var RDB = require('./redis.js'), utils = require('./utils.js'), marked = require('marked'), user = require('./user.js'), topics = require('./topics.js'), config = require('../config.js'), async = require('async'); marked.setOptions({ breaks: true }); (function(Posts) { Posts.get = function(callback, tid, current_user, start, end) { if (start == null) start = 0; if (end == null) end = start + 10; var post_data, user_data, thread_data, vote_data, viewer_data; getTopicPosts(); getViewerData(); //compile thread after all data is asynchronously called function generateThread() { if (!post_data || !user_data || !thread_data || !vote_data || !viewer_data) return; var posts = [], main_posts = [], manage_content = viewer_data.reputation >= config.privilege_thresholds.manage_content; for (var i=0, ii=; i 0) next(null, author === uid); }); }, function(next) { user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(reputation) { next(null, reputation >= config.privilege_thresholds.manage_content); }); }, function(next) { Posts.get_tid_by_pid(pid, function(tid) { RDB.get('tid:' + tid + ':cid', function(err, cid) { user.isModerator(uid, cid, function(isMod) { next(null, isMod); }); }); }); } ], function(err, results) { // If any return true, allow the edit if (results.indexOf(true) !== -1) callback(true); }); } Posts.get_tid_by_pid = function(pid, callback) { RDB.get('pid:' + pid + ':tid', function(err, tid) { if (tid && parseInt(tid) > 0) callback(tid); else callback(false); }); } Posts.get_cid_by_pid = function(pid, callback) { Posts.get_tid(pid, function(tid) { if (tid) topics.get_cid_by_tid(tid, function(cid) { if (cid) callback(cid); else callback(false); }); }) } Posts.reply = function(socket, tid, uid, content) { if (uid < 1) { socket.emit('event:alert', { title: 'Reply Unsuccessful', message: 'You don't seem to be logged in, so you cannot reply.', type: 'error', timeout: 2000 }); return; } Posts.create(uid, tid, content, function(pid) { if (pid > 0) { RDB.rpush('tid:' + tid + ':posts', pid); RDB.del('tid:' + tid + ':read_by_uid'); // let everybody know there is an unread post // Re-add the poster, so he/she does not get an "unread" flag on this topic topics.markAsRead(tid, uid); socket.emit('event:alert', { title: 'Reply Successful', message: 'You have successfully replied. Click here to view your reply.', type: 'notify', timeout: 2000 }); user.getUserFields(uid, ['username','reputation','picture'], function(data){ var timestamp = new Date().getTime();'topic_' + tid).emit('event:new_post', { 'posts' : [ { 'pid' : pid, 'content' : marked(content || ''), 'uid' : uid, 'username' : data.username || 'anonymous', 'user_rep' : data.reputation || 0, 'post_rep' : 0, 'gravatar' : data.picture, 'timestamp' : timestamp, 'relativeTime': utils.relativeTime(timestamp), 'fav_star_class' :'icon-star-empty', 'edited-class': 'none', 'editor': '', } ] }); }); } else { socket.emit('event:alert', { title: 'Reply Unsuccessful', message: 'Your reply could not be posted at this time. Please try again later.', type: 'notify', timeout: 2000 }); } }); }; Posts.create = function(uid, tid, content, callback) { if (uid === null) return; RDB.get('tid:' + tid + ':locked', function(err, locked) { RDB.handle(err); if (!locked || locked === '0') { RDB.incr('global:next_post_id', function(err, pid) { RDB.handle(err); // Posts Info RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':content', content); RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':uid', uid); RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':timestamp', new Date().getTime()); RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':rep', 0); RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':tid', tid); RDB.incr('tid:' + tid + ':postcount'); user.getUserFields(uid, ['username'], function(data){ //add active users to this category RDB.get('tid:' + tid + ':cid', function(err, cid) { RDB.handle(err); // this is a bit of a naive implementation, defn something to look at post-MVP RDB.scard('cid:' + cid + ':active_users', function(amount) { if (amount > 10) { RDB.spop('cid:' + cid + ':active_users'); } RDB.sadd('cid:' + cid + ':active_users', data.username); }); }); }); // User Details - move this out later RDB.lpush('uid:' + uid + ':posts', pid); user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid, 'postcount', 1); if (callback) callback(pid); }); } else { callback(-1); } }); } Posts.favourite = function(pid, room_id, uid, socket) { if (uid === 0) { socket.emit('event:alert', { alert_id: 'post_favourite', title: 'Not Logged In', message: 'Please log in in order to favourite this post', type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); socket.emit('api:posts.favourite', { status: 'error', pid: pid }); return; } RDB.get('pid:' + pid + ':uid', function(err, uid_of_poster) { RDB.handle(err); Posts.hasFavourited(pid, uid, function(hasFavourited) { if (hasFavourited == false) { RDB.sadd('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid); RDB.incr('pid:' + pid + ':rep'); if (uid !== uid_of_poster) user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', 1); if (room_id) {'event:rep_up', {uid: uid !== uid_of_poster ? uid_of_poster : 0, pid: pid}); } socket.emit('api:posts.favourite', { status: 'ok' }); } }); }); } Posts.unfavourite = function(pid, room_id, uid, socket) { if (uid === 0) { socket.emit('event:alert', { alert_id: 'post_favourite', title: 'Not Logged In', message: 'Please log in in order to favourite this post', type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); return; } RDB.get('pid:' + pid + ':uid', function(err, uid_of_poster) { RDB.handle(err); Posts.hasFavourited(pid, uid, function(hasFavourited) { if (hasFavourited == true) { RDB.srem('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid); RDB.decr('pid:' + pid + ':rep'); if (uid !== uid_of_poster) user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', -1); if (room_id) {'event:rep_down', {uid: uid !== uid_of_poster ? uid_of_poster : 0, pid: pid}); } } }); }); } Posts.hasFavourited = function(pid, uid, callback) { RDB.sismember('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid, function(err, hasFavourited) { RDB.handle(err); callback(hasFavourited); }); } Posts.getFavouritesByPostIDs = function(pids, uid, callback) { var loaded = 0; var data = {}; for (var i=0, ii=pids.length; i