var user = require('./../user.js'), auth = require('./authentication.js'), topics = require('./../topics.js'), posts = require('./../posts.js'), categories = require('./../categories.js'), Groups = require('../groups'), utils = require('./../../public/src/utils.js'), pkg = require('../../package.json'), meta = require('./../meta.js'), path = require('path'), nconf = require('nconf'), async = require('async'); (function (Api) { Api.createRoutes = function (app) { app.namespace('/api', function () { app.get('/get_templates_listing', function (req, res) { utils.walk(path.join(__dirname, '../../', 'public/templates'), function (err, data) { res.json(data); }); }); app.get('/config', function (req, res, next) { var config = require('../../public/config.json'); config.postDelay = meta.config.postDelay; config.minimumTitleLength = meta.config.minimumTitleLength; config.minimumPostLength = meta.config.minimumPostLength; config.imgurClientIDSet = !! meta.config.imgurClientID; config.minimumUsernameLength = meta.config.minimumUsernameLength; config.maximumUsernameLength = meta.config.maximumUsernameLength; config.minimumPasswordLength = meta.config.minimumPasswordLength; config.useOutgoingLinksPage = meta.config.useOutgoingLinksPage; config.emailSetup = !!meta.config['email:from']; res.json(200, config); }); app.get('/home', function (req, res) { var uid = (req.user) ? req.user.uid : 0; categories.getAllCategories(uid, function (err, data) { data.categories = data.categories.filter(function (category) { return (!category.disabled || category.disabled === "0"); }); function iterator(category, callback) { categories.getRecentReplies(category.cid, 2, function (posts) { category.posts = posts; category.post_count = posts.length > 2 ? 2 : posts.length; callback(null); }); } async.each(data.categories, iterator, function (err) { data.motd_class = (meta.config.show_motd === '1' || meta.config.show_motd === undefined) ? '' : ' none'; data.motd_class += (meta.config.motd && meta.config.motd.length > 0 ? '' : ' default'); data.motd = require('marked')(meta.config.motd || "
\n\n# NodeBB v" + pkg.version + "\nWelcome to NodeBB, the discussion platform of the future."); res.json(data); }); }); }); app.get('/login', function (req, res) { var data = {}, login_strategies = auth.get_login_strategies(), num_strategies = login_strategies.length; if (num_strategies == 0) { data = { 'login_window:spansize': 'col-md-12', 'alternate_logins:display': 'none' }; } else { data = { 'login_window:spansize': 'col-md-6', 'alternate_logins:display': 'block' } for (var i = 0, ii = num_strategies; i < ii; i++) { data[login_strategies[i] + ':display'] = 'active'; } } data.token = res.locals.csrf_token; res.json(data); }); app.get('/register', function (req, res) { var data = {}, login_strategies = auth.get_login_strategies(), num_strategies = login_strategies.length; if (num_strategies == 0) { data = { 'register_window:spansize': 'col-md-12', 'alternate_logins:display': 'none' }; } else { data = { 'register_window:spansize': 'col-md-6', 'alternate_logins:display': 'block' } for (var i = 0, ii = num_strategies; i < ii; i++) { data[login_strategies[i] + ':display'] = 'active'; } } data.token = res.locals.csrf_token; data.minimumUsernameLength = meta.config['minimumUsernameLength']; data.maximumUsernameLength = meta.config['maximumUsernameLength']; data.minimumPasswordLength = meta.config['minimumPasswordLength']; res.json(data); }); app.get('/topic/:id/:slug?', function (req, res, next) { var uid = (req.user) ? req.user.uid : 0; topics.getTopicWithPosts(, uid, 0, 10, function (err, data) { if (!err) { if (data.deleted === '1' && data.expose_tools === 0) { return res.json(404, {}); } res.json(data); } else next(); }); }); app.get('/category/:id/:slug?', function (req, res, next) { var uid = (req.user) ? req.user.uid : 0; // Category Whitelisting (support for "-r" to come later) var whitelistReadKey = 'cid:' + + ':permissions:+r', success = function() { categories.getCategoryById(, uid, function (err, data) { if (!err && data && data.disabled === "0") res.json(data); else next(); },, uid); }; Groups.exists(whitelistReadKey, function(err, exists) { if (!err && exists) { Groups.isMemberByGroupName(uid, whitelistReadKey, function(err, isMember) { if (!err && isMember) { success(); } else { res.send(403); } }); } else if (!err && !exists) { success(); } else { res.send(403); } }); }); app.get('/recent/:term?', function (req, res) { var uid = (req.user) ? req.user.uid : 0; topics.getLatestTopics(uid, 0, 19, req.params.term, function (err, data) { if (!err) { res.json(data); } else { res.send(500); } }); }); app.get('/unread', function (req, res) { var uid = (req.user) ? req.user.uid : 0; topics.getUnreadTopics(uid, 0, 19, function (data) { res.json(data); }); }); app.get('/unread/total', function (req, res) { var uid = (req.user) ? req.user.uid : 0; topics.getTotalUnread(uid, function (data) { res.json(data); }); }); app.get('/notifications', function(req, res) { if (req.user && req.user.uid) { user.notifications.getAll(req.user.uid, null, null, function(err, notifications) { res.json({ notifications: notifications }); }); } else res.send(403); }); app.get('/confirm/:id', function (req, res) {, function (data) { if (data.status === 'ok') { res.json({ 'alert-class': 'alert-success', title: 'Email Confirmed', text: 'Thank you for vaidating your email. Your account is now fully activated.' }); } else { res.json({ 'alert-class': 'alert-error', title: 'An error occurred...', text: 'There was a problem validating your email address. Perhaps the code was invalid or has expired.' }); } }); }); app.get('/outgoing', function (req, res) { var url = req.query.url; if (url) { res.json({ url: url, title: meta.config.title }); } else { res.status(404); res.redirect(nconf.get('relative_path') + '/404'); } }); app.get('/search', function (req, res) { return res.json({ show_no_topics: 'hide', show_no_posts: 'hide', show_results: 'hide', search_query: '', posts: [], topics: [] }); }); app.get('/search/:term', function (req, res, next) { var reds = require('reds'); var postSearch = reds.createSearch('nodebbpostsearch'); var topicSearch = reds.createSearch('nodebbtopicsearch'); function search(searchObj, callback) { searchObj .query(query = req.params.term).type('or') .end(callback); } function searchPosts(callback) { search(postSearch, function (err, pids) { if (err) return callback(err, null); posts.getPostSummaryByPids(pids, function (err, posts) { if (err) return callback(err, null); callback(null, posts); }); }) } function searchTopics(callback) { search(topicSearch, function (err, tids) { if (err) return callback(err, null); topics.getTopicsByTids(tids, 0, function (topics) { callback(null, topics); }, 0); }); } async.parallel([searchPosts, searchTopics], function (err, results) { if (err) return next(); return res.json({ show_no_topics: results[1].length ? 'hide' : '', show_no_posts: results[0].length ? 'hide' : '', show_results: '', search_query: req.params.term, posts: results[0], topics: results[1] }); }); }); app.get('/reset', function (req, res) { res.json({}); }); app.get('/reset/:code', function (req, res) { res.json({ reset_code: req.params.code }); }); app.get('/404', function (req, res) { res.json({}); }); app.get('/403', function (req, res) { res.json({}); }); }); } }(exports));