'use strict';
var cookie = require('cookie'),
express = require('express'),
util = require('util'),
async = require('async'),
fs = require('fs'),
nconf = require('nconf'),
gravatar = require('gravatar'),
winston = require('winston'),
S = require('string'),
db = require('./database'),
user = require('./user'),
groups = require('./groups'),
posts = require('./posts'),
favourites = require('./favourites'),
utils = require('../public/src/utils'),
topics = require('./topics'),
categories = require('./categories'),
CategoryTools = require('./categoryTools'),
notifications = require('./notifications'),
threadTools = require('./threadTools'),
postTools = require('./postTools'),
Messaging = require('./messaging'),
meta = require('./meta'),
logger = require('./logger'),
socketCookieParser = express.cookieParser(nconf.get('secret')),
admin = {
'categories': require('./admin/categories'),
'user': require('./admin/user')
plugins = require('./plugins');
(function(websockets) {
var users = {},
userSockets = {},
rooms = {};
websockets.logoutUser = function(uid) {
if(userSockets[uid] && userSockets[uid].length) {
for(var i=0; i< userSockets[uid].length; ++i) {
if(!userSockets[uid]) {
function isUserOnline(uid) {
return !!userSockets[uid] && userSockets[uid].length > 0;
websockets.isUserOnline = isUserOnline;
websockets.init = function(io) {
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
var hs = socket.handshake,
sessionID, uid, lastPostTime = 0;
// Validate the session, if present
socketCookieParser(hs, {}, function(err) {
sessionID = socket.handshake.signedCookies["express.sid"];
db.sessionStore.get(sessionID, function(err, sessionData) {
if (!err && sessionData && sessionData.passport && sessionData.passport.user) {
uid = users[sessionID] = sessionData.passport.user;
} else {
uid = users[sessionID] = 0;
userSockets[uid] = userSockets[uid] || [];
/* Need to save some state for the logger & maybe some other modules later on */
socket.state = {
user : {
uid : uid
/* If meta.config.loggerIOStatus > 0, logger.io_one will hook into this socket */
if (uid) {
db.sortedSetAdd('users:online', Date.now(), uid, function(err, data) {
socket.join('uid_' + uid);
user.getUserField(uid, 'username', function(err, username) {
socket.emit('event:connect', {
status: 1,
username: username,
uid: uid
io.sockets.in('global').emit('api:user.isOnline', isUserOnline(uid));
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
var index = (userSockets[uid] || []).indexOf(socket);
if (index !== -1) {
userSockets[uid].splice(index, 1);
if (userSockets[uid] && userSockets[uid].length === 0) {
delete users[sessionID];
delete userSockets[uid];
if (uid) {
db.sortedSetRemove('users:online', uid, function(err, data) {
io.sockets.in('global').emit('api:user.isOnline', isUserOnline(uid));
for (var roomName in rooms) {
if (rooms[roomName][socket.id]) {
delete rooms[roomName][socket.id];
socket.on('reconnected', function() {
if (uid) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
if (uid) {
winston.info('[socket] uid ' + uid + ' (' + sessionID + ') has successfully reconnected.');
} else {
winston.info('[socket] An anonymous user (' + sessionID + ') has successfully reconnected.');
socket.on('api:get_all_rooms', function(data) {
socket.emit('api:get_all_rooms', io.sockets.manager.rooms);
function updateRoomBrowsingText(roomName) {
function getUidsInRoom(room) {
var uids = [];
for (var socketId in room) {
if (uids.indexOf(room[socketId]) === -1)
return uids;
function getAnonymousCount(roomName) {
var clients = io.sockets.clients(roomName);
var anonCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < clients.length; ++i) {
var hs = clients[i].handshake;
if (hs && clients[i].state && clients[i].state.user.uid === 0) {
return anonCount;
var uids = getUidsInRoom(rooms[roomName]),
anonymousCount = getAnonymousCount(roomName);
if (uids.length === 0) {
io.sockets.in(roomName).emit('api:get_users_in_room', { users: [], anonymousCount: anonymousCount });
} else {
user.getMultipleUserFields(uids, ['uid', 'username', 'userslug', 'picture'], function(err, users) {
io.sockets.in(roomName).emit('api:get_users_in_room', { users: users, anonymousCount: anonymousCount });
socket.on('event:enter_room', function(data) {
if (data.leave !== null) {
rooms[data.enter] = rooms[data.enter] || {};
if (uid) {
rooms[data.enter][socket.id] = uid;
