'use strict'; define('navigator', ['forum/pagination', 'components'], function (pagination, components) { var navigator = {}; var index = 1; var count = 0; var navigatorUpdateTimeoutId; var tooltipEl; navigator.scrollActive = false; $(window).on('action:ajaxify.start', function () { $(window).off('keydown', onKeyDown); }); navigator.init = function (selector, count, toTop, toBottom, callback, calculateIndex) { index = 1; navigator.selector = selector; navigator.callback = callback; navigator.toTop = toTop || function () {}; navigator.toBottom = toBottom || function () {}; $(window).off('scroll', navigator.delayedUpdate).on('scroll', navigator.delayedUpdate); $('.pagination-block .dropdown-menu').off('click').on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $('.pagination-block').off('shown.bs.dropdown', '.dropdown').on('shown.bs.dropdown', '.dropdown', function () { setTimeout(function () { $('.pagination-block input').focus(); }, 100); }); $('.pagination-block .pageup').off('click').on('click', navigator.scrollUp); $('.pagination-block .pagedown').off('click').on('click', navigator.scrollDown); $('.pagination-block .pagetop').off('click').on('click', navigator.toTop); $('.pagination-block .pagebottom').off('click').on('click', navigator.toBottom); $('.pagination-block input').on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { var input = $(this); if (!utils.isNumber(input.val())) { input.val(''); return; } var index = parseInt(input.val(), 10); if (typeof calculateIndex === 'function') { index = calculateIndex(index, count); } var url = generateUrl(index); input.val(''); $('.pagination-block .dropdown-toggle').trigger('click'); ajaxify.go(url); } }); $('.pagination-block.visible-xs').on('touchstart', function (e) { $(this).tooltip('show'); tooltipEl = $(this).next(); var x = Math.min($(window).width(), Math.max(0, e.touches[0].clientX)); updateTooltip(x); }).on('touchmove', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var x = Math.min(windowWidth, Math.max(0, e.touches[0].clientX)); var percent = x / windowWidth; var newIndex = Math.max(1, Math.floor(count * percent)); if (newIndex === index) { return; } index = newIndex; navigator.updateTextAndProgressBar(); updateTooltip(x); }).on('touchend', function () { $(this).tooltip('hide'); navigator.scrollToIndex(index - 1, true); }); handleKeys(); navigator.setCount(count); navigator.update(0); }; function updateTooltip(x) { var relIndex = getRelativeIndex(); tooltipEl.find('.tooltip-inner').translateText('[[global:pagination.out_of, ' + relIndex + ', ' + count + ']]'); tooltipEl.css({ left: Math.min($(window).width() - tooltipEl.width(), Math.max(x - (tooltipEl.width() / 2), 0)) }); } function handleKeys() { if (!config.usePagination) { $(window).off('keydown', onKeyDown).on('keydown', onKeyDown); } } function onKeyDown(ev) { if (ev.target.nodeName === 'BODY') { if (ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) { return; } if (ev.which === 36 && navigator.toTop) { // home key navigator.toTop(); return false; } else if (ev.which === 35 && navigator.toBottom) { // end key navigator.toBottom(); return false; } } } function generateUrl(index) { var pathname = window.location.pathname.replace(config.relative_path, ''); var parts = pathname.split('/'); return parts[1] + '/' + parts[2] + '/' + parts[3] + (index ? '/' + index : ''); } navigator.setCount = function (value) { count = parseInt(value, 10); navigator.updateTextAndProgressBar(); }; navigator.show = function () { toggle(true); }; navigator.disable = function () { count = 0; index = 1; navigator.callback = null; navigator.selector = null; $(window).off('scroll', navigator.delayedUpdate); toggle(false); }; function toggle(flag) { var path = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(window.location.pathname.slice(1)); if (flag && (!path.startsWith('topic') && !path.startsWith('category'))) { return; } $('.pagination-block').toggleClass('ready', flag); } navigator.delayedUpdate = function () { if (!navigatorUpdateTimeoutId) { navigatorUpdateTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { navigator.update(); navigatorUpdateTimeoutId = undefined; }, 100); } }; navigator.update = function (threshold) { /* The "threshold" is defined as the distance from the top of the page to a spot where a user is expecting to begin reading. */ threshold = typeof threshold === 'number' ? threshold : undefined; var els = $(navigator.selector); if (els.length) { index = parseInt(els.first().attr('data-index'), 10) + 1; } var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var documentHeight = $(document).height(); var middleOfViewport = scrollTop + (windowHeight / 2); var previousDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE; els.each(function () { var distanceToMiddle = Math.abs(middleOfViewport - $(this).offset().top); if (distanceToMiddle > previousDistance) { return false; } if (distanceToMiddle < previousDistance) { index = parseInt($(this).attr('data-index'), 10) + 1; previousDistance = distanceToMiddle; } }); var atTop = scrollTop === 0 && parseInt(els.first().attr('data-index'), 10) === 0; var nearBottom = scrollTop + windowHeight > documentHeight - 100 && parseInt(els.last().attr('data-index'), 10) === count - 1; if (atTop) { index = 1; } else if (nearBottom) { index = count; } // If a threshold is undefined, try to determine one based on new index if (threshold === undefined && ajaxify.data.template.topic === true) { if (atTop) { threshold = 0; } else { var anchorEl = components.get('post/anchor', index - 1); if (anchorEl.length) { var anchorRect = anchorEl.