var socket, config, app = { "username": null, "uid": null, "isFocused": true, "currentRoom": null }; (function () { var showWelcomeMessage = false; app.loadConfig = function() { $.ajax({ url: RELATIVE_PATH + '/api/config', success: function (data) { config = data; if(socket) { socket.disconnect(); setTimeout(function() { socket.socket.connect(); }, 200); } else { var max_reconnection_attemps = 5; var reconnection_delay = 200; socket = io.connect('', { 'max reconnection attempts': max_reconnection_attemps, 'reconnection delay': reconnection_delay }); var reconnecting = false, reconnectEl, reconnectTimer; socket.on('event:connect', function (data) { app.username = data.username; app.uid = data.uid; app.isAdmin = data.isAdmin; app.showLoginMessage(); socket.emit('meta.updateHeader', { fields: ['username', 'picture', 'userslug'] }, app.updateHeader); $(window).trigger('action:connected'); }); socket.on('event:alert', function (data) { app.alert(data); }); socket.on('connect', function (data) { if (reconnecting) { reconnectEl.tooltip('destroy'); reconnectEl.html(''); reconnecting = false; // Rejoin room that was left when we disconnected var url_parts = document.location.pathname.slice(RELATIVE_PATH.length).split('/').slice(1), room; switch(url_parts[0]) { case 'user': room = 'user/' + templates.get('theirid'); case 'topic': room = 'topic_' + url_parts[1]; break; case 'category': room = 'category_' + url_parts[1]; break; case 'recent': // intentional fall-through case 'unread': room = 'recent_posts'; break; case 'admin': room = 'admin'; break; default: room = 'global'; break; } app.enterRoom(room, true); socket.emit('meta.reconnected'); $(window).trigger('action:reconnected'); setTimeout(function() { reconnectEl.removeClass('active').addClass("hide"); }, 3000); } socket.emit('meta.updateHeader', { fields: ['username', 'picture', 'userslug'] }, app.updateHeader); }); socket.on('event:disconnect', function() { $(window).trigger('action:disconnected'); socket.socket.connect(); }); socket.on('reconnecting', function (data, attempt) { if(attempt == max_reconnection_attemps) { socket.socket.reconnectionAttempts = 0; socket.socket.reconnectionDelay = reconnection_delay; return; } if (!reconnectEl) reconnectEl = $('#reconnect'); reconnecting = true; if (!reconnectEl.hasClass('active')) reconnectEl.html(''); reconnectEl.addClass('active').removeClass("hide"); reconnectEl.tooltip({ placement: 'bottom' }); }); socket.on('event:banned', function() { app.alert({ title: '[[global:alert.banned]]', message: '[[global:alert.banned.message]]', type: 'warning', timeout: 1000 }); setTimeout(app.logout, 1000); }); socket.on('meta.updateHeader', app.updateHeader); app.enterRoom('global'); if (config.environment === 'development' && console && console.log) { var log = console.log; console.log = function() { log.apply(this, arguments); socket.emit('tools.log', arguments); } } } }, async: false }); }; app.logout = function() { $.post(RELATIVE_PATH + '/logout', { _csrf: $('#csrf_token').val() }, function() { window.location.href = RELATIVE_PATH + '/'; }); }; // takes a string like 1000 and returns 1,000 app.addCommas = function (text) { return text.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,"); }; // use unique alert_id to have multiple alerts visible at a time, use the same alert_id to fade out the current instance // type : error, success, info, warning/notify // title = bolded title text // message = alert message content // timeout default = permanent // location : alert_window (default) or content app.alert = function (params) { var alert_id = 'alert_button_' + ((params.alert_id) ? params.alert_id : new Date().getTime()); var alert = $('#' + alert_id); var title = params.title || ''; function startTimeout(div, timeout) { var timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { $(div).fadeOut(1000, function () { $(this).remove(); }); }, timeout); $(div).attr('timeoutId', timeoutId); } if (alert.length > 0) { alert.find('strong').html(title); alert.find('p').html(params.message); alert.attr('class', "alert alert-dismissable alert-" + params.type); clearTimeout(alert.attr('timeoutId')); startTimeout(alert, params.timeout); alert.children().fadeOut('100'); translator.translate(alert.html(), function(translatedHTML) { alert.children().fadeIn('100'); alert.html(translatedHTML); }); } else { var div = $('
