'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const validator = require('validator'); const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom'); const slugify = require('../src/slugify'); const db = require('./mocks/databasemock'); describe('Utility Methods', () => { // https://gist.github.com/robballou/9ee108758dc5e0e2d028 // create some jsdom magic to allow jQuery to work const dom = new JSDOM('<html><body></body></html>'); global.window = dom.window; global.document = dom.window.document; global.jQuery = require('jquery'); global.$ = global.jQuery; const { $ } = global; const utils = require('../public/src/utils'); // https://github.com/jprichardson/string.js/blob/master/test/string.test.js it('should decode HTML entities', (done) => { assert.strictEqual( utils.decodeHTMLEntities('Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie'), 'Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie' ); assert.strictEqual( utils.decodeHTMLEntities('3 < 4'), '3 < 4' ); assert.strictEqual( utils.decodeHTMLEntities('http://'), 'http://' ); done(); }); it('should strip HTML tags', (done) => { assert.strictEqual(utils.stripHTMLTags('<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>'), 'just some text'); assert.strictEqual(utils.stripHTMLTags('<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>', ['p']), 'just <b>some</b> text'); assert.strictEqual(utils.stripHTMLTags('<i>just</i> some <image/> text', ['i']), 'just some <image/> text'); assert.strictEqual(utils.stripHTMLTags('<i>just</i> some <image/> <div>text</div>', ['i', 'div']), 'just some <image/> text'); done(); }); it('should preserve case if requested', (done) => { assert.strictEqual(slugify('UPPER CASE', true), 'UPPER-CASE'); done(); }); it('should work if a number is passed in', (done) => { assert.strictEqual(slugify(12345), '12345'); done(); }); describe('username validation', () => { it('accepts latin-1 characters', () => { const username = "John\"'-. Doeäâèéë1234"; assert(utils.isUserNameValid(username), 'invalid username'); }); it('rejects empty string', () => { const username = ''; assert.equal(utils.isUserNameValid(username), false, 'accepted as valid username'); }); it('should reject new lines', () => { assert.equal(utils.isUserNameValid('myusername\r\n'), false); }); it('should reject new lines', () => { assert.equal(utils.isUserNameValid('myusername\n'), false); }); it('should reject tabs', () => { assert.equal(utils.isUserNameValid('myusername\t'), false); }); it('accepts square brackets', () => { const username = '[best clan] julian'; assert(utils.isUserNameValid(username), 'invalid username'); }); it('accepts regular username', () => { assert(utils.isUserNameValid('myusername'), 'invalid username'); }); it('accepts quotes', () => { assert(utils.isUserNameValid('baris "the best" usakli'), 'invalid username'); }); }); describe('email validation', () => { it('accepts sample address', () => { const email = 'sample@example.com'; assert(utils.isEmailValid(email), 'invalid email'); }); it('rejects empty address', () => { const email = ''; assert.equal(utils.isEmailValid(email), false, 'accepted as valid email'); }); }); describe('UUID generation', () => { it('return unique random value every time', () => { delete require.cache[require.resolve('../src/utils')]; const { generateUUID } = require('../src/utils'); const uuid1 = generateUUID(); const uuid2 = generateUUID(); assert.notEqual(uuid1, uuid2, 'matches'); }); }); describe('cleanUpTag', () => { it('should cleanUp a tag', (done) => { const cleanedTag = utils.cleanUpTag(',/#!$^*;TaG1:{}=_`<>\'"~()?|'); assert.equal(cleanedTag, 'tag1'); done(); }); it('should return empty string for invalid tags', (done) => { assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(undefined), ''); assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(null), ''); assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(false), ''); assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(1), ''); assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(0), ''); done(); }); }); it('should remove punctuation', (done) => { const removed = utils.removePunctuation('some text with , ! punctuation inside "'); assert.equal(removed, 'some text with punctuation inside '); done(); }); it('should get language key', () => { assert.strictEqual(utils.getLanguage(), 'en-GB'); global.window.utils = {}; global.window.config = { userLang: 'tr' }; assert.strictEqual(utils.getLanguage(), 'tr'); global.window.config = { defaultLang: 'de' }; assert.strictEqual(utils.getLanguage(), 'de'); }); it('should return true if string has language key', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.hasLanguageKey('some text [[topic:title]] and [[user:reputaiton]]'), true); done(); }); it('should return false if string does not have language key', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.hasLanguageKey('some text with no language keys'), false); done(); }); it('should return bootstrap env', () => { assert.strictEqual(utils.findBootstrapEnvironment(), 'xs'); }); it('should check if mobile', () => { assert.strictEqual(utils.isMobile(), true); }); it('should check password validity', () => { global.ajaxify = { data: { minimumPasswordStrength: 1, minimumPasswordLength: 6, }, }; const zxcvbn = require('zxcvbn'); function check(pwd, expectedError) { try { utils.assertPasswordValidity(pwd, zxcvbn); assert(false); } catch (err) { assert.strictEqual(err.message, expectedError); } } check('123456', '[[user:weak_password]]'); check('', '[[user:change_password_error]]'); check('asd', '[[reset_password:password_too_short]]'); check(new Array(513).fill('a').join(''), '[[error:password-too-long]]'); utils.assertPasswordValidity('Yzsh31j!a', zxcvbn); }); // it('should generate UUID', () => { // TODO: add back when nodejs 18 is minimum // assert(validator.isUUID(utils.generateUUID())); // }); it('should shallow merge two objects', (done) => { const a = { foo: 1, cat1: 'ginger' }; const b = { baz: 2, cat2: 'phoebe' }; const obj = utils.merge(a, b); assert.strictEqual(obj.foo, 1); assert.strictEqual(obj.baz, 2); assert.strictEqual(obj.cat1, 'ginger'); assert.strictEqual(obj.cat2, 'phoebe'); done(); }); it('should return the file extesion', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.fileExtension('/path/to/some/file.png'), 'png'); done(); }); it('should return file mime type', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.fileMimeType('/path/to/some/file.png'), 'image/png'); done(); }); it('should check if url is relative', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.isRelativeUrl('/topic/1/slug'), true); done(); }); it('should check if url is relative', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.isRelativeUrl('https://nodebb.org'), false); done(); }); it('should make number human readable', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.makeNumberHumanReadable('1000'), '1.0k'); done(); }); it('should make number human readable', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.makeNumberHumanReadable('1100000'), '1.1m'); done(); }); it('should make number human readable', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.makeNumberHumanReadable('100'), '100'); done(); }); it('should make number human readable', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.makeNumberHumanReadable(null), 'null'); done(); }); it('should make numbers human readable on elements', (done) => { const el = $('<div title="100000"></div>'); utils.makeNumbersHumanReadable(el); assert.equal(el.html(), '100.0k'); done(); }); it('should add commas to numbers', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.addCommas('100'), '100'); done(); }); it('should add commas to numbers', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.addCommas('1000'), '1,000'); done(); }); it('should add commas to numbers', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.addCommas('1000000'), '1,000,000'); done(); }); it('should add commas to elements', (done) => { const el = $('<div>1000000</div>'); utils.addCommasToNumbers(el); assert.equal(el.html(), '1,000,000'); done(); }); it('should return passed in value if invalid', (done) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-loss-of-precision const bigInt = -111111111111111111; const result = utils.toISOString(bigInt); assert.equal(bigInt, result); done(); }); it('should return false if browser is not android', (done) => { global.navigator = { userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.96 Safari/537.36', }; assert.equal(utils.isAndroidBrowser(), false); done(); }); it('should return true if browser is android', (done) => { global.navigator = { userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Android /58.0.3029.96 Safari/537.36', }; assert.equal(utils.isAndroidBrowser(), true); done(); }); it('should check if element is in viewport', (done) => { const el = $('<div>some text</div>'); assert(utils.isElementInViewport(el)); done(); }); it('should get empty object for url params', (done) => { const params = utils.params(); assert.equal(Object.keys(params), 0); done(); }); it('should get url params', (done) => { const params = utils.params({ url: 'http://nodebb.org?foo=1&bar=test&herp=2' }); assert.strictEqual(params.foo, 1); assert.strictEqual(params.bar, 'test'); assert.strictEqual(params.herp, 2); done(); }); it('should get url params as arrays', (done) => { const params = utils.params({ url: 'http://nodebb.org?foo=1&bar=test&herp[]=2&herp[]=3' }); assert.strictEqual(params.foo, 1); assert.strictEqual(params.bar, 'test'); assert.deepStrictEqual(params.herp, [2, 3]); done(); }); it('should get a single param', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.param('somekey'), undefined); done(); }); it('should get the full URLSearchParams object', async () => { const params = utils.params({ url: 'http://nodebb.org?foo=1&bar=test&herp[]=2&herp[]=3', full: true }); assert(params instanceof URLSearchParams); assert.strictEqual(params.get('foo'), '1'); assert.strictEqual(params.get('bar'), 'test'); assert.strictEqual(params.get('herp[]'), '2'); }); describe('toType', () => { it('should return param as is if not string', (done) => { assert.equal(123, utils.toType(123)); done(); }); it('should convert return string numbers as numbers', (done) => { assert.equal(123, utils.toType('123')); done(); }); it('should convert string "false" to boolean false', (done) => { assert.strictEqual(false, utils.toType('false')); done(); }); it('should convert string "true" to boolean true', (done) => { assert.strictEqual(true, utils.toType('true')); done(); }); it('should parse json', (done) => { const data = utils.toType('{"a":"1"}'); assert.equal(data.a, '1'); done(); }); it('should return string as is if its not json,true,false or number', (done) => { const regularStr = 'this is a regular string'; assert.equal(regularStr, utils.toType(regularStr)); done(); }); }); describe('utils.props', () => { const data = {}; it('should set nested data', (done) => { assert.equal(10, utils.props(data, 'a.b.c.d', 10)); done(); }); it('should return nested object', (done) => { const obj = utils.props(data, 'a.b.c'); assert.equal(obj.d, 10); done(); }); it('should returned undefined without throwing', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.props(data, 'a.b.c.foo.bar'), undefined); done(); }); it('should return undefined if second param is null', (done) => { assert.equal(utils.props(undefined, null), undefined); done(); }); }); describe('isInternalURI', () => { const target = { host: '', protocol: 'https' }; const reference = { host: '', protocol: 'https' }; it('should return true if they match', (done) => { assert(utils.isInternalURI(target, reference, '')); done(); }); it('should return true if they match', (done) => { target.host = 'nodebb.org'; reference.host = 'nodebb.org'; assert(utils.isInternalURI(target, reference, '')); done(); }); it('should handle relative path', (done) => { target.pathname = '/forum'; assert(utils.isInternalURI(target, reference, '/forum')); done(); }); it('should return false if they do not match', (done) => { target.pathname = ''; reference.host = 'designcreateplay.com'; assert(!utils.isInternalURI(target, reference)); done(); }); }); it('escape html', (done) => { const escaped = utils.escapeHTML('&<>'); assert.equal(escaped, '&<>'); done(); }); it('should escape regex chars', (done) => { const escaped = utils.escapeRegexChars('some text {}'); assert.equal(escaped, 'some\\ text\\ \\{\\}'); done(); }); it('should get hours array', (done) => { const currentHour = new Date().getHours(); const hours = utils.getHoursArray(); let index = hours.length - 1; for (let i = currentHour, ii = currentHour - 24; i > ii; i -= 1) { const hour = i < 0 ? 24 + i : i; assert.equal(hours[index], `${hour}:00`); index -= 1; } done(); }); it('should get days array', (done) => { const currentDay = new Date(Date.now()).getTime(); const days = utils.getDaysArray(); const months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; let index = 0; for (let x = 29; x >= 0; x -= 1) { const tmpDate = new Date(currentDay - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * x)); assert.equal(`${months[tmpDate.getMonth()]} ${tmpDate.getDate()}`, days[index]); index += 1; } done(); }); it('`utils.rtrim` should remove trailing space', (done) => { assert.strictEqual(utils.rtrim(' thing '), ' thing'); assert.strictEqual(utils.rtrim('\tthing\t\t'), '\tthing'); assert.strictEqual(utils.rtrim('\t thing \t'), '\t thing'); done(); }); it('should profile function', (done) => { const st = process.hrtime(); setTimeout(() => { process.profile('it took', st); done(); }, 500); }); it('should return object with data', async () => { const user = require('../src/user'); const uid1 = await user.create({ username: 'promise1' }); const uid2 = await user.create({ username: 'promise2' }); const result = await utils.promiseParallel({ user1: user.getUserData(uid1), user2: user.getUserData(uid2), }); assert(result.hasOwnProperty('user1') && result.hasOwnProperty('user2')); assert.strictEqual(result.user1.uid, uid1); assert.strictEqual(result.user2.uid, uid2); }); });