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); threshold = anchorRect.top; } } } if (typeof navigator.callback === 'function') { navigator.callback(index, count, threshold); } navigator.updateTextAndProgressBar(); toggle(!!count); }; navigator.updateTextAndProgressBar = function () { if (!utils.isNumber(index)) { return; } index = index > count ? count : index; var relIndex = getRelativeIndex(); $('.pagination-block .pagination-text').translateHtml('[[global:pagination.out_of, ' + relIndex + ', ' + count + ']]'); var fraction = (relIndex - 1) / (count - 1 || 1); $('.pagination-block meter').val(fraction); $('.pagination-block .progress-bar').width((fraction * 100) + '%'); }; function getRelativeIndex() { var relIndex = index; if (relIndex === 1) { return 1; } if (ajaxify.data.template.topic) { if (config.topicPostSort === 'most_votes' || config.topicPostSort === 'newest_to_oldest') { relIndex = ajaxify.data.postcount - index + 2; } } return relIndex; } navigator.scrollUp = function () { var $window = $(window); if (config.usePagination) { var atTop = $window.scrollTop() <= 0; if (atTop) { return pagination.previousPage(function () { $('body,html').scrollTop($(document).height() - $window.height()); }); } } $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: $window.scrollTop() - $window.height(), }); }; navigator.scrollDown = function () { var $window = $(window); if (config.usePagination) { var atBottom = $window.scrollTop() >= $(document).height() - $window.height(); if (atBottom) { return pagination.nextPage(); } } $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: $window.scrollTop() + $window.height(), }); }; navigator.scrollTop = function (index) { if ($(navigator.selector + '[data-index="' + index + '"]').length) { navigator.scrollToIndex(index, true); } else { ajaxify.go(generateUrl()); } }; navigator.scrollBottom = function (index) { if (parseInt(index, 10) < 0) { return; } if ($(navigator.selector + '[data-index="' + index + '"]').length) { navigator.scrollToIndex(index, true); } else { index = parseInt(index, 10) + 1; ajaxify.go(generateUrl(index)); } }; navigator.scrollToIndex = function (index, highlight, duration) { var inTopic = !!components.get('topic').length; var inCategory = !!components.get('category').length; if (!utils.isNumber(index) || (!inTopic && !inCategory)) { return; } duration = duration !== undefined ? duration : 400; navigator.scrollActive = true; // if in topic and item already on page if (inTopic && components.get('post/anchor', index).length) { return navigator.scrollToPostIndex(index, highlight, duration); } // if in category and item alreay on page if (inCategory && $('[component="category/topic"][data-index="' + index + '"]').length) { return navigator.scrollToTopicIndex(index, highlight, duration); } if (!config.usePagination) { navigator.scrollActive = false; index = parseInt(index, 10) + 1; ajaxify.go(generateUrl(index)); return; } var scrollMethod = inTopic ? navigator.scrollToPostIndex : navigator.scrollToTopicIndex; if (inTopic) { if (config.topicPostSort === 'most_votes' || config.topicPostSort === 'newest_to_oldest') { index = ajaxify.data.postcount - index; } } else if (inCategory) { if (config.categoryTopicSort === 'most_posts' || config.categoryTopicSort === 'oldest_to_newest') { index = ajaxify.data.topic_count - index; } } var page = Math.max(1, Math.ceil((index + 1) / config.postsPerPage)); if (parseInt(page, 10) !== ajaxify.data.pagination.currentPage) { pagination.loadPage(page, function () { scrollMethod(index, highlight, duration); }); } else { scrollMethod(index, highlight, duration); } }; navigator.scrollToPostIndex = function (postIndex, highlight, duration) { var scrollTo = components.get('post', 'index', postIndex); navigator.scrollToElement(scrollTo, highlight, duration); }; navigator.scrollToTopicIndex = function (topicIndex, highlight, duration) { var scrollTo = $('[component="category/topic"][data-index="' + topicIndex + '"]'); navigator.scrollToElement(scrollTo, highlight, duration); }; navigator.scrollToElement = function (scrollTo, highlight, duration) { if (!scrollTo.length) { navigator.scrollActive = false; return; } var postHeight = scrollTo.height(); var viewportHeight = $(window).height(); var navbarHeight = components.get('navbar').height(); // Temporarily disable navigator update on scroll $(window).off('scroll', navigator.update); duration = duration !== undefined ? duration : 400; navigator.scrollActive = true; var done = false; function animateScroll() { var scrollTop = 0; if (postHeight < viewportHeight) { scrollTop = (scrollTo.offset().top - (viewportHeight / 2) + (postHeight / 2)); } else { scrollTop = scrollTo.offset().top - navbarHeight; } $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollTop + 'px', }, duration, function () { if (done) { // Re-enable onScroll behaviour $(window).on('scroll', navigator.update); var scrollToRect = scrollTo.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); navigator.update(scrollToRect.top); return; } done = true; navigator.scrollActive = false; highlightPost(); $('body').scrollTop($('body').scrollTop() - 1); $('html').scrollTop($('html').scrollTop() - 1); }); } function highlightPost() { if (highlight) { scrollTo.addClass('highlight'); setTimeout(function () { scrollTo.removeClass('highlight'); }, 10000); } } animateScroll(); }; return navigator; });