if (data.leave && rooms[data.leave] && rooms[data.leave][socket.id] && data.enter !== data.leave) {
delete rooms[data.leave][socket.id];
if (data.leave) {
if (data.enter != 'admin') {
io.sockets.in('admin').emit('api:get_all_rooms', io.sockets.manager.rooms);
// BEGIN: API calls (todo: organize)
socket.on('api:updateHeader', function(data) {
if (uid) {
user.getUserFields(uid, data.fields, function(err, fields) {
if (!err && fields) {
fields.uid = uid;
socket.emit('api:updateHeader', fields);
} else {
socket.emit('api:updateHeader', {
uid: 0,
username: "Anonymous User",
email: '',
picture: gravatar.url('', {
s: '24'
}, nconf.get('https')),
config: {
allowGuestSearching: meta.config.allowGuestSearching
socket.on('user.exists', function(data) {
if (data.username) {
user.exists(utils.slugify(data.username), function(exists) {
socket.emit('user.exists', {
exists: exists
socket.on('user.count', function(data) {
user.count(socket, data);
socket.on('post.stats', function(data) {
socket.on('user.email.exists', function(data) {
user.email.exists(socket, data.email);
socket.on('user:reset.send', function(data) {
user.reset.send(socket, data.email);
socket.on('user:reset.valid', function(data) {
user.reset.validate(socket, data.code);
socket.on('user:reset.commit', function(data) {
user.reset.commit(socket, data.code, data.password);
socket.on('api:user.get_online_users', function(data) {
var returnData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var uid = data[i];
if (isUserOnline(uid))
socket.emit('api:user.get_online_users', returnData);
socket.on('api:user.isOnline', function(uid, callback) {
online: isUserOnline(uid),
uid: uid,
timestamp: Date.now()
socket.on('api:user.changePassword', function(data, callback) {
user.changePassword(uid, data, callback);
socket.on('api:user.updateProfile', function(data, callback) {
user.updateProfile(uid, data, callback);
socket.on('api:user.changePicture', function(data, callback) {
var type = data.type;
function updateHeader() {
user.getUserFields(uid, ['picture'], function(err, fields) {
if (!err && fields) {
fields.uid = uid;
socket.emit('api:updateHeader', fields);
} else {
if (type === 'gravatar') {
user.getUserField(uid, 'gravatarpicture', function(err, gravatar) {
user.setUserField(uid, 'picture', gravatar);
} else if (type === 'uploaded') {
user.getUserField(uid, 'uploadedpicture', function(err, uploadedpicture) {
user.setUserField(uid, 'picture', uploadedpicture);
} else {
socket.on('api:user.follow', function(data, callback) {
if (uid) {
user.follow(uid, data.uid, callback);
socket.on('api:user.unfollow', function(data, callback) {
if (uid) {
user.unfollow(uid, data.uid, callback);
socket.on('api:user.saveSettings', function(data, callback) {
if (uid) {
user.setUserFields(uid, {
showemail: data.showemail
}, function(err, result) {
function emitAlert(socket, title, message) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
type: 'danger',
timeout: 2000,
title: title,
message: message,
alert_id: 'post_error'
function emitContentTooShortAlert(socket) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
type: 'danger',
timeout: 2000,
title: 'Content too short',
message: "Please enter a longer post. At least " + meta.config.minimumPostLength + " characters.",
alert_id: 'post_error'
function emitTooManyPostsAlert(socket) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Too many posts!',
message: 'You can only post every ' + meta.config.postDelay + ' seconds.',
type: 'danger',
timeout: 2000
socket.on('api:topics.post', function(data) {
if (uid < 1 && parseInt(meta.config.allowGuestPosting, 10) === 0) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Post Unsuccessful',
message: 'You don't seem to be logged in, so you cannot reply.',
type: 'danger',
timeout: 2000
topics.post(uid, data.title, data.content, data.category_id, function(err, result) {
if(err) {
if (err.message === 'title-too-short') {
emitAlert(socket, 'Title too short', 'Please enter a longer title. At least ' + meta.config.minimumTitleLength + ' characters.');
} else if (err.message === 'title-too-long') {
emitAlert(socket, 'Title too long', 'Please enter a shorter title. Titles can\'t be longer than ' + meta.config.maximumTitleLength + ' characters.');
} else if (err.message === 'content-too-short') {
} else if (err.message === 'too-many-posts') {
