define(function () { const DEFAULT_PLUGINS = [ 'settings/checkbox', 'settings/number', 'settings/textarea', 'settings/select', 'settings/array', 'settings/key' ]; var Settings, onReady = [], waitingJobs = 0, helper; /** Returns the hook of given name that matches the given type or element. @param type The type of the element to get the matching hook for, or the element itself. @param name The name of the hook. */ function getHook(type, name) { var hook, plugin; if (typeof type !== 'string') { type = $(type); type ='type') || type.attr('type') || type.prop('tagName'); } plugin = Settings.plugins[type.toLowerCase()]; if (plugin == null) { return void 0; } hook = plugin[name]; if (typeof hook === 'function') { return hook; } else { return null; } } helper = { /** @returns Object A deep clone of the given object. */ deepClone: function (obj) { if (typeof obj === 'object') { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); } else { return obj; } }, /** Creates a new Element with given data. @param tagName The tag-name of the element to create. @param data The attributes to set. @param text The text to add into the element. @returns HTMLElement The created element. */ createElement: function (tagName, data, text) { var element = document.createElement(tagName); for (var k in data) { element.setAttribute(k, data[k]); } if (text) { element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); } return element; }, /** Calls the init-hook of the given element. @param element The element to initialize. */ initElement: function (element) { var hook = getHook(element, 'init'); if (hook != null) {, $(element)); } }, /** Calls the destruct-hook of the given element. @param element The element to destruct. */ destructElement: function (element) { var hook = getHook(element, 'destruct'); if (hook != null) {, $(element)); } }, /** Creates and initializes a new element. @param type The type of the new element. @param tagName The tag-name of the new element. @param data The data to forward to create-hook or use as attributes. @returns JQuery The created element. */ createElementOfType: function (type, tagName, data) { var element, hook = getHook(type, 'create'); if (hook != null) { element = $(, type, tagName, data)); } else { if (data == null) { data = {}; } if (type != null) { data.type = type; } element = $(helper.createElement(tagName || 'input', data)) }'type', type); helper.initElement(element); return element; }, /** Creates a new Array that contains values of given Array depending on trim and empty. @param array The array to clean. @param trim Whether to trim each value if it has a trim-function. @param empty Whether empty values should get added. @returns Array The filtered and/or modified Array. */ cleanArray: function (array, trim, empty) { var cleaned = []; if (!trim && empty) { return array; } for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var value = array[i]; if (trim) { value = value === true ? 1 : value === false ? 0 : typeof value.trim === 'function' ? value.trim() : value; } if (empty || (value != null ? value.length : void 0)) { cleaned.push(value); } } return cleaned; }, isTrue: function (value) { return value === 'true' || +value === 1; }, isFalse: function (value) { return value === 'false' || +value === 0; }, /** Calls the get-hook of the given element and returns its result. If no hook is specified it gets treated as input-field. @param element The element of that the value should get read. @returns Object The value of the element. */ readValue: function (element) { var empty = !helper.isFalse('empty')), trim = !helper.isFalse('trim')), split ='split'), hook = getHook(element, 'get'), value; if (hook != null) { return, element, trim, empty); } if (split != null) { empty = helper.isTrue('empty')); // default empty-value is false for arrays value = element.val(); var array = (value != null ? value.split(split || ',') : void 0) || []; return helper.cleanArray(array, trim, empty); } else { value = element.val(); if (trim && value != null && typeof value.trim === 'function') { value = value.trim(); } if (empty || value !== void 0 && (value == null || value.length !== 0)) { return value; } else { return void 0; } } }, /** Calls the set-hook of the given element. If no hook is specified it gets treated as input-field. @param element The JQuery-Object of the element to fill. @param value The value to set. */ fillField: function (element, value) { var hook = getHook(element, 'set'), trim ='trim'); trim = trim !== 'false' && +trim !== 0; if (hook != null) { return, element, value, trim); } if (value instanceof Array) { value = value.join('split') || (trim ? ', ' : ',')); } if (trim && value && typeof value.trim === 'function') { value = value.trim(); if (typeof value.toString === 'function') { value = value.toString(); } } else if (value != null) { if (typeof value.toString === 'function') { value = value.toString(); } if (trim) { value = value.trim(); } } else { value = ''; } if (value !== void 0) { element.val(value); } }, /** Calls the init-hook and {@link helper.fillField} on each field within wrapper-object. @param wrapper The wrapper-element to set settings within. */ initFields: function (wrapper) { $('[data-key]', wrapper).each(function (ignored, field) { field = $(field); var hook = getHook(field, 'init'), keyParts ='key').split('.'), value = Settings.get(); if (hook != null) {, field); } for (var i = 0; i < keyParts.length; i++) { var part = keyParts[i]; if (part && value != null) { value = value[part]; } } helper.fillField(field, value); }); }, /** Increases the amount of jobs before settings are ready by given amount. @param amount The amount of jobs to register. */ registerReadyJobs: function (amount) { return waitingJobs += amount; }, /** Decreases the amount of jobs before settings are ready by given amount or 1. If the amount is less or equal 0 all callbacks registered by {@link helper.whenReady} get called. @param amount The amount of jobs that finished. */ beforeReadyJobsDecreased: function (amount) { if (amount == null) { amount = 1; } if (waitingJobs > 0) { waitingJobs -= amount; if (waitingJobs <= 0) { for (var i = 0; i < onReady.length; i++) { onReady[i](); } onReady = []; } } }, /** Calls the given callback when the settings are ready. @param callback The callback. */ whenReady: function (callback) { if (waitingJobs <= 0) { callback(); } else { onReady.push(callback); } }, /** Persists the given settings with given hash. @param hash The hash to use as settings-id. @param settings The settings-object to persist. @param notify Whether to send notification when settings got saved. @param callback The callback to call when done. */ persistSettings: function (hash, settings, notify, callback) { if (settings != null && settings._ != null && typeof settings._ !