'use strict'; var db = require('./database'), async = require('async'), nconf = require('nconf'), winston = require('winston'), S = require('string'), user = require('./user'), plugins = require('./plugins'), meta = require('./meta'), utils = require('../public/src/utils'), notifications = require('./notifications'), userNotifications = require('./user/notifications'), emailer = require('./emailer'), sockets = require('./socket.io'); (function(Messaging) { Messaging.notifyQueue = {}; // Only used to notify a user of a new chat message, see Messaging.notifyUser var terms = { day: 86400000, week: 604800000, month: 2592000000, threemonths: 7776000000 }; function sortUids(fromuid, touid) { return [fromuid, touid].sort(); } Messaging.addMessage = function(fromuid, touid, content, timestamp, callback) { if (typeof timestamp === 'function') { callback = timestamp; timestamp = Date.now(); } else { timestamp = timestamp || Date.now(); } if (!content) { return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-chat-message]]')); } if (content.length > (meta.config.maximumChatMessageLength || 1000)) { return callback(new Error('[[error:chat-message-too-long]]')); } var uids = sortUids(fromuid, touid); db.incrObjectField('global', 'nextMid', function(err, mid) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var message = { content: content, timestamp: timestamp, fromuid: fromuid, touid: touid }; async.waterfall([ function(next) { plugins.fireHook('filter:messaging.save', message, next); }, function(message, next) { db.setObject('message:' + mid, message, next); } ], function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } async.parallel([ async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd, 'messages:uid:' + uids[0] + ':to:' + uids[1], timestamp, mid), async.apply(Messaging.updateChatTime, fromuid, touid), async.apply(Messaging.updateChatTime, touid, fromuid), async.apply(Messaging.markRead, fromuid, touid), async.apply(Messaging.markUnread, touid, fromuid), ], function(err, results) { if (err) { return callback(err); } async.waterfall([ function(next) { getMessages([mid], fromuid, touid, true, next); }, function(messages, next) { Messaging.isNewSet(fromuid, touid, mid, function(err, isNewSet) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!messages || !messages[0]) { return next(null, null); } messages[0].newSet = isNewSet; messages[0].mid = mid; next(null, messages[0]); }); } ], callback); }); }); }); }; Messaging.getMessages = function(params, callback) { var fromuid = params.fromuid, touid = params.touid, since = params.since, isNew = params.isNew, count = params.count || parseInt(meta.config.chatMessageInboxSize, 10) || 250; var uids = sortUids(fromuid, touid), min = params.count ? 0 : Date.now() - (terms[since] || terms.day); if (since === 'recent') { count = 49; min = 0; } db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScore('messages:uid:' + uids[0] + ':to:' + uids[1], 0, count, '+inf', min, function(err, mids) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!Array.isArray(mids) || !mids.length) { return callback(null, []); } mids.reverse(); getMessages(mids, fromuid, touid, isNew, callback); }); notifications.markRead('chat_' + touid + '_' + fromuid, fromuid, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[messaging] Could not mark notifications related to this chat as read: ' + err.message); } userNotifications.pushCount(fromuid); }); }; function getMessages(mids, fromuid, touid, isNew, callback) { user.getMultipleUserFields([fromuid, touid], ['uid', 'username', 'userslug', 'picture', 'status'], function(err, userData) { if(err) { return callback(err); } var keys = mids.map(function(mid) { return 'message:' + mid; }); async.waterfall([ async.apply(db.getObjects, keys), function(messages, next) { messages = messages.filter(Boolean); async.map(messages, function(message, next) { var self = parseInt(message.fromuid, 10) === parseInt(fromuid, 10); message.fromUser = self ? userData[0] : userData[1]; message.toUser = self ? userData[1] : userData[0]; message.timestampISO = utils.toISOString(message.timestamp); message.self = self ? 1 : 0; message.newSet = false; Messaging.parse(message.content, message.fromuid, fromuid, userData[1], userData[0], isNew, function(result) { message.content = result; message.cleanedContent = S(result).stripTags().decodeHTMLEntities().s; next(null, message); }); }, next); }, function(messages, next) { // Add a spacer in between messages with time gaps between them messages = messages.map(function(message, index) { // Compare timestamps with the previous message, and check if a spacer needs to be added if (index > 0 && parseInt(message.timestamp, 10) > parseInt(messages[index-1].timestamp, 10) + (1000*60*5)) { // If it's been 5 minutes, this is a new set of messages message.newSet = true; } else if (index > 0 && message.fromuid !== messages[index-1].fromuid) { // If the previous message was from the other person, this is also a new set message.newSet = true; } return message; }); next(undefined, messages); } ], callback); }); } Messaging.parse = function (message, fromuid, myuid, toUserData, myUserData, isNew, callback) { plugins.fireHook('filter:parse.raw', message, function(err, parsed) { if (err) { return callback(message); } var messageData = { message: message, parsed: parsed, fromuid: fromuid, myuid: myuid, toUserData: toUserData, myUserData: myUserData, isNew: isNew, parsedMessage: parsed }; plugins.fireHook('filter:messaging.parse', messageData, function(err, messageData) { callback(messageData.parsedMessage); }); }); }; Messaging.isNewSet = function(fromuid, touid, mid, callback) { var uids = sortUids(fromuid, touid), setKey = 'messages:uid:' + uids[0] + ':to:' + uids[1]; async.waterfall([ async.apply(db.sortedSetRank, setKey, mid), function(index, next) { if (index > 0) { db.getSortedSetRange(setKey, index-1, index, next); } else { next(null, true); } }, function(mids, next) { if (typeof mids !