{ "topic": "Tema", "no_topics_found": "Temų nerasta!", "no_posts_found": "Įrašų nerasta!", "post_is_deleted": "Šis įrašas ištrintas!", "topic_is_deleted": "Ši tema yra ištrinta!", "profile": "Profilis", "posted_by": "Parašė %1", "posted_by_guest": "Parašė svečias", "chat": "Susirašinėti", "notify_me": "Gauti pranešimus apie naujus atsakymus šioje temoje", "quote": "Cituoti", "reply": "Atsakyti", "replies_to_this_post": "%1 atsakymai", "one_reply_to_this_post": "1 Atsakymas", "last_reply_time": "Paskutinis atsakymas", "reply-as-topic": "Reply as topic", "guest-login-reply": "Norėdami atsakyti, prisijunkite", "login-to-view": "🔒 Log in to view", "edit": "Redaguoti", "delete": "Ištrinti", "purge": "Išvalyti", "restore": "Atkurti", "move": "Perkelti", "change-owner": "Change Owner", "fork": "Išskaidyti", "link": "Nuoroda", "share": "Dalintis", "tools": "Įrankiai", "locked": "Užrakinta", "pinned": "Pinned", "moved": "Perkelta", "copy-ip": "Copy IP", "ban-ip": "Blokuoti IP", "view-history": "Edit History", "bookmark_instructions": "Click here to return to the last read post in this thread.", "flag-post": "Flag this post", "flag-user": "Flag this user", "already-flagged": "Already Flagged", "view-flag-report": "View Flag Report", "merged_message": "This topic has been merged into <a href=\"%1\">%2</a>", "deleted_message": "Ši tema buvo ištrinta. Tik Vartotojai su temos redagavimo privilegijomis gali matyti ja", "following_topic.message": "Dabar jūs gausite pranešimus kai kas nors atrašys šioje temoje.", "not_following_topic.message": "You will see this topic in the unread topics list, but you will not receive notifications when somebody posts to this topic.", "ignoring_topic.message": "You will no longer see this topic in the unread topics list. You will be notified when you are mentioned or your post is up voted.", "login_to_subscribe": "Norėdami prenumeruoti šią temą, prašome prisiregistruoti arba prisijungti.", "markAsUnreadForAll.success": "Tema visiems vartotojams pažymėta kaip neskaityta.", "mark_unread": "Mark unread", "mark_unread.success": "Tema pažymėta kaip neskaityta.", "watch": "Žiūrėti", "unwatch": "Nebesekti", "watch.title": "Gauti pranešimą apie naujus įrašus šioje temoje", "unwatch.title": "Baigti šios temos stebėjimą", "share_this_post": "Dalintis šiuo įrašu", "watching": "Stebima", "not-watching": "Not Watching", "ignoring": "Ignoruojama", "watching.description": "Notify me of new replies.<br/>Show topic in unread.", "not-watching.description": "Do not notify me of new replies.<br/>Show topic in unread if category is not ignored.", "ignoring.description": "Do not notify me of new replies.<br/>Do not show topic in unread.", "thread_tools.title": "Temos priemonės", "thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "Mark Unread For All", "thread_tools.pin": "Prisegti temą", "thread_tools.unpin": "Atsegti temą", "thread_tools.lock": "Užrakinti temą", "thread_tools.unlock": "Atrakinti temą", "thread_tools.move": "Perkelti temą", "thread_tools.move-posts": "Move Posts", "thread_tools.move_all": "Perkelti visus", "thread_tools.change_owner": "Change Owner", "thread_tools.select_category": "Select Category", "thread_tools.fork": "Išskaidyti temą", "thread_tools.delete": "Ištrinti temą", "thread_tools.delete-posts": "Delete Posts", "thread_tools.delete_confirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite ištrinti šią temą?", "thread_tools.restore": "Atkurti temą", "thread_tools.restore_confirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite atkurti šią temą?", "thread_tools.purge": "Išvalyti temą", "thread_tools.purge_confirm": "Ar tikrai norite išvalyti šią temą?", "thread_tools.merge_topics": "Merge Topics", "thread_tools.merge": "Merge", "topic_move_success": "This topic will be moved to \"%1\" shortly. Click here to undo.", "topic_move_multiple_success": "These topics will be moved to \"%1\" shortly. Click here to