"use strict"; var async = require('async'), winston = require('winston'), templates = require('templates.js'), plugins = require('./plugins'), db = require('./database'); (function(Widgets) { Widgets.render = function(uid, area, callback) { if (!area.locations || !area.template) { callback({ error: 'Missing location and template data' }); } Widgets.getAreas(['global', area.template], area.locations, function(err, data) { var widgetsByLocation = {}; async.map(area.locations, function(location, done) { widgetsByLocation[location] = data.global[location].concat(data[area.template][location]); if (!widgetsByLocation[location].length) { return done(null, {location: location, widgets: []}); } async.map(widgetsByLocation[location], function(widget, next) { if (!widget || !widget.data || (!!widget.data['registered-only'] && uid === 0)) { return next(); } plugins.fireHook('filter:widget.render:' + widget.widget, { uid: uid, area: area, data: widget.data }, function(err, html) { if (widget.data.container && widget.data.container.match('{body}')) { html = templates.parse(widget.data.container, { title: widget.data.title, body: html }); } next(err, {html: html}); }); }, function(err, widgets) { done(err, {location: location, widgets: widgets.filter(Boolean)}); }); }, callback); }); }; Widgets.getAreas = function(templates, locations, callback) { var keys = templates.map(function(tpl) { return 'widgets:' + tpl; }); db.getObjectsFields(keys, locations, function(err, data) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var returnData = {}; templates.forEach(function(template, index) { returnData[template] = returnData[template] || {}; locations.forEach(function(location) { if (data && data[index] && data[index][location]) { returnData[template][location] = JSON.parse(data[index][location]); } else { returnData[template][location] = []; } }); }); callback(null, returnData); }); }; Widgets.getArea = function(template, location, callback) { db.getObjectField('widgets:' + template, location, function(err, widgets) { if (!widgets) { return callback(err, []); } callback(err, JSON.parse(widgets)); }); }; Widgets.setArea = function(area, callback) { if (!area.location || !area.template) { callback({ error: 'Missing location and template data' }); } db.setObjectField('widgets:' + area.template, area.location, JSON.stringify(area.widgets), function(err) { callback(err); }); }; Widgets.reset = function(callback) { var defaultAreas = [ { name: 'Draft Zone', template: 'global', location: 'drafts' } ]; plugins.fireHook('filter:widgets.getAreas', defaultAreas, function(err, areas) { var drafts = []; async.each(areas, function(area, next) { Widgets.getArea(area.template, area.location, function(err, areaData) { drafts = drafts.concat(areaData); area.widgets = []; Widgets.setArea(area, next); }); }, function(err) { Widgets.setArea({ template: 'global', location: 'drafts', widgets: drafts }, callback); }); }); }; }(exports));