{ "test-email.subject": "Test Email", "password-reset-requested": "Password Reset Requested!", "welcome-to": "Velkommen til %1", "invite": "Invitation fra %1", "greeting_no_name": "Hej", "greeting_with_name": "Hej %1", "email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email", "email.verify.text1": "You've requested that we change or confirm your email address", "email.verify.text2": "For security purposes, we only change or confirm the email address on file once its ownership has been confirmed via email. If you did not request this, no action is required on your part.", "email.verify.text3": "Once you confirm this email address, we will replace your current email address with this one (%1).", "welcome.text1": "Tak for at du registrerede dig hos %1!", "welcome.text2": "For at færdiggøre din konto, har vi brug for at verificere at du ejer den email adresse du registerede med.", "welcome.text3": "En administrator har accepteret din registreringsansøgning. Du kan logge ind med dit brugernavn og adgangskode nu.", "welcome.cta": "Klik her for at bekræfte din email adresse.", "invitation.text1": "%1 har inviteret dig til at deltage i %2", "invitation.text2": "Your invitation will expire in %1 days.", "invitation.cta": "Click here to create your account.", "reset.text1": "Vi har modtaget en anmodning om at nulstille dit kodeord, måske fordi du har glemt det. Hvis det ikke er tilfældet, venligst ignorer denne email.", "reset.text2": "For at fortsætte med at nulstille kodeordet, venligst klik på dette link:", "reset.cta": "Klik her for at nulstille dit kodeord. ", "reset.notify.subject": "Dit kodeord er nu ændret", "reset.notify.text1": "Bemærk: %1 gang blev dit kodeord ændret.", "reset.notify.text2": "Hvis du ikke godkendte dette, kontakt straks en administrator.", "digest.unread-rooms": "Unread rooms", "digest.room-name-unreadcount": "%1 (%2 unread)", "digest.latest_topics": "Nyeste emne fra %1", "digest.top-topics": "Top topics from %1", "digest.popular-topics": "Popular topics from %1", "digest.cta": "Klik her for at gå til %1", "digest.unsub.info": "Du har fået tilsendt dette sammendrag pga. indstillingerne i dit abonnement.", "digest.day": "dag", "digest.week": "uge", "digest.month": "måned", "digest.subject": "Digest for %1", "digest.title.day": "Your Daily Digest", "digest.title.week": "Your Weekly Digest", "digest.title.month": "Your Monthly Digest", "notif.chat.subject": "Ny chat besked modtaget fra %1", "notif.chat.public-chat-subject": "New message from %1 in room %2", "notif.chat.cta": "Klik her for at forsætte med samtalen", "notif.chat.unsub.info": "Denne chat notifikation blev sendt til dig pga. indstillingerne i dit abonnement.", "notif.post.unsub.info": "Denne indlægs notifikation var sendt pga. dine abonnering indstillinger.", "notif.post.unsub.one-click": "Alternatively, unsubscribe from future emails like this, by clicking", "notif.cta": "To the forum", "notif.cta-new-reply": "View Post", "notif.cta-new-chat": "View Chat", "notif.test.short": "Testing Notifications", "notif.test.long": "This is a test of the notifications email. Send help!", "test.text1": "Dette er en test email for at kontrollere, at den udgående email server er opsat korrekt i forhold til din NodeBB installation.", "unsub.cta": "Klik her for at ændre disse indstillinger", "unsubscribe": "unsubscribe", "unsub.success": "You will no longer receive emails from the %1 mailing list", "unsub.failure.title": "Unable to unsubscribe", "unsub.failure.message": "Unfortunately, we were not able to unsubscribe you from the mailing list, as there was an issue with the link. However, you can alter your email preferences by going to your user settings.

(error: %1)", "banned.subject": "You have been banned from %1", "banned.text1": "The user %1 has been banned from %2.", "banned.text2": "This ban will last until %1.", "banned.text3": "This is the reason why you have been banned:", "closing": "Tak!" }