undo.", "topic_move_all_success": "All topics will be moved to \"%1\" shortly. Click here to undo.", "topic_move_undone": "Topic move undone", "topic_move_posts_success": "Posts will be moved shortly. Click here to undo.", "topic_move_posts_undone": "Post move undone", "post_delete_confirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite ištrinti šį įrašą?", "post_restore_confirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite atkurti šį įrašą?", "post_purge_confirm": "Ar tikrai norite išvalyti šį pranešimą?", "load_categories": "Įkeliamos kategorijos", "confirm_move": "Perkelti", "confirm_fork": "Išskaidyti", "bookmark": "Bookmark", "bookmarks": "Bookmarks", "bookmarks.has_no_bookmarks": "You haven't bookmarked any posts yet.", "loading_more_posts": "Įkeliama daugiau įrašų", "move_topic": "Perkelti temą", "move_topics": "Perkelti temas", "move_post": "Perkelti įrašą", "post_moved": "Pranešimas perkeltas!", "fork_topic": "Išskaidyti temą", "fork_topic_instruction": "Pažymėkite ant įrašų, kuriuos norite perkelti į naują temą", "fork_no_pids": "Nepasirinktas joks įrašas!", "no-posts-selected": "No posts selected!", "x-posts-selected": "%1 post(s) selected", "x-posts-will-be-moved-to-y": "%1 post(s) will be moved to \"%2\"", "fork_pid_count": "%1 post(s) selected", "fork_success": "Sėkmingai išsišakota iš temos! Spausk čia kad nueitu į išsišakota temą", "delete_posts_instruction": "Click the posts you want to delete/purge", "merge_topics_instruction": "Click the topics you want to merge or search for them", "merge-topic-list-title": "List of topics to be merged", "merge-options": "Merge options", "merge-select-main-topic": "Select the main topic", "merge-new-title-for-topic": "New title for topic", "move_posts_instruction": "Click the posts you want to move then go to target topic and click move.", "change_owner_instruction": "Click the posts you want to assign to another user", "composer.title_placeholder": "Įrašykite temos pavadinimą...", "composer.handle_placeholder": "Enter your name/handle here", "composer.discard": "Atšaukti", "composer.submit": "Patvirtinti", "composer.replying_to": "Atsakymas %1", "composer.new_topic": "Nauja tema", "composer.uploading": "įkeliama...", "composer.thumb_url_label": "Įklijuokite temos paveikslėlio URL", "composer.thumb_title": "Pridėti paveikslėlį šiai temai", "composer.thumb_url_placeholder": "http://example.com/thumb.png", "composer.thumb_file_label": "Arba įkelkite failą", "composer.thumb_remove": "Ištuštinti laukus", "composer.drag_and_drop_images": "Nutempkite paveikslėlius čia", "more_users_and_guests": "dar %1 vartotojai(-ų) ir %2 svečiai(-ių)", "more_users": "dar %1 vartotojai(-ų)", "more_guests": "dar %1 svečiai(-ių)", "users_and_others": "%1 ir kiti %2", "sort_by": "Rūšiuoti pagal", "oldest_to_newest": "Nuo seniausių iki naujausių", "newest_to_oldest": "Nuo naujausių iki seniausių", "most_votes": "Daugiausiai Balsų", "most_posts": "Daugiausiai Įrašų", "stale.title": "Create new topic instead?", "stale.warning": "The topic you are replying to is quite old. Would you like to create a new topic instead, and reference this one in your reply?", "stale.create": "Sukurti naują temą", "stale.reply_anyway": "Reply to this topic anyway", "link_back": "Re: [%1](%2)", "diffs.title": "Post Edit History", "diffs.description": "This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions. Click one of the revisions below to see the post content at that point in time.", "diffs.no-revisions-description": "This post has <strong>%1</strong> revisions.", "diffs.current-revision": "current revision", "diffs.original-revision": "original revision", "diffs.restore": "Restore this revision", "diffs.restore-description": "A new revision will be appended to this post's edit history.", "diffs.post-restored": "Post successfully restored to earlier revision", "timeago_later": "%1 later", "timeago_earlier": "%1 earlier" }