install') && !nconf.get('upgrade') && !nconf.get('reset') && configExists) { start(); } else if (nconf.get('setup') || nconf.get('install')) { setup(); } else if (!configExists) { require('./install/web').install(); } else if (nconf.get('upgrade')) { upgrade(); } else if (nconf.get('reset')) { reset(); } function loadConfig() { nconf.file({ file: configFile }); nconf.defaults({ base_dir: __dirname, themes_path: path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules'), views_dir: path.join(__dirname, 'public/templates'), version: pkg.version }); if (!nconf.get('isCluster')) { nconf.set('isPrimary', 'true'); nconf.set('isCluster', 'false'); } // Ensure themes_path is a full filepath nconf.set('themes_path', path.resolve(__dirname, nconf.get('themes_path'))); nconf.set('core_templates_path', path.join(__dirname, 'src/views')); nconf.set('base_templates_path', path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'), 'nodebb-theme-vanilla/templates')); if (!process.send) { // If run using `node app`, log GNU copyright info along with server info winston.info('NodeBB v' + nconf.get('version') + ' Copyright (C) 2013-2014 NodeBB Inc.'); winston.info('This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.'); winston.info('This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.'); winston.info(''); } } function start() { loadConfig(); // nconf defaults, if not set in config if (!nconf.get('upload_path')) { nconf.set('upload_path', '/public/uploads'); } // Parse out the relative_url and other goodies from the configured URL var urlObject = url.parse(nconf.get('url')); var relativePath = urlObject.pathname !== '/' ? urlObject.pathname : ''; nconf.set('use_port', !!urlObject.port); nconf.set('relative_path', relativePath); nconf.set('port', urlObject.port || nconf.get('port') || nconf.get('PORT') || 4567); nconf.set('upload_url', '/uploads/'); if (nconf.get('isPrimary') === 'true') { winston.info('Time: %s', (new Date()).toString()); winston.info('Initializing NodeBB v%s', nconf.get('version')); winston.verbose('* using configuration stored in: %s', configFile); var host = nconf.get(nconf.get('database') + ':host'), storeLocation = host ? 'at ' + host + (host.indexOf('/') === -1 ? ':' + nconf.get(nconf.get('database') + ':port') : '') : ''; winston.verbose('* using %s store %s', nconf.get('database'), storeLocation); winston.verbose('* using themes stored in: %s', nconf.get('themes_path')); } var webserver = require('./src/webserver'); require('./src/database').init(function(err) { if (err) { winston.error(err.stack); process.exit(); } var meta = require('./src/meta'); meta.configs.init(function () { var templates = require('templates.js'), sockets = require('./src/socket.io'), plugins = require('./src/plugins'), upgrade = require('./src/upgrade'); templates.setGlobal('relative_path', nconf.get('relative_path')); upgrade.check(function(schema_ok) { if (schema_ok || nconf.get('check-schema') === false) { webserver.init(); sockets.init(webserver.server); if (nconf.get('isPrimary') === 'true' && !nconf.get('jobsDisabled')) { require('./src/notifications').init(); require('./src/user').startJobs(); } async.waterfall([ async.apply(meta.themes.setupPaths), async.apply(plugins.ready), async.apply(meta.templates.compile), async.apply(webserver.listen) ], function(err) { if (err) { winston.error(err.stack); process.exit(); } if (process.send) { process.send({ action: 'ready' }); } }); process.on('SIGTERM', shutdown); process.on('SIGINT', shutdown); process.on('SIGHUP', restart); process.on('message', function(message) { switch(message.action) { case 'reload': meta.reload(); break; case 'js-propagate': meta.js.cache = message.cache; meta.js.map = message.map; meta.js.hash = message.hash; winston.verbose('[cluster] Client-side javascript and mapping propagated to worker %s', process.pid); break; case 'css-propagate': meta.css.cache = message.cache; meta.css.acpCache = message.acpCache; meta.css.hash = message.hash; winston.verbose('[cluster] Stylesheets propagated to worker %s', process.pid); break; } }); process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) { winston.error(err.stack); console.log(err.stack); meta.js.killMinifier(); shutdown(1); }); } else { winston.warn('Your NodeBB schema is out-of-date. Please run the following command to bring your dataset up to spec:'); winston.warn(' ./nodebb upgrade'); process.exit(); } }); }); }); } function setup() { loadConfig(); winston.info('NodeBB Setup Triggered via Command Line'); var install = require('./src/install'); winston.info('Welcome to NodeBB!'); winston.info('This looks like a new installation, so you\'ll have to answer a few questions about your environment before we can proceed.'); winston.info('Press enter to accept the default setting (shown in brackets).'); install.setup(function (err) { if (err) { winston.error('There was a problem completing NodeBB setup: ', err.message); } else { winston.info('NodeBB Setup Completed. Run \'./nodebb start\' to manually start your NodeBB server.'); } process.exit(); }); } function upgrade() { loadConfig(); require('./src/database').init(function(err) { if (err) { winston.error(err.stack); process.exit(); } require('./src/meta').configs.init(function () { require('./src/upgrade').upgrade(); }); }); } function reset() { loadConfig(); require('./src/database').init(function(err) { if (err) { winston.error(err.message); process.exit(); } if (nconf.get('theme')) { resetThemes(); } else if (nconf.get('plugin')) { resetPlugin(nconf.get('plugin')); } else if (nconf.get('plugins')) { resetPlugins(); } else if (nconf.get('widgets')) { resetWidgets(); } else if (nconf.get('settings')) { resetSettings(); } else if (nconf.get('all')) { require('async').series([resetWidgets, resetThemes, resetPlugins, resetSettings], function(err) { if (!err) { winston.info('[reset] Reset complete.'); } else { winston.error('[reset] Errors were encountered while resetting your forum settings: %s', err.message); } process.exit(); }); } else { winston.warn('[reset] Nothing reset.'); winston.info('Use ./nodebb reset {theme|plugins|widgets|settings|all}'); winston.info(' or'); winston.info('Use ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-pluginName"'); process.exit(); } }); } function resetSettings(callback) { var meta = require('./src/meta'); meta.configs.set('allowLocalLogin', 1, function(err) { winston.info('[reset] Settings reset to default'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } else { process.exit(); } }); } function resetThemes(callback) { var meta = require('./src/meta'); meta.themes.set({ type: 'local', id: 'nodebb-theme-vanilla' }, function(err) { winston.info('[reset] Theme reset to Vanilla'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } else { process.exit(); } }); } function resetPlugin(pluginId) { var db = require('./src/database'); db.sortedSetRemove('plugins:active', pluginId, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[reset] Could not disable plugin: %s encountered error %s', pluginId, err.message); } else { winston.info('[reset] Plugin `%s` disabled', pluginId); } process.exit(); }); } function resetPlugins(callback) { var db = require('./src/database'); db.delete('plugins:active', function(err) { winston.info('[reset] All Plugins De-activated'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } else { process.exit(); } }); } function resetWidgets(callback) { require('./src/widgets').reset(function(err) { winston.info('[reset] All Widgets moved to Draft Zone'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } else { process.exit(); } }); } function shutdown(code) { winston.info('[app] Shutdown (SIGTERM/SIGINT) Initialised.'); require('./src/database').close(); winston.info('[app] Database connection closed.'); require('./src/webserver').server.close(); winston.info('[app] Web server closed to connections.'); winston.info('[app] Shutdown complete.'); process.exit(code || 0); } function restart() { if (process.send) { winston.info('[app] Restarting...'); process.send({ action: 'restart' }); } else { winston.error('[app] Could not restart server. Shutting down.'); shutdown(1); } }