    "invalid-data": "Invalid Data",
    "invalid-json": "Invalid JSON",
    "not-logged-in": "You don't seem to be logged in.",
    "account-locked": "Your account has been locked temporarily",
    "search-requires-login": "Searching requires an account - please login or register.",
    "goback": "Press back to return to the previous page",
    "invalid-cid": "Invalid Category ID",
    "invalid-tid": "Invalid Topic ID",
    "invalid-pid": "Invalid Post ID",
    "invalid-uid": "Invalid User ID",
    "invalid-date": "A valid date must be provided",
    "invalid-username": "Invalid Username",
    "invalid-email": "Invalid Email",
    "invalid-fullname": "Invalid Fullname",
    "invalid-location": "Invalid Location",
    "invalid-birthday": "Invalid Birthday",
    "invalid-title": "Invalid title",
    "invalid-user-data": "Invalid User Data",
    "invalid-password": "Invalid Password",
    "invalid-login-credentials": "Invalid login credentials",
    "invalid-username-or-password": "Please specify both a username and password",
    "invalid-search-term": "Invalid search term",
    "invalid-url": "Invalid URL",
    "invalid-event": "Invalid event: %1",
    "local-login-disabled": "Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.",
    "csrf-invalid": "We were unable to log you in, likely due to an expired session. Please try again",
    "invalid-path": "Invalid path",
    "folder-exists": "Folder exists",
    "invalid-pagination-value": "Invalid pagination value, must be at least %1 and at most %2",
    "username-taken": "Username taken",
    "email-taken": "Email taken",
    "email-nochange": "The email entered is the same as the email already on file.",
    "email-invited": "Email was already invited",
    "email-not-confirmed": "Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.",
    "email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed, please click here to confirm your email.",
    "email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You won't be able to post or chat until your email is confirmed.",
    "no-email-to-confirm": "Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery. Please click here to enter an email.",
    "email-confirm-failed": "We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
    "confirm-email-already-sent": "Confirmation email already sent, please wait %1 minute(s) to send another one.",
    "sendmail-not-found": "The sendmail executable could not be found, please ensure it is installed and executable by the user running NodeBB.",
    "digest-not-enabled": "This user does not have digests enabled, or the system default is not configured to send digests",
    "username-too-short": "Username too short",
    "username-too-long": "Username too long",
    "password-too-long": "Password too long",
    "reset-rate-limited": "Too many password reset requests (rate limited)",
    "reset-same-password": "Please use a password that is different from your current one",
    "user-banned": "User banned",
    "user-banned-reason": "Sorry, this account has been banned (Reason: %1)",
    "user-banned-reason-until": "Sorry, this account has been banned until %1 (Reason: %2)",
    "user-too-new": "Sorry, you are required to wait %1 second(s) before making your first post",
    "blacklisted-ip": "Sorry, your IP address has been banned from this community. If you feel this is in error, please contact an administrator.",
    "ban-expiry-missing": "Please provide an end date for this ban",
    "no-category": "Category does not exist",
    "no-topic": "Topic does not exist",
    "no-post": "Post does not exist",
    "no-group": "Group does not exist",
    "no-user": "User does not exist",
    "no-teaser": "Teaser does not exist",
    "no-privileges": "You do not have enough privileges for this action.",
    "category-disabled": "Category disabled",
    "topic-locked": "Topic Locked",
    "post-edit-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 second(s) after posting",
    "post-edit-duration-expired-minutes": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 minute(s) after posting",
    "post-edit-duration-expired-minutes-seconds": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 minute(s) %2 second(s) after posting",
    "post-edit-duration-expired-hours": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 hour(s) after posting",
    "post-edit-duration-expired-hours-minutes": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 hour(s) %2 minute(s) after posting",
    "post-edit-duration-expired-days": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 day(s) after posting",
    "post-edit-duration-expired-days-hours": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 day(s) %2 hour(s) after posting",
    "post-delete-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 second(s) after posting",
    "post-delete-duration-expired-minutes": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 minute(s) after posting",
    "post-delete-duration-expired-minutes-seconds": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 minute(s) %2 second(s) after posting",
    "post-delete-duration-expired-hours": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 hour(s) after posting",
    "post-delete-duration-expired-hours-minutes": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 hour(s) %2 minute(s) after posting",