} else if (err.message === 'no-privileges') {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Unable to post',
message: 'You do not have posting privileges in this category.',
type: 'danger',
timeout: 7500
} else {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Error',
message: err.message,
type: 'warning',
timeout: 7500
if (result) {
io.sockets.in('category_' + data.category_id).emit('event:new_topic', result.topicData);
io.sockets.in('recent_posts').emit('event:new_topic', result.topicData);
io.sockets.in('user/' + uid).emit('event:new_post', {
posts: result.postData
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Thank you for posting',
message: 'You have successfully posted. Click here to view your post.',
type: 'success',
timeout: 2000
socket.on('api:topics.postcount', function(tid, callback) {
topics.getTopicField(tid, 'postcount', callback);
socket.on('api:topics.markAllRead', function(data, callback) {
topics.markAllRead(uid, function(err, success) {
if (!err && success) {
} else {
socket.on('api:posts.reply', function(data) {
if (uid < 1 && parseInt(meta.config.allowGuestPosting, 10) === 0) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Reply Unsuccessful',
message: 'You don't seem to be logged in, so you cannot reply.',
type: 'danger',
timeout: 2000
if (Date.now() - lastPostTime < meta.config.postDelay * 1000) {
topics.reply(data.topic_id, uid, data.content, function(err, postData) {
if(err) {
if (err.message === 'content-too-short') {
} else if (err.message === 'too-many-posts') {
} else if (err.message === 'reply-error') {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Reply Unsuccessful',
message: 'Your reply could not be posted at this time. Please try again later.',
type: 'warning',
timeout: 2000
} else if (err.message === 'no-privileges') {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Unable to post',
message: 'You do not have posting privileges in this category.',
type: 'danger',
timeout: 7500
if (postData) {
lastPostTime = Date.now();
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Reply Successful',
message: 'You have successfully replied. Click here to view your reply.',
type: 'success',
timeout: 2000
var socketData = {
posts: [postData]
io.sockets.in('topic_' + postData.tid).emit('event:new_post', socketData);
io.sockets.in('recent_posts').emit('event:new_post', socketData);
io.sockets.in('user/' + postData.uid).emit('event:new_post', socketData);
socket.on('api:user.getOnlineAnonCount', function(data, callback) {
websockets.getOnlineAnonCount = function () {
return userSockets[0] ? userSockets[0].length : 0;
function emitOnlineUserCount() {
var anon = userSockets[0] ? userSockets[0].length : 0;
var registered = Object.keys(userSockets).length;
if (anon)
registered = registered - 1;
var returnObj = {
users: registered + anon,
anon: anon
io.sockets.emit('api:user.active.get', returnObj)
socket.on('api:user.active.get', function() {
socket.on('api:posts.favourite', function(data) {
favourites.favourite(data.pid, data.room_id, uid, socket);
socket.on('api:posts.unfavourite', function(data) {
favourites.unfavourite(data.pid, data.room_id, uid, socket);
socket.on('api:topic.delete', function(data) {
threadTools.privileges(data.tid, uid, function(err, privileges) {
if (!err && privileges.editable) {
threadTools.delete(data.tid, uid, function(err) {
if (!err) {
socket.emit('api:topic.delete', {
status: 'ok',
tid: data.tid
socket.on('api:topic.restore', function(data) {
threadTools.privileges(data.tid, uid, function(err, privileges) {
if (!err && privileges.editable) {
threadTools.restore(data.tid, uid, function(err) {
socket.emit('api:topic.restore', {
status: 'ok',
tid: data.tid
socket.on('api:topic.lock', function(data) {
threadTools.privileges(data.tid, uid, function(err, privileges) {
if (!err && privileges.editable) {
threadTools.lock(data.tid, socket);
socket.on('api:topic.unlock', function(data) {
threadTools.privileges(data.tid, uid, function(err, privileges) {
if (!err && privileges.editable) {
threadTools.unlock(data.tid, socket);
socket.on('api:topic.pin', function(data) {
threadTools.privileges(data.tid, uid, function(err, privileges) {
if (!err && privileges.editable) {
threadTools.pin(data.tid, socket);
socket.on('api:topic.unpin', function(data) {
threadTools.privileges(data.tid, uid, function(err, privileges) {
if (!err && privileges.editable) {