== 'boolean' && mids && mids.length) { db.getObjects(['message:' + mids[0], 'message:' + mids[1]], next); } else { next(null, mids); } }, function(messages, next) { if (typeof messages !== 'boolean' && messages && messages.length) { next(null, parseInt(messages[1].timestamp, 10) > parseInt(messages[0].timestamp, 10) + (1000*60*5)); } else { next(null, messages); } } ], callback); }; Messaging.updateChatTime = function(uid, toUid, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + uid + ':chats', Date.now(), toUid, callback); }; Messaging.getRecentChats = function(uid, start, stop, callback) { db.getSortedSetRevRange('uid:' + uid + ':chats', start, stop, function(err, uids) { if (err) { return callback(err); } async.parallel({ unread: function(next) { db.isSortedSetMembers('uid:' + uid + ':chats:unread', uids, next); }, users: function(next) { user.getMultipleUserFields(uids, ['uid', 'username', 'picture', 'status'] , next); }, teasers: function(next) { async.map(uids, function(fromuid, next) { Messaging.getMessages({ fromuid: fromuid, touid: uid, isNew: false, count: 1 }, function(err, teaser) { var teaser = teaser[0]; teaser.content = S(teaser.content).stripTags().decodeHTMLEntities().s; next(err, teaser); }); }, next); } }, function(err, results) { if (err) { return callback(err); } results.users.forEach(function(user, index) { if (user && parseInt(user.uid, 10)) { Messaging.markRead(uid, uids[index]); user.unread = results.unread[index]; user.status = sockets.isUserOnline(user.uid) ? user.status : 'offline'; user.teaser = results.teasers[index]; } }); results.users = results.users.filter(function(user) { return user && parseInt(user.uid, 10); }); callback(null, {users: results.users, nextStart: stop + 1}); }); }); }; Messaging.getUnreadCount = function(uid, callback) { db.sortedSetCard('uid:' + uid + ':chats:unread', callback); }; Messaging.pushUnreadCount = function(uid) { Messaging.getUnreadCount(uid, function(err, unreadCount) { if (err) { return; } sockets.in('uid_' + uid).emit('event:unread.updateChatCount', null, unreadCount); }); }; Messaging.markRead = function(uid, toUid, callback) { db.sortedSetRemove('uid:' + uid + ':chats:unread', toUid, callback); }; Messaging.markUnread = function(uid, toUid, callback) { db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + uid + ':chats:unread', Date.now(), toUid, callback); }; Messaging.notifyUser = function(fromuid, touid, messageObj) { // Immediate notifications // Recipient Messaging.pushUnreadCount(touid); sockets.in('uid_' + touid).emit('event:chats.receive', { withUid: fromuid, message: messageObj, self: 0 }); // Sender Messaging.pushUnreadCount(fromuid); sockets.in('uid_' + fromuid).emit('event:chats.receive', { withUid: touid, message: messageObj, self: 1 }); // Delayed notifications var queueObj = Messaging.notifyQueue[fromuid + ':' + touid]; if (queueObj) { queueObj.message.content += '\n' + messageObj.content; clearTimeout(queueObj.timeout); } else { queueObj = Messaging.notifyQueue[fromuid + ':' + touid] = { message: messageObj }; } queueObj.timeout = setTimeout(function() { sendNotifications(fromuid, touid, queueObj.message, function(err) { if (!err) { delete Messaging.notifyQueue[fromuid + ':' + touid]; } }); }, 1000*60); // wait 60s before sending }; Messaging.canMessage = function(fromUid, toUid, callback) { if (parseInt(meta.config.disableChat) === 1) { return callback(new Error('[[error:chat-disabled]]')); } else if (toUid === fromUid) { return callback(new Error('[[error:cant-chat-with-yourself]]')); } else if (fromUid === 0) { return callback(new Error('[[error:not-logged-in]]')); } async.waterfall([ function(next) { user.getUserFields(fromUid, ['banned', 'email:confirmed'], function(err, userData) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (parseInt(userData.banned, 10) === 1) { return callback(new Error('[[error:user-banned]]')); } if (parseInt(meta.config.requireEmailConfirmation, 10) === 1 && parseInt(userData['email:confirmed'], 10) !== 1) { return callback(new Error('[[error:email-not-confirmed-chat]]')); } next(); }); }, function(next) { user.getSettings(toUid, next); }, function(settings, next) { if (!settings.restrictChat) { return callback(null, true); } user.isAdministrator(fromUid, next); }, function(isAdmin, next) { if (isAdmin) { return callback(null, true); } user.isFollowing(toUid, fromUid, next); } ], callback); }; function sendNotifications(fromuid, touid, messageObj, callback) { if (sockets.isUserOnline(touid)) { return callback(); } notifications.create({ bodyShort: '[[notifications:new_message_from, ' + messageObj.fromUser.username + ']]', bodyLong: messageObj.content, nid: 'chat_' + fromuid + '_' + touid, from: fromuid, path: '/chats/' + messageObj.fromUser.username }, function(err, notification) { if (!err && notification) { notifications.push(notification, [touid], callback); } }); user.getSettings(messageObj.toUser.uid, function(err, settings) { if (settings.sendChatNotifications && !parseInt(meta.config.disableEmailSubscriptions, 10)) { emailer.send('notif_chat', touid, { subject: '[[email:notif.chat.subject, ' + messageObj.fromUser.username + ']]', username: messageObj.toUser.username, userslug: utils.slugify(messageObj.toUser.username), summary: '[[notifications:new_message_from, ' + messageObj.fromUser.username + ']]', message: messageObj, site_title: meta.config.title || 'NodeBB', url: nconf.get('url'), fromUserslug: utils.slugify(messageObj.fromUser.username) }); } }); } }(exports));