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app.currentRoom = room; } }; app.populateOnlineUsers = function () { var uids = []; jQuery('.post-row').each(function () { var uid = $(this).attr('data-uid'); if(uids.indexOf(uid) === -1) { uids.push(uid); } }); socket.emit('user.getOnlineUsers', uids, function (err, users) { jQuery('.username-field').each(function (index, element) { var el = jQuery(this), uid = el.parents('li').attr('data-uid'); if (uid && users[uid]) { el.siblings('i').attr('class', 'fa fa-circle status ' + users[uid].status) } }); }); }; function highlightNavigationLink() { var path = window.location.pathname, parts = path.split('/'), active = parts[parts.length - 1]; jQuery('#main-nav li').removeClass('active'); if (active) { jQuery('#main-nav li a').each(function () { var href = this.getAttribute('href'); if (active == "sort-posts" || active == "sort-reputation" || active == "search" || active == "latest" || active == "online") active = 'users'; if (href && href.match(active)) { jQuery(this.parentNode).addClass('active'); return false; } }); } }; app.createUserTooltips = function() { $('img[title].teaser-pic,img[title].user-img').each(function() { $(this).tooltip({ placement: 'top', title: $(this).attr('title') }); }); }; app.makeNumbersHumanReadable = function(elements) { elements.each(function() { $(this).html(utils.makeNumberHumanReadable($(this).attr('title'))); }); }; app.processPage = function () { app.populateOnlineUsers(); highlightNavigationLink(); $('span.timeago').timeago(); $('.post-content img').addClass('img-responsive'); app.makeNumbersHumanReadable($('.human-readable-number')); app.createUserTooltips(); setTimeout(function () { window.scrollTo(0, 1); // rehide address bar on mobile after page load completes. }, 100); }; app.showLoginMessage = function () { function showAlert() { app.alert({ type: 'success', title: 'Welcome Back ' + app.username + '!', message: 'You have successfully logged in!', timeout: 5000 }); } if (showWelcomeMessage) { showWelcomeMessage = false; if (document.readyState !== 'complete') { $(document).ready(showAlert); } else { showAlert(); } } }; app.addCommasToNumbers = function () { $('.formatted-number').each(function (index, element) { $(element).html(app.addCommas($(element).html())); }); }; app.openChat = function (username, touid) { if (username === app.username) { app.alert({ type: 'warning', title: 'Invalid Chat', message: "You can't chat with yourself!", timeout: 5000 }); return; } if (!app.username) { app.alert({ type: 'danger', title: 'Not Logged In', message: 'Please log in to chat with ' + username + '', timeout: 5000 }); return; } require(['chat'], function (chat) { if (!chat.modalExists(touid)) { chat.createModal(username, touid, loadAndCenter); } else { loadAndCenter(chat.getModal(touid)); } function loadAndCenter(chatModal) { chat.load(chatModal.attr('UUID'));; } }); }; app.scrollToTop = function () { $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); }; app.scrollToBottom = function () { $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: $('html').height() - 100 }); }; app.enableInfiniteLoading = function(callback) { $(window).off('scroll').on('scroll', function() { var bottom = ($(document).height() - $(window).height()) * 0.9; if ($(window).scrollTop() > bottom) { callback(); } }); } var titleObj = { active: false, interval: undefined, titles: [] }; app.alternatingTitle = function (title) { if (typeof title !