{ "invalid-data": "Nevažeći podaci", "invalid-json": "Invalid JSON", "wrong-parameter-type": "A value of type %3 was expected for property `%1`, but %2 was received instead", "required-parameters-missing": "Required parameters were missing from this API call: %1", "not-logged-in": "Izgleda da niste prijavljeni.", "account-locked": "Vaš račun je privremeno blokiran", "search-requires-login": "Pretraga zahtijeva prijavu - prijavite se ili se registrirajte.", "goback": "Press back to return to the previous page", "invalid-cid": "Netočan ID kategorije", "invalid-tid": "Netočan ID teme", "invalid-pid": "Netočan ID objave", "invalid-uid": "Netočan ID korisnika", "invalid-mid": "Invalid Chat Message ID", "invalid-date": "A valid date must be provided", "invalid-username": "Netočno korisničko ime", "invalid-email": "Netočan email", "invalid-fullname": "Invalid Fullname", "invalid-location": "Invalid Location", "invalid-birthday": "Invalid Birthday", "invalid-title": "Invalid title", "invalid-user-data": "Netočni korisnički podatci", "invalid-password": "Netočna lozinka", "invalid-login-credentials": "Invalid login credentials", "invalid-username-or-password": "Upišite oboje, korisničko ime i lozinku", "invalid-search-term": "Netočan upit pretraživanja", "invalid-url": "Invalid URL", "invalid-event": "Invalid event: %1", "local-login-disabled": "Local login system has been disabled for non-privileged accounts.", "csrf-invalid": "Nismo Vas uspjeli prijaviti, najvjerovatnije zbog istekle sesije. Molimo pokušajte ponovno", "invalid-path": "Invalid path", "folder-exists": "Folder exists", "invalid-pagination-value": "Netočno numeriranje stranica, mora biti %1 ili %2", "username-taken": "Korisničko ime je zauzeto", "email-taken": "Email je zauzet", "email-nochange": "The email entered is the same as the email already on file.", "email-invited": "Email was already invited", "email-not-confirmed": "Posting in some categories or topics is enabled once your email is confirmed, please click here to send a confirmation email.", "email-not-confirmed-chat": "Ne možete razgovarati dok Vaš email nije potvrđen. Kliknite ovdje da biste potvrdili svoj email.", "email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You may not be able to post in some categories or chat until your email is confirmed.", "no-email-to-confirm": "Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery, and may be necessary for chatting and posting in some categories. Please click here to enter an email.", "user-doesnt-have-email": "User \"%1\" does not have an email set.", "email-confirm-failed": "Nismo u mogućnosti potvrditi Vaš email, pokušajte ponovno kasnije.", "confirm-email-already-sent": "Potvrdni email je poslan, počekajte %1 minuta za ponovni pokušaj.", "confirm-email-expired": "Confirmation email expired", "sendmail-not-found": "Sendmail nije pronađen, provjerite da li je instaliran?", "digest-not-enabled": "This user does not have digests enabled, or the system default is not configured to send digests", "username-too-short": "Korisničko ime prekratko", "username-too-long": "Korisničko ime predugo", "password-too-long": "Lozinka je preduga", "reset-rate-limited": "Too many password reset requests (rate limited)", "reset-same-password": "Molimo, unesite lozinku različitu od Vaše postojeće", "user-banned": "Korisnik blokiran", "user-banned-reason": "Ovaj račun je blokiran (Razlog: %1)", "user-banned-reason-until": "Ovaj račun je blokiran do %1 (Razlog: %2)", "user-too-new": "Pričekajte %1 sekundi prije prve objave", "blacklisted-ip": "Vaša IP adresa je blokirana. Ako mislite da je ovo greška, kontaktirajte administratora.", "cant-blacklist-self-ip": "You can't blacklist your own IP", "ban-expiry-missing": "Postavite datum isteka blokade", "no-category": "Kategorija ne postoji", "no-topic": "Tema ne postoji", "no-post": "Objava ne postoji", "no-group": "Grupa ne postoji", "no-user": "Korisnik ne postoji", "no-teaser": "Zadirkivač ne postoji", "no-flag": "Flag does not exist", "no-chat-room": "Chat room does not exist", "no-privileges": "Nemate privilegije za ovu radnju.", "category-disabled": "Kategorija onemogućena", "topic-locked": "Tema zaključana", "post-edit-duration-expired": "Dozvoljeno