<!-- == Github Issues are for bug reports and feature requests only == == Please visit https://community.nodebb.org for other support == == Found a security exploit? Please email us at security@nodebb.org instead for immediate attention == == → DO NOT SUBMIT VULNERABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC BUG TRACKER == --> <!-- ++ Please include the following information when submitting a bug report ++ --> - **NodeBB version:** - **NodeBB git hash:** - **NodeJS version:** <!-- (to find your git hash, execute `git rev-parse HEAD` from the main NodeBB directory) --> - **Installed NodeBB Plugins:** <!-- (to find installed plugins run ./nodebb plugins) --> - **Database type:** mongo, redis, or postgres - **Database version:** <!-- `mongod --version`, `redis-server --version`, or `postgres --version` --> - **Exact steps to cause this issue:** <!-- 1. First I did this... 2. Then, I clicked on this item... --> - **What you expected:** <!-- e.g. I expected *abc* to *xyz* --> - **What happened instead:** <!-- e.g. Instead, I got *zyx* and NodeBB set fire to my house --> <!-- Thank you! -->