{ "site-settings": "Foruma iestatījumi", "title": "Foruma nosaukums", "title.short": "Short Title", "title.short-placeholder": "If no short title is specified, the site title will be used", "title.url": "Title Link URL", "title.url-placeholder": "Foruma virsrakta URL", "title.url-help": "When the title is clicked, send users to this address. If left blank, user will be sent to the forum index. <br> Note: This is not the external URL used in emails, etc. That is set by the <code>url</code> property in config.json", "title.name": "Foruma nosaukums", "title.show-in-header": "Rādīt foruma virsrakstu galvenē", "browser-title": "Virsraksts pārlūkā", "browser-title-help": "Foruma virsraksts tiks izmantots, ja virsraksts pārlūkā nav iestatīts", "title-layout": "Virsraksta izkārtojums", "title-layout-help": "Noteikt, kā virsraksts pārlūkā tiks izkārtots, t.i., {pageTitle} | {browserTitle}", "description.placeholder": "Īss foruma apraksts", "description": "Foruma apraksts", "keywords": "Foruma atslēgvārdi", "keywords-placeholder": "Atslēgvārdi, kas apraksta forumu, atdalīti ar komatu", "logo": "Foruma logo", "logo.image": "Bilde", "logo.image-placeholder": "Ceļš uz logo, ko parādītu foruma galvenē", "logo.upload": "Augšupielādēt", "logo.url": "Logo Link URL", "logo.url-placeholder": "Foruma logo URL", "logo.url-help": "When the logo is clicked, send users to this address. If left blank, user will be sent to the forum index. <br> Note: This is not the external URL used in emails, etc. That is set by the <code>url</code> property in config.json", "logo.alt-text": "Alternatīvais teksts", "log.alt-text-placeholder": "Alternatīvais teksts pieejamībai", "favicon": "Favorīta ikona", "favicon.upload": "Augšupielādēt", "pwa": "Progressive Web App", "touch-icon": "Touch Icon", "touch-icon.upload": "Augšupielādēt", "touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.", "maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon", "maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.", "outgoing-links": "Izejošās saites", "outgoing-links.warning-page": "Lietot izejošo saišu brīdinājuma lapu", "search": "Search", "search-default-in": "Search In", "search-default-in-quick": "Quick Search In", "search-default-sort-by": "Sort by", "outgoing-links.whitelist": "Domēni, kuriem apiet brīdinājuma lapu", "site-colors": "Site Color Metadata", "theme-color": "Theme Color", "background-color": "Background Color", "background-color-help": "Color used for splash screen background when website is installed as a PWA", "undo-timeout": "Undo Timeout", "undo-timeout-help": "Some operations such as moving topics will allow for the moderator to undo their action within a certain timeframe. Set to 0 to disable undo completely.", "topic-tools": "Topic Tools" }