var async = require('async'), nconf = require('nconf'), posts = require('../posts'), meta = require('../meta'), topics = require('../topics'), favourites = require('../favourites'), postTools = require('../postTools'), notifications = require('../notifications'), groups = require('../groups'), user = require('../user'), index = require('./index'), SocketPosts = {}; SocketPosts.reply = function(socket, data, callback) { if (!socket.uid && !parseInt(meta.config.allowGuestPosting, 10)) { socket.emit('event:alert', { title: 'Reply Unsuccessful', message: 'You don't seem to be logged in, so you cannot reply.', type: 'danger', timeout: 2000 }); return callback(new Error('not-logged-in')); } if(!data || !data.topic_id || !data.content) { return callback(new Error('invalid data')); } topics.reply(data.topic_id, socket.uid, data.content, function(err, postData) { if(err) { if (err.message === 'content-too-short') { module.parent.exports.emitContentTooShortAlert(socket); } else if (err.message === 'too-many-posts') { module.parent.exports.emitTooManyPostsAlert(socket); } else if (err.message === 'reply-error') { socket.emit('event:alert', { title: 'Reply Unsuccessful', message: 'Your reply could not be posted at this time. Please try again later.', type: 'warning', timeout: 2000 }); } else if (err.message === 'no-privileges') { socket.emit('event:alert', { title: 'Unable to post', message: 'You do not have posting privileges in this category.', type: 'danger', timeout: 7500 }); } return callback(err); } if (postData) { module.parent.exports.emitTopicPostStats(); socket.emit('event:alert', { title: 'Reply Successful', message: 'You have successfully replied. Click here to view your reply.', type: 'success', timeout: 2000 }); var socketData = { posts: [postData] };'topic_' + postData.tid).emit('event:new_post', socketData);'recent_posts').emit('event:new_post', socketData);'user/' + postData.uid).emit('event:new_post', socketData); callback(); } }); }; SocketPosts.upvote = function(socket, data) { if(data && && data.room_id) { favourites.upvote(, data.room_id, socket.uid, socket); } }; SocketPosts.downvote = function(socket, data) { if(data && && data.room_id) { favourites.downvote(, data.room_id, socket.uid, socket); } }; SocketPosts.unvote = function(socket, data) { if(data && && data.room_id) { favourites.unvote(, data.room_id, socket.uid, socket); } }; SocketPosts.favourite = function(socket, data) { if(data && && data.room_id) { favourites.favourite(, data.room_id, socket.uid, socket); } }; SocketPosts.unfavourite = function(socket, data) { if(data && && data.room_id) { favourites.unfavourite(, data.room_id, socket.uid, socket); } }; SocketPosts.uploadImage = function(socket, data, callback) { if(data) { posts.uploadPostImage(data, callback); } }; SocketPosts.uploadFile = function(socket, data, callback) { if(data) { posts.uploadPostFile(data, callback); } }; SocketPosts.getRawPost = function(socket, pid, callback) { posts.getPostFields(pid, ['content', 'deleted'], function(err, data) { if(err) { return callback(err); } if(data.deleted === '1') { return callback(new Error('This post no longer exists')); } callback(null, data.content); }); }; SocketPosts.edit = function(socket, data, callback) { if(!socket.uid) { socket.emit('event:alert', { title: 'Can't edit', message: 'Guests can't edit posts!', type: 'warning', timeout: 2000 }); return callback(new Error('not-logged-in')); } else if(!data || ! || !data.title || !data.content) { return callback(new Error('invalid data')); } else if (!data.title || data.title.length < parseInt(meta.config.minimumTitleLength, 10)) { topics.emitTitleTooShortAlert(socket); return callback(new Error('title-too-short')); } else if (!data.content || data.content.length < parseInt(meta.config.minimumPostLength, 10)) { module.parent.exports.emitContentTooShortAlert(socket); return callback(new Error('content-too-short')); } postTools.edit(socket.uid,, data.title, data.content, {topic_thumb: data.topic_thumb}); callback(); }; SocketPosts.delete = function(socket, data, callback) { if(!data) { return callback(new Error('invalid data')); } postTools.delete(socket.uid,, function(err) { if(err) { return callback(err); } module.parent.exports.emitTopicPostStats();'topic_' + data.tid).emit('event:post_deleted', { pid: }); callback(); }); }; SocketPosts.restore = function(socket, data, callback) { if(!data) { return callback(new Error('invalid data')); } postTools.restore(socket.uid,, function(err) { if(err) { return callback(err); } module.parent.exports.emitTopicPostStats();'topic_' + data.tid).emit('event:post_restored', { pid: }); callback(); }); }; SocketPosts.getPrivileges = function(socket, pid, callback) { postTools.privileges(pid, socket.uid, function(err, privileges) { if(err) { return callback(err); } = parseInt(pid); callback(null, privileges); }); }; SocketPosts.getFavouritedUsers = function(socket, pid, callback) { favourites.getFavouritedUidsByPids([pid], function(data) { var max = 5; //hardcoded var usernames = ""; var pid_uids = data[pid]; var rest_amount = 0; if (data.hasOwnProperty(pid) && pid_uids.length > 0) { if (pid_uids.length > max) { rest_amount = pid_uids.length - max; pid_uids = pid_uids.slice(0, max); } user.getUsernamesByUids(pid_uids, function(err, result) { if(err) { return callback(err); } usernames = result.join(', ') + (rest_amount > 0 ? " and " + rest_amount + (rest_amount > 1 ? " others" : " other") : ""); callback(null, usernames); }); } else { callback(null, ""); } }); }; SocketPosts.getPidPage = function(socket, pid, callback) { posts.getPidPage(pid, socket.uid, callback); } SocketPosts.getPidIndex = function(socket, pid, callback) { posts.getPidIndex(pid, callback); } SocketPosts.flag = function(socket, pid, callback) { if (!socket.uid) { return callback(new Error('not-logged-in')); } var message = '', path = ''; async.waterfall([ function(next) { user.getUserField(socket.uid, 'username', next); }, function(username, next) { message = username + ' flagged a post.'; posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid', next); }, function(tid, next) { topics.getTopicField(tid, 'slug', next) }, function(topicSlug, next) { path = nconf.get('relative_path') + '/topic/' + topicSlug + '#' + pid; groups.getByGroupName('administrators', {}, next); }, function(adminGroup, next) { notifications.create({ text: message, path: path, uniqueId: 'post_flag:' + pid, from: socket.uid }, function(nid) { notifications.push(nid, adminGroup.members, function() { next(null); }); }); } ], callback); } SocketPosts.loadMoreFavourites = function(socket, data, callback) { if(!data || !data.after) { return callback(new Error('invalid data')); } var start = parseInt(data.after, 10), end = start + 9; posts.getFavourites(socket.uid, start, end, callback); }; SocketPosts.loadMoreUserPosts = function(socket, data, callback) { if(!data || !data.after || !data.uid) { return callback(new Error('invalid data')); } var start = parseInt(data.after, 10), end = start + 9; posts.getPostsByUid(socket.uid, data.uid, start, end, callback); }; module.exports = SocketPosts;