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This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any of your data

Enter your username to confirm that you wish to destroy this account.", "fullname": "姓名", "website": "網站", "location": "地址", "age": "年齡", "joined": "加入時間", "lastonline": "最后在線", "profile": "個人資料", "profile_views": "資料被查看", "reputation": "聲望", "favourites": "我的最愛", "followers": "跟隨者", "following": "正在關注", "signature": "簽名", "gravatar": "Gravatar頭像", "birthday": "生日", "chat": "聊天", "follow": "關注", "unfollow": "取消關注", "profile_update_success": "您的個人資料已更新成功!", "change_picture": "改變頭像", "edit": "編輯", "uploaded_picture": "已有頭像", "upload_new_picture": "上傳新頭像", "upload_new_picture_from_url": "Upload New Picture From URL", "current_password": "目前的密碼", "change_password": "更改密碼", "change_password_error": "無效的密碼!", "change_password_error_wrong_current": "目前的密碼不正確!", "change_password_error_length": "密碼太短!", "change_password_error_match": "密碼必須要一致!", "change_password_error_privileges": "您沒有變更此密碼的權限!", "change_password_success": "你的密碼已經更新!", "confirm_password": "確認密碼", "password": "密碼", "username_taken_workaround": "您所註冊的使用者名稱已經被使用了,所以我們將它略微改變。你現在改稱 %1", "upload_picture": "上傳頭像", "upload_a_picture": "上傳一張照片", "image_spec": "支援的圖檔格式包含 PNG, JPG, 或是 GIF", "max": "max.", "settings": "設定", "show_email": "顯示我的郵箱", "digest_label": "訂閱摘要", "digest_description": "使用 eamil 訂閱本論壇新的訊息通知與主題 (根據您所設的時間表)", "digest_off": "關閉", "digest_daily": "每日", "digest_weekly": "每週", "digest_monthly": "每月", "send_chat_notifications": "Send an email if a new chat message arrives and I am not online", "has_no_follower": "該用戶還沒有被任何人關注。", "follows_no_one": "該用戶還沒有關注過任何人。", "has_no_posts": "尚未有任何貼文.", "has_no_topics": "這位使用者尚未發表任何主題。", "email_hidden": "郵箱被隱藏", "hidden": "隱藏", "paginate_description": "使用分頁取代瀏覽載入文章模式.", "topics_per_page": "每頁的主題數", "posts_per_page": "每頁的文章數", "notification_sounds": "當收到新消息時播放提示音", "browsing": "瀏覽設定", "open_links_in_new_tab": "在新的分頁開啟外部連結?", "follow_topics_you_reply_to": "Follow topics that you reply to.", "follow_topics_you_create": "Follow topics you create." }