    "post-delete-duration-expired-days": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 day(s) after posting",
    "post-delete-duration-expired-days-hours": "You are only allowed to delete posts for %1 day(s) %2 hour(s) after posting",
    "cant-delete-topic-has-reply": "You can't delete your topic after it has a reply",
    "cant-delete-topic-has-replies": "You can't delete your topic after it has %1 replies",
    "content-too-short": "Please enter a longer post. Posts should contain at least %1 character(s).",
    "content-too-long": "Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 character(s).",
    "title-too-short": "Please enter a longer title. Titles should contain at least %1 character(s).",
    "title-too-long": "Please enter a shorter title. Titles can't be longer than %1 character(s).",
    "category-not-selected": "Category not selected.",
    "too-many-posts": "You can only post once every %1 second(s) - please wait before posting again",
    "too-many-posts-newbie": "As a new user, you can only post once every %1 second(s) until you have earned %2 reputation - please wait before posting again",
    "tag-too-short": "Please enter a longer tag. Tags should contain at least %1 character(s)",
    "tag-too-long": "Please enter a shorter tag. Tags can't be longer than %1 character(s)",
    "not-enough-tags": "Not enough tags. Topics must have at least %1 tag(s)",
    "too-many-tags": "Too many tags. Topics can't have more than %1 tag(s)",
    "cant-use-system-tag": "You can not use this system tag.",
    "cant-remove-system-tag": "You can not remove this system tag.",
    "still-uploading": "Please wait for uploads to complete.",
    "file-too-big": "Maximum allowed file size is %1 kB - please upload a smaller file",
    "guest-upload-disabled": "Guest uploading has been disabled",
    "cors-error": "Unable to upload image due to misconfigured CORS",
    "upload-ratelimit-reached": "You have uploaded too many files at one time. Please try again later.",
    "scheduling-to-past": "Please select a date in the future.",
    "invalid-schedule-date": "Please enter a valid date and time.",
    "cant-pin-scheduled": "Scheduled topics cannot be (un)pinned.",
    "cant-merge-scheduled": "Scheduled topics cannot be merged.",
    "cant-move-posts-to-scheduled": "Can't move posts to a scheduled topic.",
    "cant-move-from-scheduled-to-existing": "Can't move posts from a scheduled topic to an existing topic.",
    "already-bookmarked": "You have already bookmarked this post",
    "already-unbookmarked": "You have already unbookmarked this post",
    "cant-ban-other-admins": "You can't ban other admins!",
    "cant-remove-last-admin": "You are the only administrator. Add another user as an administrator before removing yourself as admin",
    "account-deletion-disabled": "Account deletion is disabled",
    "cant-delete-admin": "Remove administrator privileges from this account before attempting to delete it.",
    "already-deleting": "Already deleting",
    "invalid-image": "Invalid image",
    "invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
    "invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
    "invalid-file-type": "Invalid file type. Allowed types are: %1",
    "invalid-image-dimensions": "Image dimensions are too big",
    "group-name-too-short": "Group name too short",
    "group-name-too-long": "Group name too long",
    "group-already-exists": "Group already exists",
    "group-name-change-not-allowed": "Group name change not allowed",
    "group-already-member": "Already part of this group",
    "group-not-member": "Not a member of this group",
    "group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
    "group-already-invited": "This user has already been invited",
    "group-already-requested": "Your membership request has already been submitted",
    "group-join-disabled": "You are not able to join this group at this time",
    "group-leave-disabled": "You are not able to leave this group at this time",
    "post-already-deleted": "This post has already been deleted",
    "post-already-restored": "This post has already been restored",
    "topic-already-deleted": "This topic has already been deleted",
    "topic-already-restored": "This topic has already been restored",
    "cant-purge-main-post": "You can't purge the main post, please delete the topic instead",
    "topic-thumbnails-are-disabled": "Topic thumbnails are disabled.",
    "invalid-file": "Invalid File",
    "uploads-are-disabled": "Uploads are disabled",
    "signature-too-long": "Sorry, your signature cannot be longer than %1 character(s).",
    "about-me-too-long": "Sorry, your about me cannot be longer than %1 character(s).",
    "cant-chat-with-yourself": "You can't chat with yourself!",
    "chat-restricted": "This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
    "chat-disabled": "Chat system disabled",
    "too-many-messages": "You have sent too many messages, please wait awhile.",
    "invalid-chat-message": "Invalid chat message",
    "chat-message-too-long": "Chat messages can not be longer than %1 characters.",
    "cant-edit-chat-message": "You are not allowed to edit this message",
    "cant-remove-last-user": "You can't remove the last user",