vam je uređivanje %1 sekundi nakon objave", "post-edit-duration-expired-minutes": "Dozvoljeno vam je uređivanje %1 minuta nakon objave", "post-edit-duration-expired-minutes-seconds": "Dozvoljeno vam je uređivanje %1 minuta %2 sekunde nakon objave", "post-edit-duration-expired-hours": "Dozvoljeno vam je uređivanje %1 sat nakon objave", "post-edit-duration-expired-hours-minutes": "Dozvoljeno vam je uređivanje %1 sat %2 minute nakon objave", "post-edit-duration-expired-days": "Dozvoljeno vam je uređivanje %1 dan nakon objave", "post-edit-duration-expired-days-hours": "Dozvoljeno vam je uređivanje %1 dan %2 sata nakon objave", "post-delete-duration-expired": "Dozvoljeno vam je brisanje %1 sekundi nakon objave", "post-delete-duration-expired-minutes": "Dozvoljeno vam je brisanje %1 minute nakon objave", "post-delete-duration-expired-minutes-seconds": "Dozvoljeno vam je brisanje %1 minute %2 sekunde nakon objave", "post-delete-duration-expired-hours": "Dozvoljeno vam je brisanje %1 sat nakon objave", "post-delete-duration-expired-hours-minutes": "Dozvoljeno vam je brisanje %1 sat i %2 minute nakon objave", "post-delete-duration-expired-days": "Dozvoljeno vam je brisanje %1 dan nakon objave", "post-delete-duration-expired-days-hours": "Dozvoljeno vam je brisanje %1 dan %2 sata nakon objave", "cant-delete-topic-has-reply": "Ne možete obrisati svoju temu nakon primljenog odgovora", "cant-delete-topic-has-replies": "Ne možete obrisati svoju temu nakon što ima %1 odgovora", "content-too-short": "Unesite dužu objavu. Objava mora sadržavati bar %1 znak(ova). ", "content-too-long": "Unestie kraću objavu. Objave ne mogu biti duže od %1 znak(ova).", "title-too-short": "Unesite duži naslov. Naslovi moraju imati najmanje %1 znak(ova).", "title-too-long": "Unesite kraći naslov. Naslovi ne mogu imati više od %1 znak(ova).", "category-not-selected": "Kategorija nije odabrana.", "too-many-posts": "Možete objavljivati svakih %1 skeundi, pričekajte prije ponovne objave", "too-many-posts-newbie": "Kao novi korisnik, možete objavljivati svakih %1 sekundi dok ne steknete reputaciju %2 - molimo pričekajte prije ponovne objave", "already-posting": "You are already posting", "tag-too-short": "Unesite dužu oznaku. Oznake moraju sadržavati najmanje %1 znak(ova)", "tag-too-long": "Unesite kraću oznaku. Oznake me mogu imati više od %1 znak(ova)", "tag-not-allowed": "Tag not allowed", "not-enough-tags": "Nema dovoljno oznaka. Teme moraju imate bar %1 oznaku", "too-many-tags": "Previše oznaka. Teme ne mogu imati više od %1 oznaka", "cant-use-system-tag": "You can not use this system tag.", "cant-remove-system-tag": "You can not remove this system tag.", "still-uploading": "Pričekajte da se prijenos završi.", "file-too-big": "Maksimalna veličina datoteke je %1 kB - učitajte manju datoteku", "guest-upload-disabled": "Učitavanje datoteka za goste je isključeno", "cors-error": "Unable to upload image due to misconfigured CORS", "upload-ratelimit-reached": "You have uploaded too many files at one time. Please try again later.", "upload-error-fallback": "Unable to upload image — %1", "scheduling-to-past": "Please select a date in the future.", "invalid-schedule-date": "Please enter a valid date and time.", "cant-pin-scheduled": "Scheduled topics cannot be (un)pinned.", "cant-merge-scheduled": "Scheduled topics cannot be merged.", "cant-move-posts-to-scheduled": "Can't move posts to a scheduled topic.", "cant-move-from-scheduled-to-existing": "Can't move posts from a scheduled topic to an existing topic.", "already-bookmarked": "Već ste zabilježili ovu objavu", "already-unbookmarked": "Već ste odbilježili ovu objavu", "cant-ban-other-admins": "Nemožete blokirati ostale administratore!", "cant-mute-other-admins": "You can't mute other admins!", "user-muted-for-hours": "You have been muted, you will be able to post in %1 hour(s)", "user-muted-for-minutes": "You have been muted, you will be able to post in %1 minute(s)", "cant-make-banned-users-admin": "You can't make banned users admin.", "cant-remove-last-admin": "Vi ste jedini administrator. Dodajte korisnika kao administratora prije nego sebe odjavite kao administratora.", "account-deletion-disabled": "Account deletion is disabled", "cant-delete-admin": "Ukloni