threadTools.unpin(data.tid, socket);
socket.on('api:topic.createTopicFromPosts', function(data, callback) {
if(!uid) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Can't fork',
message: 'Guests can't fork topics!',
type: 'warning',
timeout: 2000
topics.createTopicFromPosts(uid, data.title, data.pids, function(err, data) {
callback(err?{message:err.message}:null, data);
socket.on('api:topic.movePost', function(data, callback) {
if(!uid) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Can't fork',
message: 'Guests can't fork topics!',
type: 'warning',
timeout: 2000
topics.movePostToTopic(data.pid, data.tid, function(err, data) {
callback(err?{message:err.message}:null, data);
socket.on('api:topic.move', function(data) {
threadTools.move(data.tid, data.cid, socket);
socket.on('api:categories.get', function(callback) {
categories.getAllCategories(0, function(err, categories) {
if(callback) {
socket.on('api:posts.uploadImage', function(data, callback) {
posts.uploadPostImage(data, callback);
socket.on('api:posts.uploadFile', function(data, callback) {
posts.uploadPostFile(data, callback);
socket.on('api:posts.getRawPost', function(data, callback) {
posts.getPostField(data.pid, 'content', function(err, raw) {
post: raw
socket.on('api:posts.edit', function(data) {
if(!uid) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Can't edit',
message: 'Guests can't edit posts!',
type: 'warning',
timeout: 2000
} else if (!data.title || data.title.length < parseInt(meta.config.minimumTitleLength, 10)) {
} else if (!data.content || data.content.length < parseInt(meta.config.minimumPostLength, 10)) {
postTools.edit(uid, data.pid, data.title, data.content, data.images);
socket.on('api:posts.delete', function(data, callback) {
postTools.delete(uid, data.pid, function(err) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
io.sockets.in('topic_' + data.tid).emit('event:post_deleted', {
pid: data.pid
socket.on('api:posts.restore', function(data, callback) {
postTools.restore(uid, data.pid, function(err) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
io.sockets.in('topic_' + data.tid).emit('event:post_restored', {
pid: data.pid
socket.on('api:notifications.get', function(data, callback) {
user.notifications.get(uid, function(notifs) {
socket.on('api:notifications.mark_read', function(nid) {
notifications.mark_read(nid, uid);
socket.on('api:notifications.mark_all_read', function(data, callback) {
notifications.mark_all_read(uid, function(err) {
if (!err) {
socket.on('api:notifications.getCount', function(callback) {
user.notifications.getUnreadCount(uid, function(err, count) {
callback(err ? err.message : null, count);
socket.on('api:categories.getRecentReplies', function(tid) {
categories.getRecentReplies(tid, uid, 4, function(err, replies) {
socket.emit('api:categories.getRecentReplies', replies);
socket.on('api:chats.get', function(data, callback) {
var touid = data.touid;
Messaging.getMessages(uid, touid, function(err, messages) {
if (err)
return callback(null);
socket.on('api:chats.send', function(data) {
var touid = data.touid;
if (touid === uid || uid === 0) {
var msg = S(data.message).stripTags().s;
user.getMultipleUserFields([uid, touid], ['username'], function(err, usersData) {
if(err) {
var username = usersData[0].username,
toUsername = usersData[1].username,
finalMessage = username + ' : ' + msg,
notifText = 'New message from ' + username + '';
if (!isUserOnline(touid)) {
notifications.create(notifText, 'javascript:app.openChat('' + username + '', ' + uid + ');', 'notification_' + uid + '_' + touid, function(nid) {
notifications.push(nid, [touid], function(success) {
Messaging.addMessage(uid, touid, msg, function(err, message) {
var numSockets = 0;
if (userSockets[touid]) {
numSockets = userSockets[touid].length;
for (var x = 0; x < numSockets; ++x) {
userSockets[touid][x].emit('event:chats.receive', {
fromuid: uid,
username: username,
message: finalMessage,
timestamp: Date.now()
if (userSockets[uid]) {
numSockets = userSockets[uid].length;
for (var x = 0; x < numSockets; ++x) {
userSockets[uid][x].emit('event:chats.receive', {
fromuid: touid,
username: toUsername,
message: 'You : ' + msg,
timestamp: Date.now()
socket.on('api:chats.list', function(callback) {
Messaging.getRecentChats(uid, function(err, uids) {
if (err) {
winston.warn('[(socket) api:chats.list] Problem retrieving chats: ' + err.message);
