"use strict"; /*global io, templates, ajaxify, utils, bootbox, RELATIVE_PATH, config, Visibility*/ var socket, app = app || {}; app.isFocused = true; app.isConnected = false; app.currentRoom = null; app.widgets = {}; app.cacheBuster = null; (function () { var showWelcomeMessage = false; var reconnecting = false; function socketIOConnect() { var ioParams = { reconnectionAttempts: config.maxReconnectionAttempts, reconnectionDelay: config.reconnectionDelay, transports: config.socketioTransports, path: config.relative_path + '/socket.io' }; socket = io(config.websocketAddress, ioParams); reconnecting = false; socket.on('event:connect', function () { app.showLoginMessage(); app.replaceSelfLinks(); $(window).trigger('action:connected'); app.isConnected = true; }); socket.on('connect', onSocketConnect); socket.on('event:disconnect', function() { $(window).trigger('action:disconnected'); app.isConnected = false; socket.connect(); }); socket.on('reconnecting', function (attempt) { reconnecting = true; var reconnectEl = $('#reconnect'); if (!reconnectEl.hasClass('active')) { reconnectEl.html(''); } reconnectEl.addClass('active').removeClass("hide").tooltip({ placement: 'bottom' }); }); socket.on('event:banned', function() { app.alert({ title: '[[global:alert.banned]]', message: '[[global:alert.banned.message]]', type: 'danger', timeout: 1000 }); setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = config.relative_path + '/'; }, 1000); }); socket.on('event:logout', app.logout); socket.on('event:alert', function(data) { app.alert(data); }); socket.on('reconnect_failed', function() { // Wait ten times the reconnection delay and then start over setTimeout(socket.connect.bind(socket), parseInt(config.reconnectionDelay, 10) * 10); }); } function onSocketConnect(data) { if (reconnecting) { var reconnectEl = $('#reconnect'); reconnectEl.tooltip('destroy'); reconnectEl.html(''); reconnecting = false; // Rejoin room that was left when we disconnected var url_parts = window.location.pathname.slice(RELATIVE_PATH.length).split('/').slice(1); var room; switch(url_parts[0]) { case 'user': room = 'user/' + (ajaxify.data ? ajaxify.data.theirid : 0); break; case 'topic': room = 'topic_' + url_parts[1]; break; case 'category': room = 'category_' + url_parts[1]; break; case 'recent': room = 'recent_topics'; break; case 'unread': room = 'unread_topics'; break; case 'popular': room = 'popular_topics'; break; case 'admin': room = 'admin'; break; case 'categories': room = 'categories'; break; } app.currentRoom = ''; app.enterRoom(room); socket.emit('meta.reconnected'); app.isConnected = true; $(window).trigger('action:reconnected'); setTimeout(function() { reconnectEl.removeClass('active').addClass('hide'); }, 3000); } } function overrideBootbox() { var dialog = bootbox.dialog, prompt = bootbox.prompt, confirm = bootbox.confirm; function translate(modal) { translator.translate(modal.html(), function(html) { modal.html(html); }); } bootbox.dialog = function() { var modal = $(dialog.apply(this, arguments)[0]); translate(modal); return modal; } bootbox.prompt = function() { var modal = $(prompt.apply(this, arguments)[0]); translate(modal); return modal; } bootbox.confirm = function() { var modal = $(confirm.apply(this, arguments)[0]); translate(modal); return modal; } } app.logout = function() { require(['csrf'], function(csrf) { $.ajax(RELATIVE_PATH + '/logout', { type: 'POST', headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrf.get() }, success: function() { window.location.href = RELATIVE_PATH + '/'; } }); }); }; app.alert = function (params) { require(['alerts'], function(alerts) { alerts.alert(params); }); }; app.removeAlert = function(id) { require(['alerts'], function(alerts) { alerts.remove(id); }); }; app.alertSuccess = function (message, timeout) { app.alert({ title: '[[global:alert.success]]', message: message, type: 'success', timeout: timeout ? timeout : 2000 }); }; app.alertError = function (message, timeout) { app.alert({ title: '[[global:alert.error]]', message: message, type: 'danger', timeout: timeout ? timeout : 5000 }); }; app.enterRoom = function (room, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if (socket) { if (app.currentRoom === room) { return; } socket.emit('meta.rooms.enter', { enter: room, username: app.user.username, userslug: app.user.userslug, picture: