"email-settings": "邮件设置",
"address": "电子邮箱地址",
"address-help": "下面的电子邮件地址代表收件人在“发件人”和“回复”中所看到的地址。",
"from": "发送者",
"from-help": "用于邮件中显示的发送者",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP 通信",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "您可以从列表中选取一个已知的服务或自定义。",
"smtp-transport.service": "选择服务",
"smtp-transport.service-custom": "自定义",
"smtp-transport.service-help": "选取一个上方服务以便使用已知的信息。此外,还可以选取 “自定义”并在下方输入配置细节。",
"smtp-transport.gmail-warning1": "有报告称,Gmail 代发在安全性更高的账户上无法工作。在这种情况下,您需要将您的 Gmail 帐户设为允许安全性较低的应用程序。",
"smtp-transport.gmail-warning2": "有关此解决方法的更多信息,请参阅有关该问题的NodeMailer 文章。 另一种方法是利用 SendGrid,Mailgun 等第三方电子邮件插件。点这儿以浏览可用的插件。",
"smtp-transport.host": "SMTP 主机名",
"smtp-transport.port": "SMTP 端口",
"smtp-transport.security": "连接安全设置",
"smtp-transport.security-encrypted": "加密的",
"smtp-transport.security-starttls": "StartTLS",
"smtp-transport.security-none": "无",
"smtp-transport.username": "用户名",
"smtp-transport.username-help": "对于Gmail服务,请在这里输入完整的电子邮箱地址,尤其是如果您使用的是 Google Apps 托管的域名。",
"smtp-transport.password": "密码",
"smtp-transport.pool": "启用池式连接",
"smtp-transport.pool-help": "池式连接可防止 NodeBB 为每封邮件创建新的连接。此选项仅适用于启用SMTP传输的情况下。",
"template": "编辑电子邮件模板",
"template.select": "选择电子邮件模板",
"template.revert": "还原为初始模板",
"testing": "电子邮件测试",
"testing.select": "选择电子邮件模板",
"testing.send": "发送测试电子邮件",
"testing.send-help": "测试电子邮件将被发送到当前已登录的用户的电子邮件地址。",
"subscriptions": "电子邮件摘要",
"subscriptions.disable": "禁用电子邮件摘要",
"subscriptions.hour": "摘要小时",
"subscriptions.hour-help": "请输入一个代表小时的数字来发送计划的电子邮件摘要 (例如,对于午夜,0
)。 请记住,这是根据服务器本身的时间,可能与您的系统时钟不完全匹配。
服务器的大致时间为: span>
"notifications.remove-images": "Remove images from email notifications",
"require-email-address": "Require new users to specify an email address",
"require-email-address-warning": "By default, users can opt-out of entering an email address by leaving the field blank. Enabling this option means they have to enter an email address in order to proceed with registration. It does not ensure user will enter a real email address, nor even an address they own.",
"send-validation-email": "Send validation emails when an email is added or changed",
"include-unverified-emails": "Send emails to recipients who have not explicitly confirmed their emails",
"include-unverified-warning": "By default, users with emails associated with their account have already been verified, but there are situations where this is not the case (e.g. SSO logins, grandfathered users, etc). Enable this setting at your own risk – sending emails to unverified addresses may be a violation of regional anti-spam laws.",
"prompt": "Prompt users to enter or confirm their emails",
"prompt-help": "If a user does not have an email set, or their email is not confirmed, a warning will be shown on screen."