== 'string') { settings = helper.deepClone(settings); settings._ = JSON.stringify(settings._); } socket.emit('admin.settings.set', { hash: hash, values: settings }, function (err) { if (notify) { if (err) { app.alert({ title: 'Settings Not Saved', type: 'danger', message: "NodeBB failed to save the settings.", timeout: 5000 }); console.log('[settings] Unable to set settings for hash: ', hash); } else { app.alert({ title: 'Settings Saved', type: 'success', timeout: 2500 }); } } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } }); }, /** Sets the settings to use to given settings. @param settings The settings to use. */ use: function (settings) { try { settings._ = JSON.parse(settings._); } catch (_error) {} Settings.cfg = settings; } }; Settings = { helper: helper, plugins: {}, cfg: {}, /** Returns the saved settings. @returns Object The settings. */ get: function () { if (Settings.cfg != null && Settings.cfg._ !== void 0) { return Settings.cfg._; } return Settings.cfg; }, /** Registers a new plugin and calls its use-hook. @param service The plugin to register. @param types The types to bind the plugin to. */ registerPlugin: function (service, types) { if (types == null) { types = service.types; } else { service.types = types; } if (typeof service.use === 'function') {; } for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var type = types[i].toLowerCase(); if (Settings.plugins[type] == null) { Settings.plugins[type] = service; } } }, /** Sets the settings to given ones, resets the fields within given wrapper and saves the settings server-side. @param hash The hash to use as settings-id. @param settings The settings to set. @param wrapper The wrapper-element to find settings within. @param callback The callback to call when done. @param notify Whether to send notification when settings got saved. */ set: function (hash, settings, wrapper, callback, notify) { if (notify == null) { notify = true; } helper.whenReady(function () { helper.use(settings); helper.initFields(wrapper || 'form'); helper.persistSettings(hash, settings, notify, callback); }); }, /** Fetches the settings from server and calls {@link Settings.helper.initFields} once the settings are ready. @param hash The hash to use as settings-id. @param wrapper The wrapper-element to set settings within. @param callback The callback to call when done. */ sync: function (hash, wrapper, callback) { socket.emit('admin.settings.get', { hash: hash }, function (err, values) { if (err) { console.log('[settings] Unable to load settings for hash: ', hash); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } } else { helper.whenReady(function () { helper.use(values); helper.initFields(wrapper || 'form'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }); } }); }, /** Reads the settings from fields and saves them server-side. @param hash The hash to use as settings-id. @param wrapper The wrapper-element to find settings within. @param callback The callback to call when done. @param notify Whether to send notification when settings got saved. */ persist: function (hash, wrapper, callback, notify) { var notSaved = [], fields = $('[data-key]', wrapper || 'form').toArray(); if (notify == null) { notify = true; } for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { var field = $(fields[i]), value = helper.readValue(field), parentCfg = Settings.get(), keyParts ='key').split('.'), lastKey = keyParts[keyParts.length - 1]; if (keyParts.length > 1) { for (var j = 0; j < keyParts.length - 1; j++) { var part = keyParts[j]; if (part && parentCfg != null) { parentCfg = parentCfg[part]; } } } if (parentCfg != null) { if (value != null) { parentCfg[lastKey] = value; } else { delete parentCfg[lastKey]; } } else { notSaved.push('key')); } } if (notSaved.length) { app.alert({ title: 'Attributes Not Saved', message: "'" + (notSaved.join(', ')) + "' could not be saved. Please contact the plugin-author!", type: 'danger', timeout: 5000 }); } helper.persistSettings(hash, Settings.cfg, notify, callback); }, load: function (hash, formEl, callback) { socket.emit('admin.settings.get', { hash: hash }, function (err, values) { if (!err) { $(formEl).deserialize(values); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } } else { console.log('[settings] Unable to load settings for hash: ', hash); } }); }, save: function (hash, formEl, callback) { formEl = $(formEl); if (formEl.length) { var values = formEl.serializeObject(); // "Fix" checkbox values, so that unchecked options are not omitted formEl.find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function (idx, inputEl) { inputEl = $(inputEl); if (!':checked')) { values[inputEl.attr('id')] = 'off'; } }); socket.emit('admin.settings.set', { hash: hash, values: values }, function (err) { app.alert({ title: 'Settings Saved', type: 'success', timeout: 2500 }); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }); } else { console.log('[settings] Form not found.'); } } }; helper.registerReadyJobs(1); require(DEFAULT_PLUGINS, function () { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { Settings.registerPlugin(arguments[i]); } helper.beforeReadyJobsDecreased(); }); return Settings; });