{ "chat.chatting_with": "Klepetajte z", "chat.placeholder": "Type chat message here, drag & drop images, press enter to send", "chat.scroll-up-alert": "You are looking at older messages, click here to go to most recent message.", "chat.send": "Pošlji", "chat.no_active": "Ni aktivnih klepetov.", "chat.user_typing": "%1 piše sporočilo ...", "chat.user_has_messaged_you": "%1 ti je poslal/-a sporočilo.", "chat.see_all": "All chats", "chat.mark_all_read": "Mark all read", "chat.no-messages": "Za pregled zgodovine klepeta izberi prejemnika.", "chat.no-users-in-room": "V tej sobi ni uporabnikov.", "chat.recent-chats": "Zadnji klepeti", "chat.contacts": "Stiki", "chat.message-history": "Zgodovina klepeta", "chat.message-deleted": "Sporočilo izbrisano", "chat.options": "Možnosti klepeta", "chat.pop-out": "Klepet v novem oknu", "chat.minimize": "Minimiziraj", "chat.maximize": "Maksimiraj", "chat.seven_days": "7 dni", "chat.thirty_days": "30 dni", "chat.three_months": "3 meseci", "chat.delete_message_confirm": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to sporočilo?", "chat.retrieving-users": "Pridobivanje uporabnikov...", "chat.manage-room": "Upravljaj sobo klepeta", "chat.add-user-help": "Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation. Only room owners (<i class=\"fa fa-star text-warning\"></i>) may remove users from chat rooms.", "chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user": "This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?", "chat.rename-room": "Rename Room", "chat.rename-placeholder": "Enter your room name here", "chat.rename-help": "The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.", "chat.leave": "Zapusti klepet", "chat.leave-prompt": "Ste prepričani, da želite zapustiti ta klepet?", "chat.leave-help": "Če zapustite ta klepet boste izključeni iz prihodnje korespondence v tem klepetu. Če boste v prihodnosti v klepet znova dodani, ne boste videli zgodovine klepeta pred ponovno pridružitvijo.", "chat.in-room": "In this room", "chat.kick": "Kick", "chat.show-ip": "Pokaži IP", "chat.owner": "Room Owner", "chat.system.user-join": "%1 has joined the room", "chat.system.user-leave": "%1 has left the room", "chat.system.room-rename": "%2 has renamed this room: %1", "composer.compose": "Sestavljanje", "composer.show_preview": "Pokaži predogled", "composer.hide_preview": "Skrij predogled", "composer.user_said_in": "%1 je napisal/-a v %2:", "composer.user_said": "%1 je napisal/-a:", "composer.discard": "Ste prepričani, da želite zavreči to objavo?", "composer.submit_and_lock": "Pošlji in zakleni", "composer.toggle_dropdown": "Preklopi spustni meni", "composer.uploading": "Prenašanje %1", "composer.formatting.bold": "Krepko", "composer.formatting.italic": "Ležeče", "composer.formatting.list": "Seznam", "composer.formatting.strikethrough": "Prečrtano", "composer.formatting.code": "Code", "composer.formatting.link": "Povezava", "composer.formatting.picture": "Image Link", "composer.upload-picture": "Prenesi sliko", "composer.upload-file": "Prenesi datoteko", "composer.zen_mode": "Zen način", "composer.select_category": "Izberi kategorijo", "composer.textarea.placeholder": "Tukaj vnesite vsebino objave, povlecite in spustite slike", "composer.schedule-for": "Schedule topic for", "composer.schedule-date": "Datum", "composer.schedule-time": "Čas", "composer.cancel-scheduling": "Cancel Scheduling", "composer.set-schedule-date": "Nastavi datum", "bootbox.ok": "V redu", "bootbox.cancel": "Prekliči", "bootbox.confirm": "Potrdi", "bootbox.submit": "Submit", "bootbox.send": "Send", "cover.dragging_title": "Določanje položaja naslovne fotografije", "cover.dragging_message": "Povleci sliko na želeni položaj in klikni \"Shrani\". ", "cover.saved": "Naslovna fotografija in položaj shranjena", "thumbs.modal.title": "Manage topic thumbnails", "thumbs.modal.no-thumbs": "No thumbnails found.", "thumbs.modal.resize-note": "<strong>Note</strong>: This forum is configured to resize topic thumbnails down to a maximum width of %1px", "thumbs.modal.add": "Add thumbnail", "thumbs.modal.remove": "Remove thumbnail", "thumbs.modal.confirm-remove": "Are you sure you want to remove this thumbnail?" }