callback(uids || []);
socket.on('api:config.get', function(data) {
meta.configs.list(function(err, config) {
if (!err) socket.emit('api:config.get', config);
socket.on('api:config.set', function(data) {
meta.configs.set(data.key, data.value, function(err) {
if (!err) {
socket.emit('api:config.set', {
status: 'ok'
plugins.fireHook('action:config.set', {
key: data.key,
value: data.value
logger.monitorConfig({io: io}, data);
socket.on('api:config.remove', function(key) {
socket.on('api:composer.push', function(data, callback) {
if (parseInt(uid, 10) > 0 || parseInt(meta.config.allowGuestPosting, 10) === 1) {
if (parseInt(data.pid) > 0) {
function(next) {
posts.getPostFields(data.pid, ['content'], next);
function(next) {
topics.getTitleByPid(data.pid, function(title) {
next(null, title);
], function(err, results) {
title: results[1],
pid: data.pid,
body: results[0].content
} else {
error: 'no-uid'
socket.on('api:composer.editCheck', function(pid, callback) {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid', function(err, tid) {
postTools.isMain(pid, tid, function(err, isMain) {
titleEditable: isMain
socket.on('api:post.privileges', function(pid) {
postTools.privileges(pid, uid, function(privileges) {
privileges.pid = parseInt(pid);
socket.emit('api:post.privileges', privileges);
socket.on('api:topic.followCheck', function(tid) {
threadTools.isFollowing(tid, uid, function(following) {
socket.emit('api:topic.followCheck', following);
socket.on('api:topic.follow', function(tid) {
if (uid && uid > 0) {
threadTools.toggleFollow(tid, uid, function(follow) {
if (follow.status === 'ok') socket.emit('api:topic.follow', follow);
} else {
socket.emit('api:topic.follow', {
status: 'error',
error: 'not-logged-in'
socket.on('api:topic.loadMore', function(data, callback) {
var start = data.after,
end = start + 9;
topics.getTopicPosts(data.tid, start, end, uid, function(err, posts) {
posts: posts
socket.on('api:unread.count', function(callback) {
topics.getUnreadTids(uid, 0, 19, function(err, tids) {
socket.emit('event:unread.updateCount', tids.length);
socket.on('api:category.loadMore', function(data, callback) {
var start = data.after,
end = start + 9;
categories.getCategoryTopics(data.cid, start, end, uid, function(topics) {
topics: topics
socket.on('api:topics.loadMoreRecentTopics', function(data, callback) {
var start = data.after,
end = start + 9;
topics.getLatestTopics(uid, start, end, data.term, function(err, latestTopics) {
if (!err) {
} else {
winston.error('[socket api:topics.loadMoreRecentTopics] ' + err.message);
socket.on('api:topics.loadMoreUnreadTopics', function(data, callback) {
var start = data.after,
end = start + 9;
topics.getUnreadTopics(uid, start, end, function(unreadTopics) {
socket.on('api:users.loadMore', function(data, callback) {
var start = data.after,
end = start + 19;
user.getUsers(data.set, start, end, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
users: data
socket.on('api:admin.topics.getMore', function(data, callback) {
topics.getAllTopics(data.limit, data.after, function(err, topics) {
socket.on('api:admin.categories.create', function(data, callback) {
categories.create(data, function(err, data) {
callback(err, data);
socket.on('api:admin.categories.update', function(data) {
admin.categories.update(data, socket);
socket.on('api:admin.user.makeAdmin', function(theirid) {
if (uid && uid > 0) {
admin.user.makeAdmin(uid, theirid, socket);
socket.on('api:admin.user.removeAdmin', function(theirid) {
if (uid && uid > 0) {
admin.user.removeAdmin(uid, theirid, socket);
socket.on('api:admin.user.createUser', function(user, callback) {
if (uid && uid > 0) {
admin.user.createUser(uid, user, callback);
socket.on('api:admin.user.banUser', function(theirid) {
if (uid && uid > 0) {
admin.user.banUser(uid, theirid, socket, function(isBanned) {
if(isBanned) {
if(userSockets[theirid]) {
for(var i=0; i 0) {
admin.user.unbanUser(uid, theirid, socket);
socket.on('api:admin.user.search', function(username, callback) {
if (!(uid && uid > 0)) {
return callback();
user.search(username, function(data) {
function isAdmin(userData, next) {
user.isAdministrator(userData.uid, function(err, isAdmin) {
if(err) {
return next(err);
userData.administrator = isAdmin?'1':'0';
async.each(data, isAdmin, function(err) {
if(err) {
return callback({message: err.message});