administratorske privilegije sa ovog računa prije brisanja.", "already-deleting": "Already deleting", "invalid-image": "Invalid image", "invalid-image-type": "Pogrešan format slike. Dozvoljeni formati: %1", "invalid-image-extension": "Kriva ekstezija slike", "invalid-file-type": "Netočan tip datoteke. Dozvoljeni formati su: %1", "invalid-image-dimensions": "Image dimensions are too big", "group-name-too-short": "Prekratko ime grupe", "group-name-too-long": "Predugo ime Grupe", "group-already-exists": "Grupa postoji", "group-name-change-not-allowed": "Promjena imena grupe nije dozvoljena", "group-already-member": "Već ste član ove grupe", "group-not-member": "Niste član ove grupe", "group-needs-owner": "Ova grupa zahtjeva bar jednog vlasnika", "group-already-invited": "Ovaj korisnik je već pozvan", "group-already-requested": "Vaš zahtjev za članstvom je već podnesen", "group-join-disabled": "You are not able to join this group at this time", "group-leave-disabled": "You are not able to leave this group at this time", "group-user-not-pending": "User does not have a pending request to join this group.", "gorup-user-not-invited": "User has not been invited to join this group.", "post-already-deleted": "Ova objava je već obrisana", "post-already-restored": "Ova objava je povraćena", "topic-already-deleted": "Ova tema je već obrisana", "topic-already-restored": "Ova tema je povraćena", "cant-purge-main-post": "Nemožete odbaciti glavnu objavu, obrišite temu za brisanje", "topic-thumbnails-are-disabled": "Slike tema su onemogućene", "invalid-file": "Pogrešna datoteka", "uploads-are-disabled": "Pohrana je onemogućena", "signature-too-long": "Vaš potpis neže biti duži od %1 znaka", "about-me-too-long": "O vama nemože biti duže od %1 znaka", "cant-chat-with-yourself": "Nemoguće je razgovarati sam sa sobom!", "chat-restricted": "Korisnik je ograničio razgovore. Mora vas pratiti prije nego možete razgovarati", "chat-disabled": "Razgovor onemogućen", "too-many-messages": "Poslali ste previše poruka, pričekajte.", "invalid-chat-message": "Netočna poruka.", "chat-message-too-long": "Poruka je preduga.Mora imati manje od %1 znakova", "cant-edit-chat-message": "Nemate dopuštenje uređivati ovu poruku", "cant-delete-chat-message": "Nije dozvoljeno brisanje ove poruke", "chat-edit-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to edit chat messages for %1 second(s) after posting", "chat-delete-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to delete chat messages for %1 second(s) after posting", "chat-deleted-already": "This chat message has already been deleted.", "chat-restored-already": "This chat message has already been restored.", "chat-room-does-not-exist": "Chat room does not exist.", "cant-add-users-to-chat-room": "Can't add users to chat room.", "cant-remove-users-from-chat-room": "Can't remove users from chat room.", "chat-room-name-too-long": "Chat room name too long. Names can't be longer than %1 characters.", "already-voting-for-this-post": "Već ste glasali za ovu objavu", "reputation-system-disabled": "Sistem reputacije onemogućen.", "downvoting-disabled": "Oduzimanje glasova je onemogućeno", "not-enough-reputation-to-chat": "You need %1 reputation to chat", "not-enough-reputation-to-upvote": "You need %1 reputation to upvote", "not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "You need %1 reputation to downvote", "not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You need %1 reputation to flag this post", "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-website": "You need %1 reputation to add a website", "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-aboutme": "You need %1 reputation to add an about me", "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-signature": "You need %1 reputation to add a signature", "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-profile-picture": "You need %1 reputation to add a profile picture", "not-enough-reputation-min-rep-cover-picture": "You need %1 reputation to add a cover picture", "post-already-flagged": "You have already flagged this post", "user-already-flagged": "You have already flagged this user", "post-flagged-too-many-times": "This post has been flagged by