'use strict'; var winston = require('winston'); var async = require('async'); var nconf = require('nconf'); var session = require('express-session'); var _ = require('lodash'); var semver = require('semver'); var prompt = require('prompt'); var db; var client; var mongoModule = module.exports; function isUriNotSpecified() { return !prompt.history('mongo:uri').value; } mongoModule.questions = [ { name: 'mongo:uri', description: 'MongoDB connection URI: (leave blank if you wish to specify host, port, username/password and database individually)\nFormat: mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]', default: nconf.get('mongo:uri') || '', hideOnWebInstall: true, }, { name: 'mongo:host', description: 'Host IP or address of your MongoDB instance', default: nconf.get('mongo:host') || '', ask: isUriNotSpecified, }, { name: 'mongo:port', description: 'Host port of your MongoDB instance', default: nconf.get('mongo:port') || 27017, ask: isUriNotSpecified, }, { name: 'mongo:username', description: 'MongoDB username', default: nconf.get('mongo:username') || '', ask: isUriNotSpecified, }, { name: 'mongo:password', description: 'Password of your MongoDB database', default: nconf.get('mongo:password') || '', hidden: true, ask: isUriNotSpecified, before: function (value) { value = value || nconf.get('mongo:password') || ''; return value; }, }, { name: 'mongo:database', description: 'MongoDB database name', default: nconf.get('mongo:database') || 'nodebb', ask: isUriNotSpecified, }, ]; mongoModule.helpers = mongoModule.helpers || {}; mongoModule.helpers.mongo = require('./mongo/helpers'); mongoModule.getConnectionString = function () { var usernamePassword = ''; if (nconf.get('mongo:username') && nconf.get('mongo:password')) { usernamePassword = nconf.get('mongo:username') + ':' + encodeURIComponent(nconf.get('mongo:password')) + '@'; } else { winston.warn('You have no mongo username/password setup!'); } // Sensible defaults for Mongo, if not set if (!nconf.get('mongo:host')) { nconf.set('mongo:host', ''); } if (!nconf.get('mongo:port')) { nconf.set('mongo:port', 27017); } const dbName = nconf.get('mongo:database'); if (dbName === undefined || dbName === '') { winston.warn('You have no database name, using "nodebb"'); nconf.set('mongo:database', 'nodebb'); } var hosts = nconf.get('mongo:host').split(','); var ports = nconf.get('mongo:port').toString().split(','); var servers = []; for (var i = 0; i < hosts.length; i += 1) { servers.push(hosts[i] + ':' + ports[i]); } return nconf.get('mongo:uri') || 'mongodb://' + usernamePassword + servers.join() + '/' + nconf.get('mongo:database'); }; mongoModule.getConnectionOptions = function () { var connOptions = { poolSize: 10, reconnectTries: 3600, reconnectInterval: 1000, autoReconnect: true, useNewUrlParser: true, }; return _.merge(connOptions, nconf.get('mongo:options') || {}); }; mongoModule.init = function (callback) { callback = callback || function () { }; var mongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; var connString = mongoModule.getConnectionString(); var connOptions = mongoModule.getConnectionOptions(); mongoClient.connect(connString, connOptions, function (err, _client) { if (err) { winston.error('NodeBB could not connect to your Mongo database. Mongo returned the following error', err); return callback(err); } client = _client; db = client.db(); mongoModule.client = db; require('./mongo/main')(db, mongoModule); require('./mongo/hash')(db, mongoModule); require('./mongo/sets')(db, mongoModule); require('./mongo/sorted')(db, mongoModule); require('./mongo/list')(db, mongoModule); require('./mongo/transaction')(db, mongoModule); mongoModule.async = require('../promisify')(mongoModule, ['client', 'sessionStore']); callback(); }); }; mongoModule.initSessionStore = function (callback) { var meta = require('../meta'); var sessionStore; var ttl = meta.getSessionTTLSeconds(); if (nconf.get('redis')) { sessionStore = require('connect-redis')(session); var rdb = require('./redis'); rdb.client = rdb.connect(); mongoModule.sessionStore = new sessionStore({ client: rdb.client, ttl: ttl, }); } else if (nconf.get('mongo')) { sessionStore = require('connect-mongo')(session); mongoModule.sessionStore = new sessionStore({ db: db, ttl: ttl, }); } callback(); }; mongoModule.createIndices = function (callback) { function createIndex(collection, index, options, callback) { mongoModule.client.collection(collection).createIndex(index, options, callback); } if (!mongoModule.client) { winston.warn('[database/createIndices] database not initialized'); return callback(); } winston.info('[database] Checking database indices.'); async.series([ async.apply(createIndex, 'objects', { _key: 1, score: -1 }, { background: true }), async.apply(createIndex, 'objects', { _key: 1, value: -1 }, { background: true, unique: true, sparse: true }), async.apply(createIndex, 'objects', { expireAt: 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0, background: true }), ], function (err) { if (err) { winston.error('Error creating index', err); return callback(err); } winston.info('[database] Checking database indices done!'); callback(); }); }; mongoModule.checkCompatibility = function (callback) { var mongoPkg = require('mongodb/package.json'); mongoModule.checkCompatibilityVersion(mongoPkg.version, callback); }; mongoModule.checkCompatibilityVersion = function (version, callback) { if (semver.lt(version, '2.0.0')) { return callback(new Error('The `mongodb` package is out-of-date, please run `./nodebb setup` again.')); } callback(); }; mongoModule.info = function (db, callback) { if (!db) { return callback(); } async.waterfall([ function (next) { async.parallel({ serverStatus: function (next) { db.command({ serverStatus: 1 }, next); }, stats: function (next) { db.command({ dbStats: 1 }, next); }, listCollections: function (next) { getCollectionStats(db, next); }, }, next); }, function (results, next) { var stats = results.stats; var scale = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; results.listCollections = results.listCollections.map(function (collectionInfo) { return { name: collectionInfo.ns, count: collectionInfo.count, size: collectionInfo.size, avgObjSize: collectionInfo.avgObjSize, storageSize: collectionInfo.storageSize, totalIndexSize: collectionInfo.totalIndexSize, indexSizes: collectionInfo.indexSizes, }; }); stats.mem = results.serverStatus.mem; stats.mem = results.serverStatus.mem; stats.mem.resident = (stats.mem.resident / 1024).toFixed(3); stats.mem.virtual = (stats.mem.virtual / 1024).toFixed(3); stats.mem.mapped = (stats.mem.mapped / 1024).toFixed(3); stats.collectionData = results.listCollections; stats.network = results.serverStatus.network; stats.raw = JSON.stringify(stats, null, 4); stats.avgObjSize = stats.avgObjSize.toFixed(2); stats.dataSize = (stats.dataSize / scale).toFixed(3); stats.storageSize = (stats.storageSize / scale).toFixed(3); stats.fileSize = stats.fileSize ? (stats.fileSize / scale).toFixed(3) : 0; stats.indexSize = (stats.indexSize / scale).toFixed(3); stats.storageEngine = results.serverStatus.storageEngine ? results.serverStatus.storageEngine.name : 'mmapv1'; stats.host = results.serverStatus.host; stats.version = results.serverStatus.version; stats.uptime = results.serverStatus.uptime; stats.mongo = true; next(null, stats); }, ], callback); }; function getCollectionStats(db, callback) { async.waterfall([ function (next) { db.listCollections().toArray(next); }, function (items, next) { async.map(items, function (collection, next) { db.collection(collection.name).stats(next); }, next); }, ], callback); } mongoModule.close = function (callback) { callback = callback || function () {}; client.close(function (err) { callback(err); }); }; mongoModule.socketAdapter = function () { var mongoAdapter = require('socket.io-adapter-mongo'); return mongoAdapter(mongoModule.getConnectionString()); };