    "cant-delete-chat-message": "You are not allowed to delete this message",
    "chat-edit-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to edit chat messages for %1 second(s) after posting",
    "chat-delete-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to delete chat messages for %1 second(s) after posting",
    "chat-deleted-already": "This chat message has already been deleted.",
    "chat-restored-already": "This chat message has already been restored.",
    "chat-room-does-not-exist": "Chat room does not exist.",
    "already-voting-for-this-post": "You have already voted for this post.",
    "reputation-system-disabled": "Reputation system is disabled.",
    "downvoting-disabled": "Downvoting is disabled",
    "not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "You do not have enough reputation to downvote this post",
    "not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
    "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-website": "You do not have enough reputation to add a website",
    "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-aboutme": "You do not have enough reputation to add an about me",
    "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-signature": "You do not have enough reputation to add a signature",
    "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-profile-picture": "You do not have enough reputation to add a profile picture",
    "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-cover-picture": "You do not have enough reputation to add a cover picture",
    "post-already-flagged": "You have already flagged this post",
    "user-already-flagged": "You have already flagged this user",
    "post-flagged-too-many-times": "This post has been flagged by others already",
    "user-flagged-too-many-times": "This user has been flagged by others already",
    "cant-flag-privileged": "You are not allowed to flag the profiles or content of privileged users (moderators/global moderators/admins)",
    "self-vote": "You cannot vote on your own post",
    "too-many-downvotes-today": "You can only downvote %1 times a day",
    "too-many-downvotes-today-user": "You can only downvote a user %1 times a day",
    "reload-failed": "NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
    "registration-error": "Registration Error",
    "parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response",
    "wrong-login-type-email": "Please use your email to login",
    "wrong-login-type-username": "Please use your username to login",
    "sso-registration-disabled": "Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first",
    "sso-multiple-association": "You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.",
    "invite-maximum-met": "You have invited the maximum amount of people (%1 out of %2).",
    "no-session-found": "No login session found!",
    "not-in-room": "User not in room",
    "cant-kick-self": "You can't kick yourself from the group",
    "no-users-selected": "No user(s) selected",
    "invalid-home-page-route": "Invalid home page route",
    "invalid-session": "Invalid Session",
    "invalid-session-text": "It looks like your login session is no longer active. Please refresh this page.",
    "session-mismatch": "Session Mismatch",
    "session-mismatch-text": "It looks like your login session no longer matches with the server. Please refresh this page.",
    "no-topics-selected": "No topics selected!",
    "cant-move-to-same-topic": "Can't move post to same topic!",
    "cant-move-topic-to-same-category": "Can't move topic to the same category!",
    "cannot-block-self": "You cannot block yourself!",
    "cannot-block-privileged": "You cannot block administrators or global moderators",
    "cannot-block-guest": "Guest are not able to block other users",
    "already-blocked": "This user is already blocked",
    "already-unblocked": "This user is already unblocked",
    "no-connection": "There seems to be a problem with your internet connection",
    "socket-reconnect-failed": "Unable to reach the server at this time. Click here to try again, or try again later",
    "plugin-not-whitelisted": "Unable to install plugin – only plugins whitelisted by the NodeBB Package Manager can be installed via the ACP",
    "topic-event-unrecognized": "Topic event '%1' unrecognized",
    "cant-set-child-as-parent": "Can't set child as parent category",
    "cant-set-self-as-parent": "Can't set self as parent category",
    "api.master-token-no-uid": "A master token was received without a corresponding `_uid` in the request body",
    "api.400": "Something was wrong with the request payload you passed in.",
    "api.401": "A valid login session was not found. Please log in and try again.",
    "api.403": "You are not authorised to make this call",
    "api.404": "Invalid API call",
    "api.426": "HTTPS is required for requests to the write api, please re-send your request via HTTPS",
    "api.429": "You have made too many requests, please try again later",
    "api.500": "An unexpected error was encountered while attempting to service your request.",
    "api.501": "The route you are trying to call is not implemented yet, please try again tomorrow",
    "api.503": "The route you are trying to call is not currently available due to a server configuration"