others already", "user-flagged-too-many-times": "This user has been flagged by others already", "cant-flag-privileged": "You are not allowed to flag the profiles or content of privileged users (moderators/global moderators/admins)", "self-vote": "You cannot vote on your own post", "too-many-upvotes-today": "You can only upvote %1 times a day", "too-many-upvotes-today-user": "You can only upvote a user %1 times a day", "too-many-downvotes-today": "You can only downvote %1 times a day", "too-many-downvotes-today-user": "You can only downvote a user %1 times a day", "reload-failed": "Problem kod ponovnog podizanja: \"%1\" will continue to serve the existing client-side assets.", "registration-error": "Greška prilikom registracije", "parse-error": "Došlo je do pogreške u komunikaciji sa serverom", "wrong-login-type-email": "Upišite Vaš email za prijavu", "wrong-login-type-username": "Upišite Vaše korisničko ime za prijavu", "sso-registration-disabled": "Registration has been disabled for %1 accounts, please register with an email address first", "sso-multiple-association": "You cannot associate multiple accounts from this service to your NodeBB account. Please dissociate your existing account and try again.", "invite-maximum-met": "Pozvali ste maksimalan broj ljudi (%1 od %2).", "no-session-found": "Nije pronađena sesija prijave!", "not-in-room": "Korisnik nije u sobi", "cant-kick-self": "Ne možete sebe izbaciti iz grupe", "no-users-selected": "Korisnici nisu odabrani", "no-groups-selected": "No group(s) selected", "invalid-home-page-route": "Netočna putanja naslovnice", "invalid-session": "Invalid Session", "invalid-session-text": "It looks like your login session is no longer active. Please refresh this page.", "session-mismatch": "Session Mismatch", "session-mismatch-text": "It looks like your login session no longer matches with the server. Please refresh this page.", "no-topics-selected": "No topics selected!", "cant-move-to-same-topic": "Can't move post to same topic!", "cant-move-topic-to-same-category": "Can't move topic to the same category!", "cannot-block-self": "Ne možete blokirati sami sebe", "cannot-block-privileged": "Ne možete blokirati administratore ni globalne administratore", "cannot-block-guest": "Gosti ne mogu blokirati druge korisnike", "already-blocked": "Ovaj korisnik je već blokiran", "already-unblocked": "Ovaj korisnik je več odblokiran", "no-connection": "There seems to be a problem with your internet connection", "socket-reconnect-failed": "Unable to reach the server at this time. Click here to try again, or try again later", "plugin-not-whitelisted": "Unable to install plugin – only plugins whitelisted by the NodeBB Package Manager can be installed via the ACP", "plugins-set-in-configuration": "You are not allowed to change plugin state as they are defined at runtime (config.json, environmental variables or terminal arguments), please modify the configuration instead.", "theme-not-set-in-configuration": "When defining active plugins in configuration, changing themes requires adding the new theme to the list of active plugins before updating it in the ACP", "topic-event-unrecognized": "Topic event '%1' unrecognized", "cant-set-child-as-parent": "Can't set child as parent category", "cant-set-self-as-parent": "Can't set self as parent category", "api.master-token-no-uid": "A master token was received without a corresponding `_uid` in the request body", "api.400": "Something was wrong with the request payload you passed in.", "api.401": "A valid login session was not found. Please log in and try again.", "api.403": "You are not authorised to make this call", "api.404": "Invalid API call", "api.426": "HTTPS is required for requests to the write api, please re-send your request via HTTPS", "api.429": "You have made too many requests, please try again later", "api.500": "An unexpected error was encountered while attempting to service your request.", "api.501": "The route you are trying to call is not implemented yet, please try again tomorrow", "api.503": "The route you are trying to call is not currently available due to a server configuration", "api.reauth-required": "The resource you are trying to access requires (re-)authentication." }