callback(null, data);
socket.on('api:admin.categories.search', function(username, cid, callback) {
if (uid && uid > 0) {
user.search(username, function(data) {
async.map(data, function(userObj, next) {
CategoryTools.privileges(cid, userObj.uid, function(err, privileges) {
if (!err) {
userObj.privileges = privileges;
} else {
winston.error('[socket api:admin.categories.search] Could not retrieve permissions');
next(null, userObj);
}, function(err, data) {
if (!callback) socket.emit('api:admin.categories.search', data);
else callback(null, data);
} else {
if (!callback) socket.emit('api:admin.user.search', null);
else callback();
socket.on('api:admin.categories.setPrivilege', function(cid, uid, privilege, set, callback) {
var cb = function(err) {
CategoryTools.privileges(cid, uid, callback);
if (set) {
groups.joinByGroupName('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:' + privilege, uid, cb);
} else {
groups.leaveByGroupName('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:' + privilege, uid, cb);
socket.on('api:admin.categories.getPrivilegeSettings', function(cid, callback) {
"+r": function(next) {
groups.getByGroupName('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:+r', { expand: true }, function(err, groupObj) {
if (!err) {
next.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
next(null, {
members: []
"+w": function(next) {
groups.getByGroupName('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:+w', { expand: true }, function(err, groupObj) {
if (!err) {
next.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
next(null, {
members: []
}, function(err, data) {
callback(null, {
"+r": data['+r'].members,
"+w": data['+w'].members
socket.on('api:admin.categories.setGroupPrivilege', function(cid, gid, privilege, set, callback) {
if (set) {
groups.joinByGroupName('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:' + privilege, gid, callback);
} else {
groups.leaveByGroupName('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:' + privilege, gid, callback);
socket.on('api:admin.categories.groupsList', function(cid, callback) {
groups.list({expand:false}, function(err, data){
async.map(data, function(groupObj, next) {
CategoryTools.groupPrivileges(cid, groupObj.gid, function(err, privileges) {
if (!err) {
groupObj.privileges = privileges;
} else {
winston.error('[socket api:admin.categories.groupsList] Could not retrieve permissions');
next(null, groupObj);
}, function(err, data) {
callback(null, data);
socket.on('api:admin.themes.getInstalled', function(callback) {
meta.themes.get(function(err, themeArr) {
socket.on('api:admin.plugins.toggle', function(plugin_id) {
plugins.toggleActive(plugin_id, function(status) {
socket.emit('api:admin.plugins.toggle', status);
socket.on('api:meta.buildTitle', function(text, callback) {
meta.title.build(text, function(err, title) {
socket.on('api:groups.create', function(data, callback) {
groups.create(data.name, data.description, function(err, groupObj) {
callback(err ? err.message : null, groupObj || undefined);
socket.on('api:groups.delete', function(gid, callback) {
groups.destroy(gid, function(err) {
callback(err ? err.message : null, err ? null : 'OK');
socket.on('api:groups.get', function(gid, callback) {
groups.get(gid, {
expand: true
}, function(err, groupObj) {
callback(err ? err.message : null, groupObj || undefined);
socket.on('api:groups.join', function(data, callback) {
groups.join(data.gid, data.uid, callback);
socket.on('api:groups.leave', function(data, callback) {
groups.leave(data.gid, data.uid, callback);
socket.on('api:groups.update', function(data, callback) {
groups.update(data.gid, data.values, function(err) {
callback(err ? err.message : null);
socket.on('api:admin.theme.set', meta.themes.set);
function emitTopicPostStats() {
db.getObjectFields('global', ['topicCount', 'postCount'], function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return winston.err(err);
var stats = {
topics: data.topicCount ? data.topicCount : 0,
posts: data.postCount ? data.postCount : 0
io.sockets.emit('post.stats', stats);
websockets.emitUserCount = function() {
db.getObjectField('global', 'userCount', function(err, count) {
io.sockets.emit('user.count', {
count: count
websockets.in = function(room) {
return io.sockets.in(room);
websockets.getConnectedClients = function() {
return userSockets;