== 'string') { return; } if (title.length > 0 && !app.isFocused) { titleObj.titles[1] = title; if (titleObj.interval) { clearInterval(titleObj.interval); } titleObj.interval = setInterval(function() { window.document.title = titleObj.titles[titleObj.titles.indexOf(window.document.title) ^ 1]; }, 2000); } else { if (titleObj.interval) { clearInterval(titleObj.interval); } if (titleObj.titles[0]) { window.document.title = titleObj.titles[0]; } } }; app.refreshTitle = function(url) { if (!url) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = document.location; url = a.pathname.slice(1); } socket.emit('meta.buildTitle', url, function(err, title, numNotifications) { titleObj.titles[0] = (numNotifications > 0 ? '(' + numNotifications + ') ' : '') + title; app.alternatingTitle(''); }); }; function updateOnlineStatus(uid) { socket.emit('user.isOnline', uid, function(err, data) { $('#logged-in-menu #user_label #user-profile-link>i').attr('class', 'fa fa-circle status ' + data.status); }); } app.updateHeader = function(err, data) { $('#search-button').off().on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $('#search-fields').removeClass('hide').show(); $(this).hide(); $('#search-fields input').focus(); $('#search-form').on('submit', function() { $('#search-fields').hide(); $('#search-button').show(); }); $('#search-fields input').on('blur', function() { $('#search-fields').hide(); $('#search-button').show(); }); return false; }); var loggedInMenu = $('#logged-in-menu'), isLoggedIn = data.uid > 0, allowGuestSearching = (data.config || {}).allowGuestSearching === '1'; if (isLoggedIn) { $('.nodebb-loggedin').show(); $('.nodebb-loggedout').hide(); $('#logged-out-menu').addClass('hide'); $('#logged-in-menu').removeClass('hide'); $('#search-button').removeClass("hide").show(); var userLabel = loggedInMenu.find('#user_label'); if (userLabel.length) { if (data.userslug) { userLabel.find('#user-profile-link').attr('href', RELATIVE_PATH + '/user/' + data.userslug); } if (data.picture) { userLabel.find('img').attr('src', data.picture); } if (data.username) { userLabel.find('#user-profile-link>span').html(' ' + data.username); } $('#logout-link').on('click', app.logout); } updateOnlineStatus(data.uid); } else { if (allowGuestSearching) { $('#search-button').removeClass("hide").show(); $('#mobile-search-button').removeClass("hide").show(); } else { $('#search-button').addClass("hide").hide(); $('#mobile-search-button').addClass("hide").hide(); } $('.nodebb-loggedin').hide(); $('.nodebb-loggedout').show(); $('#logged-out-menu').removeClass('hide'); $('#logged-in-menu').addClass('hide'); } $('#main-nav a,#user-control-list a,#logged-out-menu li a,#logged-in-menu .visible-xs').off('click').on('click', function() { if($('.navbar .navbar-collapse').hasClass('in')) { $('.navbar-header button').click(); } }); $('#user-control-list .user-status').off('click').on('click', function(e) { socket.emit('user.setStatus', $(this).attr('data-status'), function(err, data) { if(err) { return app.alertError(err.message); } updateOnlineStatus(data.uid); }); e.preventDefault(); }); }; jQuery('document').ready(function () { $('#search-form').on('submit', function () { var input = $(this).find('input'); ajaxify.go("search/" + input.val()); input.val(''); return false; }); $(window).blur(function(){ app.isFocused = false; }); $(window).focus(function(){ app.isFocused = true; app.alternatingTitle(''); }); createHeaderTooltips(); templates.setGlobal('relative_path', RELATIVE_PATH); templates.setGlobal('usePagination', config.usePagination); templates.setGlobal('topicsPerPage', config.topicsPerPage); templates.setGlobal('postsPerPage', config.postsPerPage); }); function createHeaderTooltips() { $('#header-menu li i[title]').each(function() { $(this).parents('a').tooltip({ placement: 'bottom', title: $(this).attr('title') }); }); $('#user_dropdown').tooltip({ placement: 'bottom', title: $('#user_dropdown').attr('title') }); } showWelcomeMessage = location.href.indexOf('loggedin') !== -1; app.loadConfig(); app.alternatingTitle(''); }());