"test-email.subject": "测试邮件",
"password-reset-requested": "已申请密码重置!",
"welcome-to": "欢迎来到 %1",
"invite": "来自%1的邀请",
"greeting_no_name": "您好",
"greeting_with_name": "%1,您好",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "请验证你的电子邮箱",
"email.verify.text1": "You've requested that we change or confirm your email address",
"email.verify.text2": "For security purposes, we only change or confirm the email address on file once its ownership has been confirmed via email. If you did not request this, no action is required on your part.",
"email.verify.text3": "Once you confirm this email address, we will replace your current email address with this one (%1).",
"welcome.text1": "感谢您注册 %1 帐户!",
"welcome.text2": "在您验证您绑定的邮箱地址之后,您的账户才能激活。",
"welcome.text3": "管理员批准了您的注册申请,现在您可以登录您的账户了。",
"welcome.cta": "点击这里确认您的电子邮箱地址",
"invitation.text1": "%1 邀请您加入 %2",
"invitation.text2": "您的邀请将在 %1 天后过期。",
"invitation.cta": "点击这里新建账号",
"reset.text1": "很可能是您忘记了密码,我们收到了重置您帐户密码的申请。 如果您没有申请密码重置,请忽略这封邮件。",
"reset.text2": "如需继续重置密码,请点击下面的链接:",
"reset.cta": "点击这里重置您的密码",
"reset.notify.subject": "更改密码成功",
"reset.notify.text1": "您在 %1 上的密码已经成功修改。",
"reset.notify.text2": "如果您没有授权此操作,请立即联系管理员。",
"digest.latest_topics": "来自 %1 的最新主题",
"digest.top-topics": "来自 %1 的关注主题",
"digest.popular-topics": "来自 %1 的热门主题 ",
"digest.cta": "点击这里访问 %1",
"digest.unsub.info": "根据您的订阅设置,为您发送此摘要。",
"digest.day": "天",
"digest.week": "周",
"digest.month": "月",
"digest.subject": "%1 的摘要",
"digest.title.day": "您的每日摘要",
"digest.title.week": "您的每周摘要",
"digest.title.month": "您的每月摘要",
"notif.chat.subject": "收到来自 %1 的新聊天消息",
"notif.chat.cta": "点击这里继续会话",
"notif.chat.unsub.info": "根据您的订阅设置,为您发送此聊天提醒。",
"notif.post.unsub.info": "根据您的订阅设置,为您发送此回帖提醒。",
"notif.post.unsub.one-click": "或者通过点击来取消订阅邮件",
"notif.cta": "点击这里前往论坛",
"notif.cta-new-reply": "查看帖子",
"notif.cta-new-chat": "查看聊天",
"notif.test.short": "测试通知",
"notif.test.long": "这是一个测试的通知邮件。",
"test.text1": "这是一封测试邮件,用来验证 NodeBB 的邮件配置是否设置正确。",
"unsub.cta": "点击这里修改这些设置",
"unsubscribe": "退订",
"unsub.success": "您将不再收到来自%1邮寄名单的邮件",
"unsub.failure.title": "Unable to unsubscribe",
"unsub.failure.message": "Unfortunately, we were not able to unsubscribe you from the mailing list, as there was an issue with the link. However, you can alter your email preferences by going to your user settings.
(error: %1
"banned.subject": "您在 %1 的账户已被封禁",
"banned.text1": "您在 %2 的账户 %1 已被封禁。",
"banned.text2": "本次封禁将在 %1 结束。",
"banned.text3": "这是您被封禁的原因:",
"closing": "谢谢!"