var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), async = require('async'), winston = require('winston'), nconf = require('nconf'), eventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, semver = require('semver'), db = require('./database'), meta = require('./meta'), pkg = require('../package.json'); (function(Plugins) { Plugins.libraries = {}; Plugins.loadedHooks = {}; Plugins.staticDirs = {}; Plugins.cssFiles = []; Plugins.initialized = false; // Events Plugins.readyEvent = new eventEmitter; Plugins.init = function() { if (Plugins.initialized) { return; } if (global.env === 'development') {'[plugins] Initializing plugins system'); } Plugins.reload(function(err) { if (err) { if (global.env === 'development') {'[plugins] NodeBB encountered a problem while loading plugins', err.message); } return; } if (global.env === 'development') {'[plugins] Plugins OK'); } Plugins.initialized = true; Plugins.readyEvent.emit('ready'); }); }; Plugins.ready = function(callback) { if (!Plugins.initialized) { Plugins.readyEvent.once('ready', callback); } else { callback(); } }; Plugins.reload = function(callback) { // Resetting all local plugin data Plugins.loadedHooks = {}; Plugins.staticDirs = {}; Plugins.cssFiles.length = 0; // Read the list of activated plugins and require their libraries async.waterfall([ function(next) { db.getSetMembers('plugins:active', next); }, function(plugins, next) { if (plugins && Array.isArray(plugins)) { plugins.push(meta.config['theme:id']); async.each(plugins, function(plugin, next) { if (!plugin || typeof plugin !== 'string') { return next(); } var modulePath = path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/', plugin); if (fs.existsSync(modulePath)) { Plugins.loadPlugin(modulePath, next); } else { if (global.env === 'development') { winston.warn('[plugins] Plugin \'' + plugin + '\' not found'); } next(); // Ignore this plugin silently } }, next); } else next(); }, function(next) { if (global.env === 'development')'[plugins] Sorting hooks to fire in priority sequence'); Object.keys(Plugins.loadedHooks).forEach(function(hook) { var hooks = Plugins.loadedHooks[hook]; hooks = hooks.sort(function(a, b) { return a.priority - b.priority; }); }); next(); } ], callback); }; Plugins.loadPlugin = function(pluginPath, callback) { fs.readFile(path.join(pluginPath, 'plugin.json'), function(err, data) { if (err) { return callback(pluginPath.match('nodebb-theme') ? null : err); } var pluginData = JSON.parse(data), libraryPath, staticDir; if (pluginData.minver && semver.validRange(pluginData.minver)) { if (!semver.satisfies(pkg.version, pluginData.minver)) { // If NodeBB is not new enough to run this plugin if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { // Throw a warning in development, but do nothing else winston.warn('[plugins/' + + '] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.'); } else { if (nconf.get('check-plugins') !== false) { // Refuse to load this plugin... winston.error('[plugins/' + + '] This plugin is reportedly incompatible with your version of NodeBB, so it has been disabled.'); winston.error('[plugins/' + + '] Use `--no-check-plugins` if you wish to live dangerously.'); // ... and disable it, too Plugins.toggleActive(; return callback(); } } } } async.parallel([ function(next) { if (pluginData.library) { libraryPath = path.join(pluginPath, pluginData.library); fs.exists(libraryPath, function(exists) { if (exists) { if (!Plugins.libraries[]) { Plugins.libraries[] = require(libraryPath); } // Register hooks for this plugin if (pluginData.hooks && Array.isArray(pluginData.hooks) && pluginData.hooks.length > 0) { async.each(pluginData.hooks, function(hook, next) { Plugins.registerHook(, hook, next); }, next); } else { next(null); } } else { winston.warn('[plugins.reload] Library not found for plugin: ' +; next(); } }); } else { winston.warn('[plugins.reload] Library not found for plugin: ' +; next(); } }, function(next) { // Static Directories for Plugins var realPath, validMappedPath = /^[\w\-_]+$/; pluginData.staticDirs = pluginData.staticDirs || {}; // Deprecated, to be removed v0.5 if (pluginData.staticDir) { winston.warn('[plugins/' + + '] staticDir is deprecated, use staticDirs instead'); Plugins.staticDirs[] = path.join(pluginPath, pluginData.staticDir); } for(key in pluginData.staticDirs) { (function(mappedPath) { if (pluginData.staticDirs.hasOwnProperty(mappedPath)) { if (Plugins.staticDirs[mappedPath]) { winston.warn('[plugins/' + + '] Mapped path (' + mappedPath + ') already specified!'); } else if (!validMappedPath.test(mappedPath)) { winston.warn('[plugins/' + + '] Invalid mapped path specified: ' + mappedPath + '. Path must adhere to: ' + validMappedPath.toString()); } else { realPath = pluginData.staticDirs[mappedPath]; staticDir = path.join(pluginPath, realPath); (function(staticDir) { fs.exists(staticDir, function(exists) { if (exists) { Plugins.staticDirs[mappedPath] = staticDir; } else { winston.warn('[plugins/' + + '] Mapped path \'' + mappedPath + ' => ' + staticDir + '\' not found.'); } }); }(staticDir)); } } }(key)); } next(); }, function(next) { // CSS Files for plugins if (pluginData.css && pluginData.css instanceof Array) { if (global.env === 'development') {'[plugins] Found ' + pluginData.css.length + ' CSS file(s) for plugin ' +; } if (!pluginData.staticDir) { Plugins.cssFiles = Plugins.cssFiles.concat( { return path.join('/plugins', file); })); } else { winston.warn('[plugins/' + + '] staticDir is deprecated, define CSS files with new staticDirs instead.'); Plugins.cssFiles = Plugins.cssFiles.concat( { return path.join('/plugins',, file); })); } next(); } else { next(); } } ], function(err) { if (!err) { if (global.env === 'development') {'[plugins] Loaded plugin: ' +; } callback(); } else { callback(new Error('Could not load plugin system')); } }); }); }; Plugins.registerHook = function(id, data, callback) { /* `data` is an object consisting of (* is required): `data.hook`*, the name of the NodeBB hook `data.method`*, the method called in that plugin `data.callbacked`, whether or not the hook expects a callback (true), or a return (false). Only used for filters. (Default: false) `data.priority`, the relative priority of the method when it is eventually called (default: 10) */ if (data.hook && data.method) { = id; if (!data.priority) data.priority = 10; data.method = data.method.split('.').reduce(function(memo, prop) { if (memo[prop]) { return memo[prop]; } else { // Couldn't find method by path, assuming property with periods in it (evil!) Plugins.libraries[][data.method]; } }, Plugins.libraries[]); Plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook] = Plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook] || []; Plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook].push(data); if (global.env === 'development') {'[plugins] Hook registered: ' + data.hook + ' will call ' + id); } callback(); } else return; }; Plugins.hasListeners = function(hook) { return (Plugins.loadedHooks[hook] && Plugins.loadedHooks[hook].length > 0); }; Plugins.fireHook = function(hook, args, callback) { hookList = Plugins.loadedHooks[hook]; if (hookList && Array.isArray(hookList)) { //if (global.env === 'development')'[plugins] Firing hook: \'' + hook + '\''); var hookType = hook.split(':')[0]; switch (hookType) { case 'filter': async.reduce(hookList, args, function(value, hookObj, next) { if (hookObj.method) { if (hookObj.callbacked) { // If a callback is present (asynchronous method)[], value, next); } else { // Synchronous method value =[], value); next(null, value); } } else { if (global.env === 'development') {'[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + + '\' not found, skipping.'); } next(null, value); } }, function(err, value) { if (err) { if (global.env === 'development') {'[plugins] Problem executing hook: ' + hook); } } callback.apply(Plugins, arguments); }); break; case 'action': async.each(hookList, function(hookObj) { if (hookObj.method) {[], args); } else { if (global.env === 'development') {'[plugins] Expected method \'' + hookObj.method + '\' in plugin \'' + + '\' not found, skipping.'); } } }); break; default: // Do nothing... break; } } else { // Otherwise, this hook contains no methods var returnVal = args; if (callback) { callback(null, returnVal); } } }; Plugins.isActive = function(id, callback) { db.isSetMember('plugins:active', id, callback); }; Plugins.toggleActive = function(id, callback) { Plugins.isActive(id, function(err, active) { if (err) { if (global.env === 'development')'[plugins] Could not toggle active state on plugin \'' + id + '\''); return; } db[(active ? 'setRemove' : 'setAdd')]('plugins:active', id, function(err, success) { if (err) { if (global.env === 'development')'[plugins] Could not toggle active state on plugin \'' + id + '\''); return; } if(active) { Plugins.fireHook('action:plugin.deactivate', id); } // Reload meta data Plugins.reload(function() { if(!active) { Plugins.fireHook('action:plugin.activate', id); } if (callback) { callback({ id: id, active: !active }); } }); }); }); } Plugins.showInstalled = function(callback) { npmPluginPath = path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules'); async.waterfall([ function(next) { fs.readdir(npmPluginPath, function(err, dirs) { dirs = { return path.join(npmPluginPath, file); }).filter(function(file) { if (fs.existsSync(file)) { var stats = fs.statSync(file), isPlugin = file.substr(npmPluginPath.length + 1, 14) === 'nodebb-plugin-' || file.substr(npmPluginPath.length + 1, 14) === 'nodebb-widget-'; if (stats.isDirectory() && isPlugin) return true; else return false; } else { return false; } }); next(err, dirs); }); }, function(files, next) { var plugins = []; async.each(files, function(file, next) { var configPath; async.waterfall([ function(next) { fs.readFile(path.join(file, 'plugin.json'), next); }, function(configJSON, next) { try { var config = JSON.parse(configJSON); } catch (err) { winston.warn("Plugin: " + file + " is corrupted or invalid. Please check plugin.json for errors.") return next(err, null); } Plugins.isActive(, function(err, active) { if (err) { next(new Error('no-active-state')); } delete config.library; delete config.hooks; = active; config.activeText = ' ' + (active ? 'Dea' : 'A') + 'ctivate'; next(null, config); }); } ], function(err, config) { if (err) return next(); // Silently fail plugins.push(config); next(); }); }, function(err) { next(null, plugins); }); } ], function(err, plugins) { callback(err, plugins); }); } }(exports));