app.user.picture, status: app.user.status }, function(err) { if (err) { app.alertError(err.message); return; } app.currentRoom = room; }); } }; function highlightNavigationLink() { var path = window.location.pathname; $('#main-nav li').removeClass('active'); if (path) { $('#main-nav li a').each(function () { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href && path.startsWith(href)) { $(this.parentNode).addClass('active'); return false; } }); } } app.createUserTooltips = function() { $('img[title].teaser-pic,img[title].user-img').each(function() { $(this).tooltip({ placement: 'top', title: $(this).attr('title') }); }); }; app.createStatusTooltips = function() { $('body').tooltip({ selector:'.fa-circle.status', placement: 'top' }); }; app.replaceSelfLinks = function(selector) { selector = selector || $('a'); selector.each(function() { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href && app.user.userslug && href.indexOf('user/_self_') !== -1) { $(this).attr('href', href.replace(/user\/_self_/g, 'user/' + app.user.userslug)); } }); }; app.processPage = function () { highlightNavigationLink(); utils.overrideTimeago(); $('.timeago').timeago(); utils.makeNumbersHumanReadable($('.human-readable-number')); utils.addCommasToNumbers($('.formatted-number')); app.createUserTooltips(); app.createStatusTooltips(); app.replaceSelfLinks(); // Scroll back to top of page window.scrollTo(0, 0); }; app.showLoginMessage = function () { function showAlert() { app.alert({ type: 'success', title: '[[global:welcome_back]] ' + app.user.username + '!', message: '[[global:you_have_successfully_logged_in]]', timeout: 5000 }); } if (showWelcomeMessage) { showWelcomeMessage = false; if (document.readyState !== 'complete') { $(document).ready(showAlert); } else { showAlert(); } } }; app.openChat = function (username, touid) { if (username === app.user.username) { return app.alertError('[[error:cant-chat-with-yourself]]'); } if (!app.user.uid) { return app.alertError('[[error:not-logged-in]]'); } require(['chat'], function (chat) { function loadAndCenter(chatModal) { chat.load(chatModal.attr('UUID')); chat.center(chatModal); chat.focusInput(chatModal); } if (!chat.modalExists(touid)) { chat.createModal({ username: username, touid: touid }, loadAndCenter); } else { loadAndCenter(chat.getModal(touid)); } }); }; var titleObj = { active: false, interval: undefined, titles: [] }; app.alternatingTitle = function (title) { if (typeof title !== 'string') { return; } if (title.length > 0 && !app.isFocused) { if (!titleObj.titles[0]) { titleObj.titles[0] = window.document.title; } require(['translator'], function(translator) { translator.translate(title, function(translated) { titleObj.titles[1] = translated; if (titleObj.interval) { clearInterval(titleObj.interval); } titleObj.interval = setInterval(function() { var title = titleObj.titles[titleObj.titles.indexOf(window.document.title) ^ 1]; if (title) { window.document.title = $('
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'(' + numNotifications + ') ' : '') + title; app.alternatingTitle(''); }); }; app.toggleNavbar = function(state) { var navbarEl = $('.navbar'); if (navbarEl) { navbarEl.toggleClass('hidden', !!!state); } }; app.exposeConfigToTemplates = function() { $(document).ready(function() { templates.setGlobal('loggedIn', config.loggedIn); templates.setGlobal('relative_path', RELATIVE_PATH); for(var key in config) { if (config.hasOwnProperty(key)) { templates.setGlobal('config.' + key, config[key]); } } }); }; function createHeaderTooltips() { var env = utils.findBootstrapEnvironment(); if (env === 'xs' || env === 'sm') { return; } $('#header-menu li a[title]').each(function() { $(this).tooltip({ placement: 'bottom', title: $(this).attr('title') }); }); $('#search-form').parent().tooltip({ placement: 'bottom', title: $('#search-button i').attr('title') }); $('#user_dropdown').tooltip({ placement: 'bottom', title: $('#user_dropdown').attr('title') }); } app.handleSearch = function () { var searchButton = $("#search-button"), searchFields = $("#search-fields"), searchInput = $('#search-fields input'); $('#search-form').on('submit', dismissSearch); searchInput.on('blur', dismissSearch); function dismissSearch(){ searchFields.hide(); searchButton.show(); } searchButton.on('click', function(e) { if (!config.loggedIn && !config.allowGuestSearching) { app.alert({ message:'[[error:search-requires-login]]', timeout: 3000 }); ajaxify.go('login'); return false; } e.stopPropagation(); app.prepareSearch(); return false; }); $('#search-form').on('submit', function () { var input = $(this).find('input'); require(['search'], function(search) { search.query({term: input.val()}, function() { input.val(''); }); }); return false; }); }; app.prepareSearch = function() { $("#search-fields").removeClass('hide').show(); $("#search-button").hide(); $('#search-fields input').focus(); }; function handleStatusChange() { $('#user-control-list .user-status').off('click').on('click', function(e) { var status = $(this).attr('data-status'); socket.emit('user.setStatus', status, function(err, data) { if(err) { return app.alertError(err.message); } $('#logged-in-menu #user_label #user-profile-link>i').attr('class', 'fa fa-circle status ' + status); app.user.status = status; }); e.preventDefault(); }); } app.updateUserStatus = function(el, status) { if (!el.length) { return; } require(['translator'], function(translator) { translator.translate('[[global:' + status + ']]', function(translated) { el.removeClass('online offline dnd away') .addClass(status) .attr('title', translated) .attr('data-original-title', translated); }); }); }; function handleNewTopic() { $('#content').on('click', '#new_topic', function() { var cid = ajaxify.data.cid; if (cid) { $(window).trigger('action:composer.topic.new', { cid: cid }); } else { socket.emit('categories.getCategoriesByPrivilege', 'topics:create', function(err, categories) { if (err) { return app.alertError(err.message); } categories = categories.filter(function(category) { return !category.link && !parseInt(category.parentCid, 10); }); if (categories.length) { $(window).trigger('action:composer.topic.new', { cid: categories[0].cid }); } }); } }); } app.load = function() { $('document').ready(function () { var url = ajaxify.start(window.location.pathname.slice(1) + window.location.search, true); ajaxify.end(url, app.template); handleStatusChange(); if (config.searchEnabled) { app.handleSearch(); } handleNewTopic(); $('#logout-link').on('click', app.logout); Visibility.change(function(e, state){ if (state === 'visible') { app.isFocused = true; app.alternatingTitle(''); } else if (state === 'hidden') { app.isFocused = false; } }); overrideBootbox(); createHeaderTooltips(); app.showEmailConfirmWarning(); socket.removeAllListeners('event:nodebb.ready'); socket.on('event:nodebb.ready', function(cacheBusters) { if ( !app.cacheBusters || app.cacheBusters.general !== cacheBusters.general || app.cacheBusters.css !== cacheBusters.css || app.cacheBusters.js !== cacheBusters.js ) { app.cacheBusters = cacheBusters; app.alert({ alert_id: 'forum_updated', title: '[[global:updated.title]]', message: '[[global:updated.message]]', clickfn: function() { window.location.reload(); }, type: 'warning' }); } }); require(['taskbar', 'helpers'], function(taskbar, helpers) { taskbar.init(); // templates.js helpers helpers.register(); $(window).trigger('action:app.load'); }); }); }; app.loadJQueryUI = function(callback) { if (typeof $().autocomplete === 'function') { return callback(); } $.getScript(RELATIVE_PATH + '/vendor/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.js', callback); }; app.showEmailConfirmWarning = function(err) { if (!config.requireEmailConfirmation || !app.user.uid) { return; } if (!app.user.email) { app.alert({ alert_id: 'email_confirm', message: '[[error:no-email-to-confirm]]', type: 'warning', timeout: 0, clickfn: function() { app.removeAlert('email_confirm'); ajaxify.go('user/' + app.user.userslug + '/edit'); } }); } else if (!app.user['email:confirmed']) { app.alert({ alert_id: 'email_confirm', message: err ? err.message : '[[error:email-not-confirmed]]', type: 'warning', timeout: 0, clickfn: function() { app.removeAlert('email_confirm'); socket.emit('user.emailConfirm', {}, function(err) { if (err) { return app.alertError(err.message); } app.alertSuccess('[[notifications:email-confirm-sent]]'); }); } }); } }; showWelcomeMessage = window.location.href.indexOf('loggedin') !== -1; app.exposeConfigToTemplates(); socketIOConnect(); app.cacheBuster = config['cache-buster']; require(['csrf'], function(csrf) { csrf.set(config.csrf_token); }); bootbox.setDefaults({ locale: config.userLang }); app.alternatingTitle(''); }());