{ "general": "General", "sorting": "Sortiranje postova", "sorting.post-default": "Uobičajeno sortiranje postova", "sorting.oldest-to-newest": "Od starijih ka novijim", "sorting.newest-to-oldest": "Od novijih ka starijim", "sorting.most-votes": "Najviše glasova", "sorting.most-posts": "Most Posts", "sorting.topic-default": "Uobičajeno sortiranje tema", "length": "Post Length", "post-queue": "Post Queue", "restrictions": "Restrikcije postavljanja", "restrictions-new": "New User Restrictions", "restrictions.post-queue": "Enable post queue", "restrictions.post-queue-rep-threshold": "Reputation required to bypass post queue", "restrictions.groups-exempt-from-post-queue": "Select groups that should be exempt from the post queue", "restrictions-new.post-queue": "Enable new user restrictions", "restrictions.post-queue-help": "Enabling post queue will put the posts of new users in a queue for approval", "restrictions-new.post-queue-help": "Enabling new user restrictions will set restrictions on posts created by new users", "restrictions.seconds-between": "Number of seconds between posts", "restrictions.seconds-between-new": "Seconds between posts for new users", "restrictions.rep-threshold": "Reputation threshold before these restrictions are lifted", "restrictions.seconds-before-new": "Seconds before a new user can make their first post", "restrictions.seconds-edit-after": "Number of seconds a post remains editable (set to 0 to disable)", "restrictions.seconds-delete-after": "Number of seconds a post remains deletable (set to 0 to disable)", "restrictions.replies-no-delete": "Number of replies after users are disallowed to delete their own topics (set to 0 to disable)", "restrictions.title-length": "Title Length", "restrictions.post-length": "Post Length", "restrictions.days-until-stale": "Days until topic is considered stale", "restrictions.stale-help": "Ako se tema smatra \"ustajalom\", onda će upozorenje biti prikazano korisnicima koji su odgovarali na tu temu.", "timestamp": "Vremenski žig", "timestamp.cut-off": "Date cut-off (in days)", "timestamp.cut-off-help": "Datumi & vreme će biti pokazano na relativan način (npr. \"pre 3 sata\" / \"pre 5 dana\"), i lokalizovano na različite\n\t\t\t\t\tjezike. Posle određenog vremena, ovaj tekst može biti promenjen na lokalizovani datum\n\t\t\t\t\t(npr. 5 Nov 2016 15:30).
(Uobičajeno: 30, ili jedan mesec). Postavi na 0 da uvek prikaže datume, ostavi prazno da uvek prikaže relativno vreme.", "timestamp.necro-threshold": "Necro Threshold (in days)", "timestamp.necro-threshold-help": "A message will be shown between posts if the time between them is longer than the necro threshold. (Default: 7, or one week). Set to 0 to disable.", "timestamp.topic-views-interval": "Increment topic views interval (in minutes)", "timestamp.topic-views-interval-help": "Topic views will only increment once every X minutes as defined by this setting.", "teaser": "Post zadirkivač", "teaser.last-post": "Poslednji &ndashč Pokazuje poslednji post, uključujući originalni post, ako nema odgovora", "teaser.last-reply": "Poslednji &ndashč Pokaži najnoviji odgovor, ili ako \"Nema odgovora\" placeholder ako nema odgovora", "teaser.first": "Prvi", "showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed", "unread-and-recent": "Unread & Recent Settings", "unread.cutoff": "Nepročitano tokom prekinutih dana", "unread.min-track-last": "Minimum postova u temi, pre praćenja poslednjeg pročitanog", "recent.max-topics": "Maximum topics on /recent", "recent.categoryFilter.disable": "Onemogući filtriranje tema u ignorisanim kategorijama na /recent stranici", "signature": "Podešavanja Potpisa", "signature.disable": "Onemogući potpise", "signature.no-links": "Onemogući linkove u potpisima", "signature.no-images": "Onemogući slike u potpisima", "signature.hide-duplicates": "Hide duplicate signatures in topics", "signature.max-length": "Minimum karaktera u Potpisu", "composer": "Podešavanje Composer-a", "composer-help": "Sledeća podešavanja upravljaju funkcionalnošću i/ili izgledom prikazanom kompozera post-a\n\t\t\t\tprema korisnicima kada prave nove teme, ili odgovaraju na postojeće.", "composer.show-help": "Prikaži tab \"Pomoć\"", "composer.enable-plugin-help": "Dozvoli plugin-ovima da dodaju sadržaj na tab-u \"pomoć\"", "composer.custom-help": "Prilagođen tekst za pomoć", "backlinks": "Backlinks", "backlinks.enabled": "Enable topic backlinks", "backlinks.help": "If a post references another topic, a link back to the post will be inserted into the referenced topic at that point in time.", "ip-tracking": "Praćenje IP adrese", "ip-tracking.each-post": "Prati IP Adresu za svaki post", "enable-post-history": "Enable Post History" }